These are great translate French
483 parallel translation
These are great numbers.
C'est impressionnant.
- Get them and get rid of these people. - These are great guys.
- Ramène-les et vire-moi ces gens.
These are great little legs.
Elles sont bien ces jambes.
Yeah, these are great, I can see everything.
Ouais, elles sont supers. Je vois tout.
These are great worlds composed largely of the gases hydrogen and helium, some other stuff too.
Ces planètes colossales contiennent principalement des gaz... tels que l'hydrogène et l'hélium.
These are great.
C'est génial.
I tell you, this is a great town, these are great people, and I'm willing to do anything I have to do to get that town back on its feet.
Croyez-moi, c'est une chouette ville. Et les gens sont chouettes. Je ferai tout pour que le travail reprenne.
These are great days we're living!
On vit une sacrée époque, les frangins!
My child, these are great sins.
Ce sont de graves péchés, mon enfant.
These are great!
- These are great toys.
- Ils sont géniaux.
These trails are marked on US military, maps from the 1850s, 0ne of them was called the Great Comanche Trail,
Ces tracés sont marqués par les militaires des USA, des cartes de 1850, Un d'entre eux est appelé le grand tracé du Comanche,
"I don't understand how a prince as great as you " and a man as intelligent as you, could think that these are gods.
Je ne comprends pas comment un prince aussi grand que vous et un homme aussi intelligent que vous pourraient penser que ce sont des dieux.
Miss March, it would give me great pleasure if I could show you some of these things while you are here. If you would care to have so.
Mademoiselle, je serais ravi de vous en montrer... certaines pendant votre séjour, si cela vous agrée.
I don't know where Michael got all these doctors, but they sure are great.
Je ne sais pas où Michael a trouvé tous ces médecins, mais ils sont formidables.
These are the great Bannister ´ s trial tactics in appeal for sympathy.
Encore une des fameuses tactiques de Bannister.
These sketchbooks are filled with great ideas he never got around to painting.
Ces cahiers sont remplis de grandes idées.
- I don't. These people are great trackers.
- Je l'ignore.
- These cigarettes are contraband! - It's worth a great deal of money.
Contrebande de cigarettes...!
But mark my words, the deposits in Dalmatia... these are the most important because the great- -
Mais sachez que les gisements de Dalmatie sont les plus importants, car le grand...
These are great, Judge. Just a few more speeches.
FERMETURE DÉFINITIVE c'est parfait, M. le juge.
Our Father, in these days of stress and strain... when men are called upon to bear great burdens... give this Senate the strength and charity... to ascertain of each who would serve his nation his true nature and purpose... lest through inadvertence and oversight... there slip into seats of power, those who would misguide... and mislead this great people.
Notre père, en ces jours d'épreuve où des hommes sont appelés à de lourdes tâches, donnez à ce Sénat la force de s'assurer de la vraie nature de ceux qui veulent servir leur pays afin que par inadvertance ou négligence ne se glissent pas au banc du pouvoir ceux qui abuseraient ce grand peuple.
We are now approaching the most interesting corner of St. Sofia including these two great red porphyry columns, stolen and brought from Egypt.
Nous approchons à présent... de l'angle le plus intéressant de Sainte-Sophie... où l'on peut observer... deux colonnes en porphyre rouge, volées et amenées d'Égypte.
These are heavy burdens, great drainers of creative energy.
Ce sont de lourds fardeaux qui assèchent notre énergie créatrice.
You are about to embark on a great crusade... toward which we have striven these many months.
Vous vous êtes embarqués dans cette grande croisade préparée de longue date.
"Soldiers, sailors, airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force... " you are about to embark on a great crusade... " toward which we have striven these many months.
" Soldats, matelots, aviateurs des forces expéditionnaires alliées, vous vous êtes embarqués dans cette grande croisade préparée depuis des mois.
These three are having a great dice for third place.
Ces trois pilotes sont en lice pour la troisième place.
The twilight of the great hopes... These poor trickers are the first ones who stay in the shadow in company of Rossellini and Brecht,... While the workers, in this twilight they go every day ahead... ahead
Le crépuscule, le crépuscule des grands espoirs... et ces magouilleurs sont laissés dans l'ombre en compagnie de Rossellini et de Brecht, peut-être... tandis que les ouvriers, dans ce crépuscule vont toujours de l'avant.
Hey, these are great.
Tu verras.
These pills are really great, Jen.
Ces pilules sont géniales, Jen.
And these are your great fans.
Et vos plus grands fans.
