Get him in there Çeviri Rusça
298 parallel translation
If I can get him in there, be ready to shut that gate.
Когда он окажется внутри, закрывайте двери.
- Get him in there!
- Запихивай его!
All right, let's get him in there.
Хорошо, пусть пойдет туда.
Get him in there.
Клади его туда.
I know, but don't you worry, I'll get him in there if I have to push him myself!
Я знаю, но ты не беспокойся, если понадобится я сама его туда затащу!
Do not get him in there before I tell you.
Пока не скажу, не заводи его туда.
All right, get him in there.
Так. Сюда его, сюда.
Get him in there!
Давайте его сюда!
Yeah, we'll get him in there. Exit Wounds, did you see that?
Да, помнишь титры в "Сквозных ранах"?
Get in there and keep him alive, Doc!
Иди туда и помоги ему, Док!
You're gonna get on and tell him I'm coming there in the morning.
Скажешь Киперу, я приду утром,..
And I aim to get him there in one piece.
И я хочу его туда вернуть живым и здоровым.
There's a man in the east they suspect, and if they get him, I'll...
На востоке есть человек, которого они подозревают, и они его поймают.
Let's get him in off there.
Давайте снимем его оттуда.
I'm sorry, but if there's any chance he has a girl that might help get him back in... I'm gonna find out about her even if I have to be a little rough on you.
Мне очень жаль, но если есть хоть один шанс, что эта девушка может ему помочь... я собираюсь это выяснить, даже если мне придется быть грубым.
I'd better get in down there and look at him.
Я спущусь туда и посмотрю поближе.
Yes. You see, after you left, I stopped by the jail to talk to him and there were so many people trying to get in to hear his sermon, they just had to kick him out.
Знаешь, после того как ты ушла, я отправился в тюрьму поговорить с ним... и там было столько людей, желающих послушать его проповедь, что им просто пришлось выгнать его.
There's no casket but I'll get someone to sew him up in sailcloth.
У меня нет гроба, но я найду кого-нибудь, чтобы зашить его в парусину.
Get back there in about 20 minutes and we'll pick him up.
Вернемся минут через 20 и заберем его.
Come on, let's get him out of there before they put him in a straitjacket.
Давай, увезём его отсюда до того, как они закатают его в смирительную рубашку.
I could give him a nicer service right here in Sparta than he could ever get up there in Chicago. And at half the price, too.
Знаешь, я могу устроить ему похороны, здесь в Спарте, не хуже, чем в Чикаго и всего за полцены.
You better hide in there! Stay there until I come back to get you. - You won't tell him anything?
Я попрошу вас спрятаться вот здесь и не выходить отсюда, пока я за вами не приду.
The only way we're gonna get him on our side is to convince him there's more money in this.
Единственный способ привлечь его на нашу сторону - убедить, что это денежная затея.
Then you get him out, wrap him up and put him on a chaise lounge... and he's gotta stay there for at least 20 minutes before he can go back in.
Потом вынимаешь, обертываешь и усаживаешь в шезлонг. и пусть посидит минимум 20 минут до второго захода,
The car's in the yard. When ya get him there, don't answer the phone.
ћашина во дворе. огда доставишь его туда, на звонки не отвечай.
Yeah, well, it keeps me fit. I get in a beef with a guy, I hit him fast, I'm out of there.
Это помогает держаться в форме. я успокаиваюсь.
Get in there and cuff him.
Взять его и надеть наручники.
Here, get him in there.
Вот, давай туда.
Why don't I just go back there, shoot him in the head, and we can get the hell outta here.
Давай, я схожу и прострелю ему бошку? - А после этого мы можем спокойно сдернуть отсюда. - Не делайте этого!
Even now, are you lost in thought over him? There are times when I get so that I want to look back, just a little bit, but holding on to love, courage and pride, I fight on! DAN DAN, little by little, I'm being charmed, this planet's last remnant of hope.
are you lost in thought over him? I fight on! this planet's last remnant of hope.
Fortunately, we were able to get him out of there just in time.
К счастью, мы смогли вовремя вытащить его оттуда.
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм ╗ ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем, мн нм яйюгюк : "унпньн, еы ╗ ндхм демэ ъ асдс я рнани."
He said there's 25 large in it if we can get him this get.
- Обещает двадцать пять процентов, если мы выбьем этот... гет.
Then we have to go in there and get him.
Значит, мы полетим туда за ним.
It's not what it used to be. I can't get him if there are other people in the room.
И если он придет к тебе там выходи и попробуй удержать его, когда вокруг будут люди.
They'll never get there in time to save him.
Им не успеть туда вовремя, чтобы спасти его.
We need to go over there and get in position... wait for him to lead us to the diamonds. Come on, let's go!
Нам надо пробраться туда и найти алмазы.
You three had better get in there and help him.
Ребятки, вам лучше вмешаться.
I was doing another story in LA... and I took him there to get him away from... his Chicano, his Brown Power bodyguards.
Я всегда говорил, что это было справедливо, поэтому никогда не упрекал тебя за то, что не взял с собой меня. Я занимался другой историей, в Лос-Анджелесе, и я взял его с собой, чтобы увести подальше от его Чикано, его телохранителей из Brown Power.
To really get anchors to lower him from that do matter, what I did was cut a bucket in the snow, sit in there and brace myself.
Чтобы создать опору для спуска, пришлось выкапывать углубление в снегу, закрепляться в нем и тормозить собой.
Well, Pete did try and save him, but he just couldn't get there in time.
Пит пытался помочь ему, но шанса не было.
If we get hold of him first, is there not value in seeing what he'll say to us for a fee, as opposed to what he'll say to you to avoid charges?
Если мы доберемся до него первыми, что такого важного, он скажет нам за деньги, чего не скажет вам во избежание ареста?
I was out there, I'd get up at five o'clock or five-thirty every morning and be out at school two hours before it started and I'd go out there, I'd stay out there for a for while in the morning, feed him and everything
Я отправлялась туда, я вставала в 5 или 5 : 30 каждое утро и шла в школу за два часа до начала. Я оставалась там некоторое время утром, кормила его и всё такое.
Get your asses in there and find him.
Шевелите задницами, найдите его.
So is there a way that I can get in touch with him?
Так как бы мне с ним связаться?
Get in there, slap him!
Наступай! Ударь его!
You get in there, but don't let him crowd you.
Давай, но не позволяй ему теснить себя.
You get in there and hit him and keep hitting until you break his nose.
Бей его, пока не сломаешь ему нос.
Get in there. Get him the fuck in the car!
Клади его в машину!
I guess I gotta get down to the school and see if I can stop him from signing up, huh? And do you think you could put up a couple of these when you're there...'cause I was really not in the mood to go down there. Yes.
Пожалуй, придется сходить в школу и попробовать отговорить его, да?
Get in there and fucking help him!
Пиздуй туда и помогать!
get him 1464
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him out of here now 19
in there 594
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17
in there 594
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17