Most certainly tradutor Português
963 parallel translation
- It most certainly is!
- Certamente que sim!
Do you still feel a bond between us? - Most certainly, Mrs. Whitehead.
Ainda existe aquela ligação forte entre nós dois?
I most certainly am.
É obvio que irei.
Most certainly about ham.
- Não sobre o presunto. - Certamente sobre o presunto.
- I most certainly will not go to your room.
- Não vou para o seu quarto, com certeza.
I most certainly do.
De certeza que sim.
I most certainly do love her.
Claro que a amo.
He would most certainly have called me back.
Ele certamente teria me ligado de volta.
I shall most certainly write the Bureau of Rivers and Harbors about this.
Vou certamente escrever para a Secretaria de Rios e Portos sobre isso.
We most certainly did.
Com certeza que sim.
I'll most certainly tell him.
Vou dizer agora mesmo.
He most certainly has. He just happens to be the Assistant Regional Coordinator of O.P.L., that's all.
Sim, ele é apenas o coordenador assistente regional do OPL, só isso.
I'm afraid I most certainly would.
- Temo que sim. - Sim?
Yes, I do, I most certainly do I do.
Prometo. Claro que sim. Prometo.
- That will most certainly be helpful.
- Sim. - Será certamente de grande ajuda.
And that's maybe the reason why I start out in this story a little bit like a hero, which I most certainly am not.
E talvez seja por isso que eu apareça nesta história... um pouco como um herói, coisa que seguramente não sou.
I most certainly do not.
Eu certamente não o faria.
Most certainly.
He would most certainly have called me back.
Ele certamente teria me ligado de volta. Bem...
It's time you understood we represent a government of juvenile delinquents! Yes, sir. - Well if Berlin doesn't know how to utilize Cicero, I most certainly do.
A recusar-se a advertir os romenos milhares de mortos millhões de litros do precioso petróleo e gasolina perdidos porque eles não querem admitir que nada no mundo é autêntico!
He has most certainly not.
Claro que não.
- I most certainly hope so, sir.
- Assim o espero, General.
You've tired my patient and I most certainly shall report it to the doctor in the morning.
Cansou o meu paciente, amanhã de manhã, vou mesmo fazer queixa de você ao doutor.
- I most certainly am.
- O mais possível.
Well, I most certainly am not.
Ora, com certeza não é!
I am most certainly not your servant!
De forma alguma sou sua serva!
They will return to England and report to the queen that you are most certainly not a barbarian.
Eles voltarão à Inglaterra e relatarão à rainha que, com toda a certeza, o senhor não é um bárbaro.
And he will most certainly send a glowing report to Queen Victoria.
E, com certeza, ele enviará um brilhante relatório à rainha.
- Most certainly.
- Certamente.
Well, if I were going to haunt anybody this would most certainly be the house I'd do it, eh?
Se quiser assustar alguém esta seria a casa ideal.
You most certainly do.
Lá isso falas.
You most certainly did.
De certeza que disseste. Tu...
Most certainly he will have you arrested and hanged before the week is out.
Com certeza ele o prenderá e o enforcará antes da semana acabar.
No, I most certainly have not.
- Não, claro que não.
I most certainly will.
Claro que sim.
It most certainly is.
Foi, sim, senhor.
Let me out of here! We most certainly will not let you out of here, sir.
Pode ter a certeza que não o deixaremos sair daqui, senhor.
- Sterling. The Phantom could not resist such a prize as the Pink Panther. He will most certainly make an attempt.
O Fantasma fará com certeza uma tentativa para roubar o Pantera.
- No, you most certainly are not.
– Não, com certeza que não vais.
I most certainly found the Argentine fascinating.
Com certeza achei os argentinos fascinantes!
And I most certainly agree.
Concordo plenamente!
And I also know that Bancroft most certainly did not negotiate with the Indians.
E também sei que o Bancroft nunca negociou com os índios.
Most certainly God protects the ship by inspiring the captain, but I've never heard that he determines the wages of the crew, nor instructs the paymaster in his duties.
Deus proteje o navio inspirando o capitão... mas Ele não determina as ordens à tripulação.
My Lord Bishop, we flatter ourselves there is some order in our kingdom. If he were there, we should most certainly had been informed.
Bispo, estamos lisonjeados em termos essa ordem... se ele estiver lá, seremos informados.
It most certainly is.
- É, sem dúvida.
You certainly are a most headstrong individual.
Você certamente que é um individuo muito teimoso.
Certainly a most unusual way to make an acquaintance.
Que forma estranha de conhecer outra pessoa.
He's certainly the most handsome man in your files.
- É o homem mais bonito do arquivo.
He's certainly the most utterly no good.
Certamente é o mais mau-caráter.
Mr. Redfield, as ballistics expert, a qualification I most certainly admit, you examined these two bullets? MASON :
Aos olhos dos oficiais britânicos, com certeza estamos.
certainly 2156
certainly not 434
certainly not me 17
certainly is 20
most wanted 16
most people don't 23
most of them 115
most of us 33
most people 94
most definitely 69
certainly not 434
certainly not me 17
certainly is 20
most wanted 16
most people don't 23
most of them 115
most of us 33
most people 94
most definitely 69
most of the time 326
most interesting 19
most of it 102
most days 56
most important 37
most recently 37
most of my life 16
most impressive 32
most of all 127
most people do 23
most interesting 19
most of it 102
most days 56
most important 37
most recently 37
most of my life 16
most impressive 32
most of all 127
most people do 23
most times 18
most kind 19
most probably 17
most of' em 17
most importantly 190
most likely 309
most nights 17
most amusing 17
most kind 19
most probably 17
most of' em 17
most importantly 190
most likely 309
most nights 17
most amusing 17