And my husband Çeviri İspanyolca
6,976 parallel translation
Do you know what you and my husband have in common?
¿ Sabes lo que tu y mi esposo tienen en común?
And my husband the king thanks you.
Y mi esposo el rey os da las gracias.
It was something of a ritual. She would bring over chamomile tea and she and my husband would discuss matters of philosophy.
Ella traería té de manzanilla y discutiría con mi marido asuntos de filosofía.
She'd have the kids in bed by 8 : 00 and my husband in bed by 10 : 00.
Tenía a los niños a las ocho en la cama y a mi marido a las diez.
During the outbreak, I was a nurse... and my husband was a paramedic.
Antes yo era una enfermera y mi marido, paramédico.
And my husband wrote back at once, saying he had never, ever thought you were a deserter and had never been disloyal and that you were ferociously attacked by the American rednecks in California and that you stood firm in your principles
Mi esposo le respondió de inmediato diciendo que no te ha considerado nunca un desertor y que no has deshonrado a tu país, que has sido atacado ferozmente por los paletos americanos de California, que te mantuviste firme en tus principios y tienes
I don't know who you are, but you are obviously some sort of desperate hail Mary from my husband or from Cyrus or from someone else who thinks there is a chance in hell of getting me to put on that stupid dress and go to that stupid speech.
No se quien eres, pero obviamente eres un tipo de desesperado ultimo recurso de mi marido o Cyrus u otra persona que piensa que hay una maldita posibilidad de conseguir que me ponga ese estupido vestido y vaya a ese estupido discurso.
And I ask you here tonight, without a teleprompter, without a speech, without anything but my love as a husband and a father...
Y les pregunto aqui esta noche, sin un monitor, sin un discurso, sin nada mas que mi amor como marido y padre...
"My husband's a badass, and all will be fine."
"Mi marido es un tipo duro y estará bien."
This is... and... This is my husband, Stan.
Esta es y este es mi esposo, Stan.
Uh, my husband and I would like to open a cookie store.
Nos gustaría abrir una tienda de galletas.
My husband is dead, and I cannot find him, and he did it.
Mi marido está muerto, no puedo encontrarlo y lo hizo él.
'Cause no matter what I do, there's only one person my husband listens to, and she's...
Porque no importa lo que haga, solo hay una persona a la que escuche mi marido, y ella es...
My WITSEC lady and her husband got killed.
Mi señora WITSEC y su esposo fue asesinado.
And you'd love my husband.
Y te encantaría mi marido.
Doctor, this is my husband and his partner.
Doctor, este es mi marido y su compañera.
My husband is dead, and you're questioning... my finances?
Mi esposo está muerto y ustedes cuestionan... mis finanzas?
Yes, and when I reminded my husband, he accused me of nagging.
Sí, y cuando se lo recordé a mi esposo, me acusó de regañona.
I just had sex with my husband, and it worked.
Acabo de tener sexo con mi esposo, y funcionó.
Ross was a husband and a father and one of my patrolmen.
Ross era esposo y padre y uno de mis patrulleros.
As you keep reminding my husband and I, France owes you a significant debt.
Seguís recordándonos a mi esposo y a mí, que Francia tiene con vos una deuda importante.
I'll be with my husband and children, and Axl will be across town with his family, each wondering if the other is having a merry Christmas, but each too proud to pick up the phone.
Yo estaré con mi esposo e hijos, y Axl estará al otro lado de la ciudad con su familia, ambos preguntándonos si el otro estará pasando una feliz Navidad, pero demasiado orgullosos para tomar el teléfono.
And three months ago, my husband walked out on us for the girl at the genius bar.
Y hace tres meses, mi esposo nos abandonó por la chica de la Barra de Genios de Apple.
I work for the United States taxpayers, Mrs. Grayson. Ah. And I do so miss my dearly departed husband.
Trabajo para contribuyentes estadounidenses, Sra. Grayson. Y echo tanto de memnos a mi marido fallecido.
I'm trying to find my husband, and nothing's open.
Estoy buscando a mi esposo, y nada está abierto.
My husband and I are so proud and so honored by this, sienna.
Mi marido y yo nos sentimos muy orgullosos y honrados por esto, Sienna.
I would say husband and wife, because Michael literally took my husband out of my bed for, sometimes, no other reason than Michael needed to drink.
Eran como un matrimonio porque Michael sacaba a mi marido de mi cama solo porque necesitaba tomar alcohol.
Don't speak to me of wrongs done... you murdered my son, you and your husband.
No me habléis del mal que habéis hecho... matasteis a mi hijo, vos y vuestro esposo.
