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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / Have some breakfast

Have some breakfast tradutor Português

134 parallel translation
To have some breakfast
Tomar o pequeno-almoço.
- Will you have some breakfast?
- Toma o pequeno-almoço?
You want to have some breakfast, don't you?
Queres comer, não queres?
- Have some breakfast.
- Toma o pequeno-almoço.
- Sit down and have some breakfast.
- Sente-se e tome o pequeno-almoço.
Give Sarah your hat and coat, Judge, and come in and have some breakfast with me.
Dê o capote e o chapéu à Sarah e tome o pequeno-almoço comigo.
Maybe you'd like to have some breakfast, freshen up a bit.
Talvez queira tomar o pequeno almoço e refrescar-se um pouco.
Let's have some breakfast.
Vamos tomar o pequeno-almoço.
Come on now and sit down and have some breakfast, you'll feel better
Tiveram de me deixar levantar e ir ver.
Have some breakfast, Mr. Allnut.
Tome o café da manhã, Sr. Allnut.
Have some breakfast.
Let's have some breakfast and get going.
Vamos tomar o pequeno-almoço e partir.
Let's go have some breakfast.
Venha e vamos tomar um café!
Have some breakfast with me, Jim.
Tome o pequeno almoço comigo, Jim?
- Have some breakfast.
- Tome o pequeno-almoço.
Let's have some breakfast.
- Que tal tomarmos o pequeno-almoço!
- Will you have some breakfast?
- Quer tomar pequeno-almoço?
Come and have some breakfast, Harry, you've earned it.
Vem tomar o café da manhã, Harry. Você ganhou.
Come up and have some breakfast.
Venham comer qualquer coisa.
Will you have some breakfast?
O senhor vai tomar o pequeno almoço?
Well, I'll have some breakfast.
Bem, vou tomar o pequeno-almoço.
Would you like to come in and have some breakfast?
Queres entrar e tomar pequeno-almoço?
Let's have some breakfast,
Vamos tomar o pequeno-almoço,
Here, have some breakfast.
Toma o pequeno-almoço.
- Will the General have some breakfast?
- O General quer o café da manhã?
- Can we have some breakfast? - Uh-uh, uh-uh.
- Podemos tomar o pequeno-almoço?
Would you like to have some breakfast this morning, ma'am?
Gostava de tomar o café da manhã esta manhã, senhora?
Sit down and have some breakfast.
Senta-te e toma o pequeno-almoço.
You know she probably woke up this morning and thought I'll have some breakfast, take a walk, then have my massage.
Sabem... Provavelmente, acordou esta manhã e pensou : "Vou tomar o pequeno-almoço, dar um passeio e levar uma massagem."
Let's go and have some breakfast.
Vamos tomar café.
- What do you say we put away our guns and forget the whole goddamn thing and have some breakfast, all right?
Vamos guardar as armas e tomar o pequeno almoço...
Get up, have some breakfast!
Levanta-te e vai tomar o pequeno-almoço.
- Have some breakfast.
- Tomem o pequeno-almoço.
Sit down. Have some breakfast.
Toma o pequeno-almoço.
I told you, you should have had some breakfast.
Eu disse para tomar o seu pequeno-almoço.
I told you you should have had some breakfast.
Eu disse para tomar o seu pequeno-almoço.
Have some breakfast.
Tome o café.
We're gonna have some guests for breakfast.
Vamos ter uns hóspedes para o café da manhã.
Pull up a chair, have yourself some breakfast.
Puxa uma cadeira e toma o pequeno-almoço.
I'll stop at the market, get some kippers, and we'll have a fine English breakfast.
Passo pelo supermercado para comprar o pequeno-almoço.
... What does a man have to do to get some breakfast around here.
O que é preciso fazer para se ter o pequeno almoço?
I'll have a look around and see if I can find myself some breakfast.
Vou dar uma vista de olhos... e ver se consigo encontrar algo para o pequeno-almoço.
I'll have Einstein bring some breakfast first thing in the morning.
Mandarei o Einstein levar pequeno-almoço pela manhã.
My breakfast always begins with tea, then I have a little sausage, then a egg with some little soldiers.
O meu pequeno almoço começa sempre com chá ( tea ), depois como uma pequena salsicha, e depois um ovo com uns soldadinhos.
And at breakfast I would often tell him what I'd been reading in the Bible... hoping that this would eventually have some influence.
na esperança que aquilo pudesse ter alguma influência.
Ashley, who did you have for breakfast, some hormones or something?
Ashley, o que tomaste ao pequeno-almoço, hormonas?
Here`s some money, have a nice breakfast,
Toma dinheiro, vai lá comer o teu pequeno-almoço.
Why don't you have some breakfast?
Por que não toma café?
Now get some sleep. I may wish to have sex again before we eat breakfast.
Pode-me apetecer fazer sexo outra vez antes do pequeno-almoço.
And we would go to the Oak Room and have some fabulous breakfast. This would be before rehearsal... and we would just talk and talk and talk and talk about the work and the play. But it was never
e íamos até à Oak Room e tomávamos um pequeno-almoço delicioso, antes do ensaio, ficávamos lá a falar e a falar... sobre o trabalho e a peça, mas nunca foi...
Mom, aren't you gonna have some real breakfast?
Mãe, não vais comer um pequeno-almoço a sério?

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