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Just looking around translate French

299 parallel translation
- Well, we are just looking around, Doctor.
- Nous ne faisons que visiter.
We're just looking around.
Nous faisons juste un tour.
We're just looking around now.
Nous jetons juste un œil.
I was just looking around and around.
J'ai cherché ici et là.
For instance, I'm walking down the boulevard and just looking around out for a good time, and instead, who do I meet?
Imaginons, je descends le boulevard en regardant autour de moi, je sors m'amuser et sur qui je tombe?
He's probably a kindly old philanthropist, just looking around for deserving families like us!
C'était sûrement un très gentil philanthrope qui cherche à aider les familles comme la nôtre.
Just looking around.
Je jette un coup d'œil.
Just looking around. I'll want your fingerprints for this.
Je regardais... ll me faudra tes empreintes digitales.
No, I was just looking around.
Non. Je regarde.
N... No, thanks. I'm just looking around.
Non, merci, je ne fais que regarder.
Oh, just looking around.
Je me promène.
Just looking around.
Je me promène.
We're just looking around.
On fait juste un tour...
No, thank you. We're just looking around.
Non, merci, on regarde.
We're just looking around. - Shopping or buying?
Pour choisir ou acheter?
- Just looking around. - Look somewhere else.
- On ne fait que regarder.
Just looking around, I'll get right out.
Je regarde juste, Je sors tout de suite
I was just looking around.
Je flânais.
- Just looking around.
- Jeter un coup d'oeil.
No, thanks, lieutenant. Just looking around.
Non, je vais jeter un coup d'oeil.
- You were just looking around?
- Vous avez observé les lieux?
I-I was just looking around.
Je faisais un tour.
Howdy, folks. What can I do for you? We're just looking around...
Bonjour, que puis-je pour vous?
- Oh, just looking around.
- Je me promène.
I'm just looking around. I like to keep my hand in, even though I am strapped to a desk right now.
J'aime rester au contact malgré mon travail.
- No, today we're just looking around.
- Simple reconnaissance.
I'm just looking around
Je regarde.
Oh, around. Just looking around.
Des environs pas loin d'ici.
Where have you been? I'm just looking around, that's all.
Je faisais juste un petit tour.
Just looking around.
Juste jeter un œil.
Yes. Just looking around.
Oui, je visite.
- I'm just looking around.
- Je passais.
You looking for somebody, or just shopping around?
Vous cherchez quelqu'un? Ou vous fouinez?
Now, you'd have gone around New York looking for me, and I'd have just pounded my heels down looking for somebody like you.
Vous m'auriez cherché dans toute la ville et j'aurai usé mes semelles pour vous trouver.
No, I'm just looking around.
- Non, je regarde.
I don't know just what I will do, but I'm gonna take plenty of time looking around.
Je ne sais pas encore ce que je vais faire, mais je compte prendre le temps de prospecter.
You're just getting around to looking up your people?
Vous essayez de retrouver votre famille?
Just feeling the sun, listening to the birds and looking around?
Tu profites du soleil, du chant des oiseaux et du paysage?
The clouds are really just the backs of angels who are flying around up there looking after things.
En fait, les nuages, c'est le dos des anges qui volent là-haut pour veiller sur les choses.
I just started looking and I feel I should look around a bit.
Mais je ne veux pas me décider tout de suite.
It has usually been my experience when a car cruises around the block slowly it has usually been my experience that they are mostly just looking for a place to park.
Pour ma part, j'ai constaté qu'une auto qui tourne autour d'un pâté de maisons cherche plutôt, si tu veux m'en croire, un endroit pour se garer.
And then there's a war... and you find what you were looking for, just swimming around in the ocean.
Et puis une guerre éclate, et on trouve ce qu'on cherchait au milieu de l'océan.
- I tell you, lieutenant since we know the situation now, we'll just circle around here in the foothills for a couple of days like we was looking, see?
Maintenant qu'on connaît la situation on tournera dans le coin quelques jours et on fera semblant de chercher.
I just stood there looking around and enjoying the warmth.
Je suis resté là, à regarder, appréciant la chaleur.
When you're poor, the word gets around about a man that can heal just by looking. And we don't charge them a thing, not one penny.
Quand on est pauvre et qu'on entend parler d'un homme... qui peut soigner juste en regardant... et qu'on ne leur demande rien, même pas un centime...
- Just looking around.
Je regarde.
Just content looking around, to follow along and look.
Ceux-là, ils se contentent de regarder de loin.
Oh, just looking around.
I don't know. I just saw you looking around for something and wondered what it was and...
Je ne sais pas, je vous ai vu chercher quelque chose et je me suis demandé ce que ça pouvait être...
Just looking for his reading glasses,'cause I didn't notice any around.
Je cherche ses lunettes de lecture, je ne les ai pas vues.
Oh, just sort of killing time, looking around.
Je tue le temps, j'observe.

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