My husband and I just returned last night from Argentina.
Mi marido y yo acabamos de regresar anoche de Argentina
When my husband and I found out that we were pregnant with a little girl, we were overjoyed.
Cuando mi marido y yo encontramos que estábamos embarazada de una niña, nos alegró muchísimo
I get more kick out of this that costs $ 4 and change than if my husband took me to Harry Winston.
Me divierte más esto que vale 4 dólares y cambio, que si mi marido me llevara a la joyería Harry Winston.
Oh, this actually I bought many years ago for my darling husband, and...
Esto lo compré hace años para mi querido esposo y...
And we did that for a while, and then my husband said to me,
Y lo hicimos durante un tiempo y luego mi esposo me dijo :
When I met Susan, I had been married for eight years, but my husband- - He and I had not had any type of sexual relations for over six years.
Cuando conocí a Susan llevaba casada ocho años, pero mi marido y yo no habíamos tenido ninguna relación sexual en seis años. - ¡ Oh, bien!
And they went and told the pastor, and then the next week, he told the congregation that I had left my husband for a woman. That I had left my husband for a woman.
Y se lo contaron al pastor, y la semana siguiente él le contó a la congregación que había dejado a mi marido por una mujer
My husband was going blind, and the tribe needed a new patriarch, and Jacob had talents that his older brother did not.
Mi marido se estaba quedando ciego, y la tribu necesitaba un nuevo patriarca. y Jacob tenia mas talento que su hermano mayor Esaú.
And yet you allow them to live, when they have my husband's blood on their hands?
¿ Y, sin embargo se les permite vivir, cuando tienen en sus manos la sangre de mi marido?
Oh, and my ex-husband thinks I'm a real bitch, too.
Y mi exesposo también cree que soy una perra.
My husband's a perfectionist and he must have had 100- - maybe more- - puzzles that he had created and never published because he didn't think they were good enough.
Mi marido es un perfeccionista y tenía más de cien... quizá más crucigramas que había diseñado y que nunca había publicado porque en su momento creyó que no eran lo suficientemente buenos.
My husband works with the teacher's union, and over the last five years, there has been a decrease in school crime oversight in the S.A.'s office.
Mi marido trabaja para el sindicato de profesores, y durante los últimos cinco años ha habido un descenso en la supervisión de los delitos en el colegio por parte de la fiscalía.
And I just lied to my husband.
Y le acabo de mentir a mi marido.
Damien my husband, he talks and talks and watches.
Damien, mi esposo, habla sin parar y observa.
Hannah's my daughter, and she's been staying with me for a while while her mother sorted a few things out with her new husband.
Hannah mi hija, y ella ha estado viviendo conmigo por un tiempo mientras que su madre ordenadas algunas cosas con su nuevo esposo.
"This day in April, 1948, my husband, Hank Williams " has a violent and ungovernable temper.
" En este día de abril, 1948, mi esposo, Hank Williams tiene un temperamento violento e incontrolable.
In a few minutes, my husband is going to walk through that door and when he does, I feel pretty confident this will be the last time I ever see you.
En pocos minutos, mi marido va a caminar a través de esa puerta y cuando lo hace, me siento bastante confiado esta será la última vez que te veo.
And I am here to tell everyone out there that my husband locked me in the bathroom like a psycho.
Y estoy aquí para contarles a todos que mi marido me encerró en el baño como a una loca.
And I wasn't sure if it was my husband's... or if it was yours.
Y no estaba segura si era de mi esposo. O si era tuyo.
But my husband was a person, a real man. And every song he ever wrote and everything he ever touched is mine.
Pero mi esposo era una persona, un hombre real, y cada canción que escribió y todo lo que haya tocado es mío.
Because my husband met somebody else and left me.
Porque mi marido conoció a otra y me dejó.
My husband and I have the same in turquoise.
Mi esposo y yo tenemos las mismas en turquesa.
the girl in question, and we have sworn depositions from two Saddlebrook Institute psychiatrists clearly stating that in their opinions, a series of events precipitated by my client's husband drove her to suffer an emotional break which resulted
la mujer en cuestión y tenemos las declaraciones juradas de dos psiquiatras del Instituto Saddlebrook que establecen con claridad que, en su opinión una serie de sucesos provocados por el esposo de mi cliente le provocaron un desequilibrio emocional que llevó...
and my sister 48
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my husband 853
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my husband 853
my husband is dead 36
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140
and maybe 206
and mr 568
and mom 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140
and maybe 206
and mr 568
and mom 52