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You come on Çeviri İspanyolca

51,148 parallel translation
Or if you're on the local and the express is there, and it just pulls away. Instead of waiting the extra 30 seconds till people can get off. Come on.
Si estás en el metro local y acaba de llegar el expreso, en vez de esperar 30 segundos para que trasborden...
" Come on, man. It says'no radio.'Can't you read?
" Vámonos, no tiene radio.
I want you to come on tonight and share your perspective.
Quiero que vengas esta noche y compartas tu vista.
Come on, let me show you the way to the bathroom, get you nice and disinfected.
Vamos, déjame mostrarte el camino al baño, para ponerte agradable y desinfectado.
You know, come on.
Sabes, vamos.
Mmm. Come on in, you handsome devil.
Entra, guapo diablillo.
Come on! You can't die, kid!
Despierta, ¡ no te mueras!
You get paid to live lies. Come on.
Te pagan por vivir mentiras.
Come on, I got a daybed you could sleep in.
Vamos, tengo un sofá-cama en el que puedes dormir ;
Come on, Simone, you got this.
Venga, Simone, puedes hacerlo.
Come on, Tobes. Don't you ever want a little more excitement?
Vamos, Tobes. ¿ Nunca quisiste un poco más de emoción?
Come on! You're going to get trained by the best.
Vamos, te entrenará el mejor.
Come on, you guys gotta get him out of there!
¡ Deben sacarlo de ahí!
Aw, come on, man. Don't let Steve get to you.
No dejes que Steve te moleste.
Hey, come on! You gonna get your head in the game, Tobes, or do I have to do this all myself?
Concéntrate, Toby, ¿ o debo hacer todo yo?
- Come on. You really think he is one?
- ¿ Te parece que es uno?
Come on! Did you tell Jim where Bular's hiding?
¿ Le dijiste a Jim de Bular?
Oh, come on! You know the Darklands.
¡ Conoces el lugar!
Come on, I have to get you out of here.
Vamos, te sacaré de aquí.
You'll focus on your studies for now, but there may come a time when you'll experience love.
Te concentrarás en tus estudios por ahora. Pero puede que algún día sientas la experiencia del amor.
- Like, you can't come on too strong?
- ¿ No puedes ser muy directa?
Come on, I can't wait for you to see this place.
Vamos, me muero porque conozcas este lugar.
Come on, Z, you think I'm actually capable of doing something like that?
¿ Vamos, Z, crees que soy capaz de hacer algo así?
Come on. You want him to kill your son?
Vamos. ¿ Quieres que mate a tu hijo?
- Come on, you have to come down.
- Vamos, tienes que bajar.
Hey, come on, man, why don't you leave my boys alone, and get off this big wheel and come join me for a run?
Oye amigo, ¿ por qué dejas a mis amigos en paz? Deja esa moto y ven a correr conmigo.
Come on, I just need you... You grab that dick - and you push it out.
- Vamos, sólo tienes que halarlo.
So here's the thing, if you've come to Baywatch on your little motorcycle, thinking you're cool, trying to work on your killer tan... Well, you need to find another beach to go to.
Si viniste a los Guardianes de la Bahía... en tu moto, pensando que eres cool, y que te vas a broncear... deberías buscarte otra playa.
You got this! Come on!
¡ Vamos!
Yeah, come on. You're coming with me.
Ven conmigo.
Brody, let's go, I don't want to wait for you. Come on.
Anda, no te rezagues.
Come on, man. You've never gotten drunk and said something you don't mean?
¿ Nunca te has emborrachado y dicho cosas que lamentas?
Oh, come on, Jim. No! You know how he is.
Ya lo conoces.
Come on! Would you stop this?
No hagas esto.
Tino, come on. You're a dog.
Tino, eres un perro.
Come on, are you gonna chase this?
¿ Quieres ir por la pelota?
Come on, Pippi, you don't have to be such a lump on a log. Hop in.
Vamos, Pippi, no seas aguafiestas.
- You okay? Hey, come on.
- ¿ Estás bien?
You fucking mug! - Come on!
- Vamos McLean, maldito cabrón, las vas a pagar
Alright boys, how are you? Come on, come on. Put'em up, put'em up.
Muy bien chicos, vamos, pégame, justo aquí
Come on, Lenny, you bollocks, where are ya?
- Vamos, Lenny, apúrate.
Come on, you girls. Shouldn't be too tight.
No debe ser muy apretado, tienes que ser capaz de moverte
Come on, Lenny. You're on.
Vamos Lenny, te toca
- You got a weird way of showing it. - Come on.
- Tienes una rara forma de demostrarlo.
- Come on, I'll show you inside.
Vengan, les mostraré el interior.
Come on, you guys.
Acérquense, muchachos.
The zombie attack might only be on your street if you're lucky, so a bit of help might come in handy.
El ataque zombie podría estar solo en tu calle si tienes suerte, así que un poco de ayuda puede ser útil.
I'm gonna get down off this roof, kill a few zombies on the way, I'm gonna come for you, and I'm gonna save the fucking day.
Bajaré de este techo, mataré a unos zombies por el camino, voy a ir por ti, y salvar el maldito día.
Come on, you know how far you've come?
Vamos, ya sabes cómo Lejos has venido
Come on, I got somethin'to show you.
Vamos, tengo Algo que te muestre
Come on, you have your own work to do now.
Vamos, tienes que hacer lo tuyo ahora.

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