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In the truck tradutor Português

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That asshole Pete and his buddy took off with all the food. I need you guys to take anything we can use, put it in the truck and hide it in the woods.
O idiota do Pete e do seu amigo bazou e levou os alimentos todos levem tudo o que possam usar, coloquem na pick up e escondam-se na floresta.
In the truck.
No caminhão.
Team a go in the truck.
Junte um ir no caminhão.
Honey, I want you to get in the truck with me.
Quero que entres na carrinha comigo.
Get in the truck.
Entra na carrinha.
I'll meet you in the truck, man.
Espero por ti na carrinha, meu.
Hit those two guys in the truck.
Acerta nos dois gajos na carrinha.
That means our rednecks are either opening up a dry cleaners... in the middle of fricking nowhere, or they're cooking meth... which means, after they shoot you in the face... they're not gonna be too friendly to the guy zip-tied in the truck.
Significa que ou estão a abrir uma lavandaria no meio do nada ou estão a fabricar metanfetaminas, significa que depois de atirar na tua cara, não vão ser muito amigáveis com o tipo amarrado no carro.
Psycho woman over there in the truck... She decides when we go boom.
A louca ali no carro, é que decide quando vamos explodir.
Who was that in the truck?
Quem é que estava na carrinha?
Maggie, you tell the guys to wait in the truck.
Maggie, diz aos rapazes para esperarem no camião.
I was in the truck as well.
Eu estava no caminhão também.
Sunny, the gold isn't in the truck.
Sunny, o ouro não está no caminhão.
Get in the truck. Come on!
Entra no camião.
They must've gone in the truck.
Devem ter ido no camião.
- I'll wait for you in the truck.
- Vou esperar por ti no caminhão.
One day, Ray and I were playing in the driveway, my dad, he comes out, says he doesn't have to go to work for a couple hours and to get in the truck.
Um dia estava eu e o Ray a brincar no caminho. O meu pai apareceu e disse que só ia trabalhar dali a umas horas. Pediu para entrarmos na carrinha.
We can only take what fits in the truck.
Só podemos levar o que couber no carro.
Take it in the truck!
Ponham isso no camião!
I think it would be to get in the truck, Iris.
- Sim! - Não...
- She's out in the truck.
- Está lá fora, na carrinha.
I just parked. But then I saw the woman, and I'm pretty sure it was the same woman who was in the truck outside our house.
Mas quando vi a mulher, e tenho bastante certeza que era a mesma mulher que estava no camião, em frente à nossa casa.
Yeah, I'll put it back in the truck.
Eu volto a pôr na mala.
And Pinto and the others and the 250K were supposed to explode in the truck to hide the real theft.
E o Pinto e os outros e 250 mil... era suposto que explodissem com a carrinha... para esconder o verdadeiro roubo.
Let's get him in the truck!
- Ponham-no na camioneta.
What the fuck is in that truck, man?
O que é que está naquele camião?
A fuel truck, two jeeps, some skinnies in the back.
Um camião de combustível, dois jipes e alguns'magricelas'na parte de trás.
You'd better get to that crappy van in gear because this flat-nose guy is loading barrels onto the truck as we speak.
É bom que tenhas a treta da carrinha a trabalhar, porque o tipo do nariz achatado está a carregar barris no camião.
The Cheesecake Factory... in Mexico, I picked my meals out of the garbage truck.
Fábrica Cheesecake. No México, eu procurava comida no camião do lixo.
In the back of your dad's truck You fat fuck
Na traseira do caminhão Seu gordo anão
You tub of love I'm gonna put you in the back of the truck
Gordinho amigo Vou te mostrar o sentido
Michael was in the cab of that truck.
O Michael estava na cabine daquele camião.
I know it was a bad idea to take Ed's truck, but mine was in the shop... and, well, just... He's gonna kill me if he finds me this time.
Ele vai matar-me se me encontrar desta vez.
The gold will be transported in this truck from the Czar's Winter Palace..
O ouro será transportado neste caminhão do Palácio de Inverno do czar
I am putting out two fires in there, and I turn around to find out that you have set fire to the fucking fire truck.
Eu estou ali a apagar dois fogos e descubro que você incendiou o camião dos bombeiros.
Now, get in the truck!
Agora, entra na carrinha!
Get in the truck, now!
Entra na carrinha, imediatamente!
You climbed out of the window of my truck to grab a beer out of the cooler in the back, while we were speeding on the highway.
Você saiu da janela o do meu carro para pegar uma cerveja de o refrigerador na parte de trás, enquanto estávamos acelerando na rodovia.
First, it was in the baggage truck. Then it wasn't.
Estava no carro das bagagens.
First it was in the baggage truck and then it wasn't and then it was.
Estava no carro das bagagens. Depois, já não estava. Depois, lá estava outra vez.
So, we subdue the guards and then we drive the truck in - - boom.
Então, subjugamos os guardas, e depois entramos com o camião... boom.
We've got 48 hours while the truck's sent in for maintenance.
Temos 48 horas, enquanto a carrinha foi enviada para manutenção.
All right, we must be there. The truck hasn't moved in a while.
Bem... devemos estar lá.
It's the only way I was going to get you in this truck.
Era a única forma de te enfiar nesta carrinha.
You go get the other 20 in my truck.
Tu trazes os outros 20, da minha carrinha.
We're celebrating. Five minutes after your timely escape from the Turkish Bath Palace, the steam room exploded in a ball of flames due to a back-up in the pipes, resulting in an inferno attended by every fire truck in the metropolitan area.
Cinco minutos após a sua fuga dos banhos turcos, a sauna explodiu numa bola de chamas, devido a um cano entupido, o que resultou num inferno a que tiveram de acudir todos os bombeiros da zona metropolitana.
It is once we finish screwing in the back of Allen Mathis'pickup truck.
Isso é assim tão mau? É, assimm que acabarmos de nos enrolar nas traseiras do da pick-up do Allen Mathis.
Truck was on its usual route in the southeast.
O camião estava na sua rota normal para sudeste.
Got to get him in the back of the truck!
Temos de o pôr na camioneta.
Nobody's in the truck.
Não estava ninguém no carro.
It must have fallen off the dump truck on the way to the junkyard and got tossed around in the rain and somehow made its way back to me.
Deve ter caído do camião do lixo a caminho da lixeira, e depois levado pela chuva, até voltar para mim.

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