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Whatever it took tradutor Português

208 parallel translation
Whatever it took. Why?
O que fosse preciso.
I did whatever it took to get you off your ass and us on our way to California.
Fiz o que tinha que fazer para te fazer levantar o rabo e nos pôr a caminho da Califórnia.
You told me to do whatever it took. And that's what it took.
Disseste-me para fazer o que fosse preciso.
I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator so scared that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive.
Mas a verdade é que estava tão assustado no hospital, como quando fomos buscar o gerador. Tão assustado, que só pensava no que fazer para poder continuar vivo.
You were laced with convention. And he would do whatever it took to break you out of it.
Estávamos envoltos em convenções e ele fazia o que fosse preciso para quebrar essas amarras.
I know what Agent Mulder would do. - He'd do whatever it took.
- Eu sei o que o agente Mulder faria.
If I had a chance to square his death, I'd do whatever it took.
Se eu pudesse acertar contas, faria o que fosse preciso.
Han had a friend named Jesus who helped him steal, bribe or do whatever it took to get the test sheets for us.
Han tinha um amigo chamado Jesus que o ajudava a roubar ou fazer coisas do tipo pra conseguir as respostas prá gente.
Plus I knew you'd do whatever it took to help keep Dougie from running off.
Além disso, sabia que fariam qualquer coisa para impedir o Dougie de fugir.
It's what they used to do to the rabbits to see how much lipstick... or whatever it took to kill half of them.
É o que faziam com coelhos. Para ver quanto batom, ou seja lá o que for, é preciso para matar a metade.
- Whatever it took.
- O que fosse preciso.
He knew Mastroeni had another set of books, and he would do whatever it took to get them.
Ele sabia que Mastroeni tinha outra série de livros ( de registo ), e faria o que fosse necessário para obtê-los.
Whatever it took, whatever it takes.
Fosse o que fosse, seja o que for preciso.
Look, if I knew 24 hours ago what I know now, I would've done whatever it took to stop today's attack.
Se há 24 horas atrás soubesse o que eu sei agora... teria feito os possíveis para impedir o ataque de hoje.
And he was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen.
E a intenção dele era fazer o o que fosse possível para que isso acontecesse.
To get the ransom for their boy, they'd do whatever it took.
Bom, para pagar o resgate do miúdo, fariam o que fosse preciso.
- You said you were willing to do whatever it took.
- Disseste que estavas disposto a tudo.
Whatever drove him to it, he took the secret with him. How little we really know of what goes on inside a man.
Quão pouco sabemos realmente do que se passa por dentro de um homem.
Henry took photograph after photograph, but seemed to have no urge whatever to follow it up with a visit to the darkroom.
O Henry tirou imensas fotografias, mas não tinha pressa de ir para a câmara escura.
Now, whatever it was that was in here before came back and took Jill. But how?
Fosse o que fosse, está de volta e levou a Jill.
Although whatever civilization that might have been here was destroyed by some natural catastrophe, it would appear that one of the race took refuge in the cave.
Embora a civilização de cá tenha sido destruída por uma catástrofe natural, parece que uma das raças se refugiou na gruta.
Raspinas... Whatever his name is, he took it.
- "Raspinasky", sei lá, levou.
Knowing that gallant man, it's not hard to guess what happened and an unhappy young woman took off to Barbados in search of whatever it is young women are in search of.
Sabendo o homem galhardo que ele é, não é difícil de supor o que aconteceu e uma jovem mulher infeliz deslocada em Barbados à procura de... o que quer que as jovens mulheres estão à procura...
I took the liberty of checking with the CSIO, and they tell me that the prime content of whatever it was that fell... was petroleum, oil.
A agência de investigação científica diz que o componente principal do que tem caído é petróleo.
Whatever you took, hand it over.
Onde escondeu o que roubou? Vá, devolva tudo.
I didn't stroll on, dear. I took that turbo-tube or whatever it is.
