Eat a lot Çeviri İspanyolca
662 parallel translation
You should eat a lot.
Deberías comer mucha.
Now you have to eat a lot.
¡ Ahora vamos a alimentarte!
I guess you have to eat a lot to keep your teeth in training for that iron jaw act, eh?
Yo no soy todo el mundo. Oh, usted perdone. Debería haberme dado cuenta de que es bastante especial.
You are too, you eat a lot, break them fences and plates, you have robbed and did not know how to fight.
Sois demasiados, coméis mucho, rompéis verjas y platos, robáis y no sabéis luchar.
You eat a lot.
Comes mucho.
You have to eat a lot, don't you understand?
Aunque no te guste, debes comer mucho. ¿ Es posible que no lo entiendas?
Eat a lot, you can eat all of it
Come mucho. Cómetelo todo.
I'm supposed to eat a lot, but I don't have much appetite.
Debo comer mucho, pero por desgracia no tengo apetito.
- Mr Mayor, tall people eat a lot.
- Sr. Alcalde, la gente alta come mucho.
Mom likes fish, she'd eat a lot.
A mamá le gusta el pescado, así comería muchísimo.
- I'd eat a lot.
- Comería mucho.
People do eat a lot more fresh food these days.
la gente come comida más fresca estos días.
Eat a lot.
Vamos, comed bien.
I'm not complaining... it's good that you can eat a lot and still it doesn't show.
¡ Si no digo nada... que comas mucho y que no se note!
They told me I have to look motherly and eat a lot of pasta.
No me han dicho casi nada, que debo parecer maternal, y comer mucha pasta.
We used to eat a lot in Russia.
Cuánto comimos en Rusia.
I eat a lot in the morning : Breakfast
Yo tomo un buen desayuno.
Sure, they eat a lot!
¡ Que si comen!
Look, I eat a lot of food,... and then you go on there... buying underwear, buying shoes...
Mira, yo como mucha comida, y luego ahí andas comprando... que si los calzones, que si los zapatos...
We will eat a lot, sleep a lot and after a month we return and say to him :
Comemos y dormimos un montón y después de un mes volvemos y le decimos :
Eat a lot to get stronger, to make a god son-in-law.
Coma mucho para ponerse más fuerte ; así será un buen yerno.
He must eat a lot of bananas.
Debe comer muchos plátanos.
- I eat a lot of canned food.
- Como mucha comida enlatada.
Eat well and grow a lot, ok?
Mi Eun-chae, come y crece sana.
It's gone a bit bad, but if you just take out a little, there's still a lot for you to eat.
Está un poco mal, pero si lo retiran, aún hay mucho para que coman.
And, baby, when you don't eat, you lose a lot of calories.
Y si no comemos, perdemos muchas calorías.
Australian mutton... and a lot of people who'd been buried for years... and got up just to eat that mutton.
Carne australiana... y un montón de gente que llevaba años enterrada... y se levantó sólo para comer esa carne.
Don't any of you think I'm going to eat with a lot of dried-up mummies every night.
No vayáis a pensar que voy a cenar cada noche con estas momias aburridas.
I propose that we each eat three of the cream tarts, The remaining one to be disposed of by lot.
Propongo que cada uno de nosotros se coma tres tartas de crema, la sobrante la echaremos a suertes.
Or one of them society mugs who owns a lot of firetrap tenement houses where the rats and bugs eat you alive?
¿ O a uno de esos usureros que alquila pisos sin salidas de incendios donde te comen las ratas y los bichos?
Thank you. I knew any woman who thought it would take a lot of rope to hang my friends wouldn't deny an old soldier a bite to eat.
Sabía que alguien que piensa que hace falta mucha soga para colgar a mis amigos no iba a negarme algo de comida.
- Gonna have to eat an awful lot of omelets.
Vamos a tener que comer un montón de tortillas.
Well, I eat here a lot, but half the time I'm out in left field.
Vengo a menudo, pero siempre voy al otro lado.
I made a lot so eat all you want
Hay mucho, así que comed lo que queráis.
There are a lot of nice things to eat here.
Hay tantas cosas buenas.
Keep working hard, slog away Eat the dry bread of honesty and thank God for your lot
Trabaja duro, come el duro pan de la honestidad y agradece a Dios tu parte
Well, I've baited a lot of hooks in my time but I usually eat the fish myself.
Bueno, he cebado muchos anzuelos en mis tiempos pero normalmente me como el pescado.
Because birds really eat a tremendous lot.
Porque los pájaros en realidad comen mucho.
It's... well, when you have a whole lot to eat and ye share it.
Es cuando hay mucho para comer y compartir.
You can eat the roots of a lot of plants!
¡ Se pueden comer las raíces de montones de plantas!
Peasants have a lot of claims, they want to eat meat every week and they no longer respect the owners and they use to steal everything so you can imagine who they blame, the martians.
Los campesinos tienen muchas exigencias, quieren comer carne todas las semanas y ya no respetan a los patrones, roban por doquier y luego imagine a quién echan la culpa, a los marcianos.
I don't eat less'earty than he does and I drink a lot more.
No como menos cantidad que él y bebo... mucho más.
- yes i'll come by tomorrow let's do lunch i won't have a lot of time not a problem, we'll eat at the diner on the corner
- Sí. Pasaré por ahí mañana, podemos almorzar. No tendré mucho tiempo.
Man can eat a lot of dust back there, can't he?
Se traga mucho polvo cabalgando por acá verdad!
And if he finds a snake, you kill it with a stick and eat. - There are a lot of things that could be use, but he does not know until he sees.
Hay muchas cosas que se pueden utilizar Sólo lo sabrá cuando venga.
You'll have to eat with us and get a lot of good nourishment.
Deberás comer con nosotros y llevar una alimentación sana.
He wants me to sleep a lot... because you can't eat while you're sleeping.
Quiere que duerma mucho porque no se puede comer al dormir.
The Gerardo is at your own the Spider with a lot of people... in the "New World". Want to eat something?
Gerardo está por su cuenta y Spyder con mucha gente... en el "Nuevo Mundo".
I don't think there's a lot to eat at home.
- No creo que quede nada de comer.
My mama says you can tell a lot about someone by the way they eat.
Mamá dice que puedes conocer a una persona... por su forma de comer.
You know, 10 : 1 says you'll feel a lot better... if you eat something.
Sabes, seguramente te sentirás mejor si comes algo.
eat a dick 20
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
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a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
a lot of times 55
a lot better 53
a lot of money 87
a lot of fun 24
a lot more 90
a lot of 45
a lot of the time 18
a lot of it 93
a lot of blood 23
a lot of stuff 16
a lot of them 83
a lot worse 20
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lots 169
a lot of 45
a lot of the time 18
a lot of it 93
a lot of blood 23
a lot of stuff 16
a lot of them 83
a lot worse 20
lotus 24
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lotte 119
lottie 68
lotta 19
lottery 16
lots of love 47
lotion 20
lothar 21
lots of things 77
lots of people 60
lots of times 48
lottie 68
lotta 19
lottery 16
lots of love 47
lotion 20
lothar 21
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lots of people 60
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lots of 23
lots to do 26
lots of them 98
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lots of stuff 21
lots of reasons 16
lots of it 103
lots of blood 19
lots of luck 17
lot number 23
lots to do 26
lots of them 98
lots of money 54
lots of stuff 21
lots of reasons 16
lots of it 103
lots of blood 19
lots of luck 17
lot number 23