As I have repeated, the great protagonist of my film, for which these are mere notes, should be the people.
Bien sûr, je le répète, le grand protagoniste de mon film, ce ne sont là que des notes, sera le peuple.
And yet these are the qualities that made Athens great.
Perspicacité et mesure sont des vertus que la jeunesse dédaigne.
Are these the great patrons of our days?
Ce sont là nos mécènes?
These few dollars you lose here today are going to buy you stories to tell your children and great-grandchildren.
Sur vos dollars perdus vous raconterez des histoires à vos enfants et petits-enfants.
These studies are of extremely great importance.
Ces études sont d'une très grande importance.
Before I leave, I do want to say this, that these hearings on the Mafia are in no way whatsoever a slur upon the great Italian people.
Avant de partir, je tiens à dire ceci : Ces auditions sur la Mafia ne sont en aucun cas une insulte au grand peuple italien.
These, proud people of Sicily. are the verses from exile the great poet Gabriele D'Annunzio sends you.
Ô, fier peuple de Sicile, ce sont là les vers que le Poète Gabriele D'Annunzio vous envoie d exil.
These seats are shit! Last year you got great tickets.
L'an dernier, on était mieux placés.
These great public events are intended to show our guest the magnificence of Fascist Italy ΄
Ces grands événements publics sont destinés à montrer à notre hôte la magnificence de l'Italie fasciste.
These great hospital complexes are the cathedrals of our age.
Les complexes hospitaliers sont les cathédrales de notre temps.
These clouds are near the top of a great ocean of air about 100 kilometers thick, composed mainly of carbon dioxide.
Ces nuages sont près d'un gigantesque océan d'air... de 100 km d'épaisseur, constitué principalement de dioxyde de carbone.
These are the galaxies drifting endlessly in the great cosmic dark.
Ce sont les galaxies... qui dérivent sans fin dans la grande nuit cosmique.
These great ideas are tempered by another perhaps still greater.
Ces idées profondes sont tempérées par une autre idée... encore plus profonde.
There are even reports, not substantiated but not discredited, of a tribe in Central Peru whose residents included a great number of these walking dead
Il y a même des rapports, sans preuve à l'appui, mais qui n'ont pas été discrédités d'une tribu au Pérou Central dont les résidents incluaient un grand nombre de ces morts-vivants
I also believe in great, beautiful ideals, Even though there are all these ugly things in the world, that ruin any ideals based on the belief in the human nature,
- Moi aussi je crois en de grands idéaux, bien qu'on rencontre sans cesse des phénomènes moches qui tuent tous les idéaux bâtis sur la confiance de l'homme,
The northern has to swirl around the great triangle of India. In the Atlantic, the north-flowing current is called the Gulf Stream, and it encloses, in the centre of the ocean, as all these great whirlpools do, an area where the waters are almost still.
Les frégates passent des mois continuellement dans les airs au-dessus de la mer, mais lorsque vient le temps de s'accoupler, elles arrivent de partout à l'île de l'Ascension.
Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts on Arrakis are a people known as the Fremen. These people, the Fremen, have long held a prophecy that a super being a male child of a Bene Gesserit with great mental powers and courage, the Kwisatz Haderach, will come and lead them to true freedom.
Cachés parmi les rochers des déserts d'Arrakis vivent les Fremens, dépositaires d'une vieille prophétie selon laquelle un surhomme un enfant mâle né d'une Bene Gesserit et doté de puissants pouvoirs mentaux, le Kwisatz Haderach, viendra les guider vers la véritable libération.
These are great!
C'est génial!
These notes are also meant to evoke the memory of San Martín and the exile of the great unfinished nation.
Ces notes veulent évoquer aussi le souvenir de San Martín et l'exil de la grande nation inachevée.
These guys are great.
Ils sont super.
these are for you 196
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are good people 21
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are good people 21
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are beautiful 38
these are amazing 39
these are yours 24
these are mine 45
these are the 22
these are the rules 19
these are nice 28
these are good 54
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these are really good 21
these are amazing 39
these are yours 24
these are mine 45
these are the 22
these are the rules 19
these are nice 28
these are good 54
these are your people 17
these are really good 21
these are facts 19
these are people 17
these are so good 16
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
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great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great scott 63
these are people 17
these are so good 16
great 25235
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great stuff 65
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great idea 483
great party 136
great song 31
great guy 76
great minds 35
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great work 234
great shot 34
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great song 31
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great minds 35
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great man 24
great job today 19
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30
great place 25
great day 31
great game 51
great man 24
great job today 19
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30