Eu não apareci, querida. Eu vim naquele tubo-turbo ou lá o que é.
I think whatever it was, he took it with him.
O que quer que tenha sido, ele levou-o consigo.
I'm telling you, he took whatever was in that goddamn deer, and he put it right into me.
Digo-lhe que ele pegou aquilo que o veado sentia e passou-o para mim.
Took what he had to take, beatings, insults and whatever. And he learned from it.
Suportou tareias, insultos, tudo e aprendeu com isso.
For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here.
Valha ou não a minha opinião, foi corajosa em ter vindo.
Whatever it is, he either took too much or not enough.
Seja o que for, ou ele tomou muita, ou não tomou nenhuma.
Grab whatever you took, or print it out and give it to me.
Peguem no que imprimiram e dêem-mo.
But good microbiologists took that, put it in their petri dishes and did whatever you do with it, and lo and behold, this bacteria came back to life.
Mas os bons microbiólogos, puseram aquilo nos pratos de cultura e fizeram lá o que eles fazem, e a bactéria voltou à vida.
that he took a shiv, a knife, a shank, whatever. - Ash? - How'd she know it was a shiv?
Disseste que foi esfaqueado, que Ihe espetaram uma faca, uma naifa, seja Iá o que foi.
Whatever kind of ambition it took to do what you did around here, this world could use a lot more of it, Herman.
Seja qual for o tipo de ambição que te levou a fazer o que fizeste aqui, daria muito jeito ao mundo.
Yeah, Lois, sorry I took your show away from you but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get your chance next year.
Lois, desculpa eu ter-te tirado o espéctaculo. Mas vou fazer tudo para que tenhas a tua hipótese paro o ano que vem.
He took a huge risk to come here and try and prove himself to her, and he will do whatever it takes to save her life.
Correu um grande risco ao vir aqui tentar provar o seu valor, e fará o que for preciso para lhe salvar a vida.
Whatever I have done till today... I took pride in doing it I know, my worst enemy's life lies trapped in his daughter
Tudo o que fiz até hoje... Eu tive orgulho em fazê-lo. Eu sei, a vida do meu pior inimigo está presa á sua filha.
Whatever you gave me, it took me down.
Não sei o que me deu, mas deixou-me de rastos.
No one's talking, but whatever they took, they took it all.
Ninguém fala, mas, quanto quer que tenham levado, foi tudo.
Whatever happened, I guess she took it kind of hard.
Seja o que for que aconteceu, custou-lhe.
De Kere, Decker, whatever his name is, he took it off me.
De Kere, Decker, ou como é o seu nome, ele tirou-mo.
It looks like somebody just broke open the refrigerator and took whatever was inside.
Parece que alguém arrombou o frigorífico e levou o que estava lá.
If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that guy got on a train and took it back to Louisiana or Oklahoma or whatever backwater swamp his ass was spawned in.
Se há uma coisa de que tenho a certeza, é que o tipo meteu-se num comboio e pôs-se a andar para Louisiana ou Oklahoma ou lá pra um sítio desses de merda.
Whatever he put, he took it with him.
O que quer que tenha sido, ele levou-o com ele.
I don't know. Whatever it is, he either took too much or not enough.
Não sei.
It looks like that thing Archer took off that Martian guy, or whatever he was.
Parece aquilo que o Archer tirou àquele marciano.
Maybe, but whatever it is, it took a hell of a hit.
Talvez, mas seja lá o que for, levou um tiro em cheio.
Right, and when they didn't find it, they took the family... because they think that Ben Palmer has whatever they're looking for.
E quando não encontraram, raptaram a família, porque pensam que o Ben Palmer tem aquilo que procuram.
he took some toasts to school and whatever was leftover he gave it to me and everyday I looked for him Juanito was his name
ele não tinha tempo para comer tudo na escola, dáva-me os restos eu ia sempre a ter com ele todos os dias, chamava-se Juanito
Whatever it was, the killer took it with him.
O que quer que tenha sido o assassino levou com ele.

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