Turn it over Çeviri İspanyolca
1,059 parallel translation
He refuses to turn it over to us.
Se niega a devolvérnoslo.
I'll have to turn it over to the Police, Dave.
Tendré que entregársela a la policía, Dave.
We'll find a good real estate man and turn it over to him.
Hallaremos a un buen agente inmobiliario y dejaremos que la venda.
My husband has the money. In two days from now, he'll turn it over to the Police.
Lo tiene mi marido y dentro de dos días lo entregará a la policía.
Turn it over.
Then all we have to do is turn it over to the girl.
Entonces todo lo que tenemos que hace es regresar con la chica.
The rules is, you turn it over in duty bound, and see what's wrote there.
La regla es que le des la vuelta y lo leas.
Turn it over and read it.
Dale la vuelta y léelo.
The warden ducked and asked us to turn it over to the downtown treasury.
El alcaide nos pidió que lo entregáramos a Hacienda.
Yeah? Get our gear together and turn it over to the Mongols, will you?
Jenkins, entrégale nuestras cosas a los mongoles.
The driver will turn it over to the police.
El cochero la llevará a la policía.
We're going to turn it over to Michaels in the morning.
Se lo devolveremos al capitán.
Oh, we're going to turn it over to Michaels, huh?
¿ Al capitán?
- Turn it over.
- Ásala bien.
Turn it over.
Dale la vuelta.
Right, get a foothold and turn it over to these people.
Bien, lograr establecernos y transformar por completo a esta gente.
If you won't pay me my share of the profits... then I'll have to turn it over to my lawyer.
Si no me pagas mis ganancias, deberé recurrir a un abogado.
I don't have to turn it over to any of you!
¡ No tengo por qué dejároslas a ninguno de vosotros!
Turn it over, Sam.
Dalo vuelta, Sam.
Try and turn it over on its back.
Vamos a intentar darle la vuelta.
You didn't turn it over to the police?
¿ No van a entregarlo a la policía? Todo a su tiempo.
If I take this cart and I turn it over, it's because I want to!
¡ Si cojo este carrito y le doy la vuelta, es porque me da la gana!
Turn it over first.
Antes, dale la vuelta.
It gives me great pleasure to turn this meeting over to a man. Who has been closer to Dave Connors than any other man in Jericho.
Para mí es un gran placer presentarles a este hombre más cercano que nadie a Dave Connors, en nuestra ciudad.
The sooner you turn him over to us, the better it'll be for you.
Cuanto antes lo entreguéis, mejor para vosotros.
When it's all over, when you no longer have his name but mine the world that is so quick to turn, will turn back again to respect you.
Y cuando esto acabe y no lleves su nombre sino el mío, el mundo que te da la espalda, volverá a ti con respeto.
Turn it over.
- Bueno, dale la vuelta.
You turn up when it's all over.
Llegas cuando se acabo todo. Bien.
Get over, get over. Turn it, will you, turn it!
Dadle la vuelta, dadle la vuelta.
Give it another try. We're ready to turn over.
Sigue intentándolo.
Come on over here and turn it down yourself!
Ven aquí, Teniente, y bájala tú mismo.
Well, then I recommend that you turn your baby over to an accredited agency which will care for it and plan its future.
Entonces le recomiendo que lo entregue a alguna organización que se ocupe de él y se encargue su futuro.
It's all right. I told him to turn over.
Le dije que se diera la vuelta.
uncle Anders suggested that the club would take over his old barn and turn it into a meeting place.
El tío Anders sugirió que el club podría ir a su viejo granero... y convertirse en un lugar de reunión.
But let it get out of hand and we'll turn him over to Rainey ourselves.
Pero si esto se complica... lo entregaremos a Rainey nosotros mismos.
It's your turn to talk, so think over what you're gonna say and I'll see how your mother is.
Es tu turno, así que piensa lo que vas a decir... mientras voy a ver cómo está tu madre.
It was after his affair with Lucy Chapman... that he wanted to turn over a new leaf.
Después de su aventura con Lucy Chapman... quiso comenzar una nueva vida.
For the last 10 years, it has been the custom for the winner to turn over the check to our charity fund.
Desde hace 10 años, es costumbre que el ganador entregue el cheque a nuestro fondo de caridad.
Because it's my duty to turn you over to the police, so they can get out of you all the details of this plot.
Porque mi deber es entregarte a la policía para que obtengan todos los detalles de este plan.
- Just my old gown made over. - But it did turn out rather nicely...
Es un viejo vestido reformado, pero quedó muy bien.
No! No, no. You have to turn around and throw it over your shoulder.
Tienes que darte la vuelta y lanzarla hacia atrás.
Turn it, you know, over.
Ya sabes, voltéalo.
I insist on it from this holy place, you good - for - nothings, because you won't turn over a new leaf and you want to continue on the thorny road of a sinner!
Lo afirmo desde este lugar sagrado, inútiles, pues vosotros vaciláis en dirigiros a Cristo... y preferís ir por la espinosa senda del pecado.
General Larena is to turn over to him a huge cannon and the men to haul it to Santander.
El general Larena debe entregarle un cañón y los hombres necesarios para llevarlo hasta Santander.
As you see, we've built a flume leading to the top of the wheel. Now, at the proper time, we'll divert the water back through the flume. It'll pass over the top of the wheel, striking the blades, which will turn the wheel, which will drive the shaft, which will turn the upper millstone, and presto, you're grinding wheat.
Como puede ver, la cañería va hasta la encima de la rueda a la hora justa el agua va a pasar por el, va a caer sobre las paletas de la rueda, haciéndola girar,
Sometimes in bed I can't turn over and there is a whole lot more to it
A veces en la cama no puedo darme vuelta, y hay mucho más.
Turn it down over there.
Sujétalo por ahí. Apriétalo bien.
But it ain't no need them coming all the way over here, got to turn around, go back.
No vale la pena que vengan, y tengan que darse la vuelta.
Now, Mr. Leffingwell, it becomes necessary to turn you over to the tender mercies...
Ahora, Sr. Leffingwell, es necesario pasárselo a la piedad compasiva...
If tomorrow you should get cold feet and decide to turn the letter over to the Gestapo, they'd wonder why you held on to it for 6 months.
Si mañana te acobardas... y decides llevar la carta a la GESTAPO, se preguntarán por qué la guardaste durante 6 meses.
I didn't want to turn it over to you until I didn't need you anymore.
No quería decir nada porque necesito mas tiempo.
turn it off 866
turn it around 56
turn it up 174
turn it down 101
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turn it 75
turn it back on 32
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
turn it around 56
turn it up 174
turn it down 101
turn it on 143
turn it 75
turn it back on 32
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
overall 83
overtime 31
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
overall 83
overtime 31
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22
over and over again 128
over here 3451
over the years 188
over and over and over again 24
over the weekend 19
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22
over and over again 128
over here 3451
over the years 188
over and over and over again 24
over the weekend 19
over my dead body 168
overwhelming 34
over and out 217
over the moon 17
over the top 36
over time 161
over p 67
over the last 29
overwhelming 34
over and out 217
over the moon 17
over the top 36
over time 161
over p 67
over the last 29