For them Çeviri İspanyolca
55,945 parallel translation
Avery plans to lie in wait for them.
Avery planeó acecharles.
It's not for me to speak for them.
No puedo hablar por ellos.
However, feed their inner demons, frighten them, find reasons for them to divide themselves from otherness, and then watch those selfsame sapiens drop bombs on whole cities, drive planes into buildings and happily herd millions of their own kind into gas chambers.
Pero si alimentas sus demonios, si los asustas, si les das motivos para separarse de la otredad, los verás bombardear ciudades enteras, estrellar aviones contra edificios y llevar a los suyos de a millones a la cámara de gas.
Do they not realize what we've done for them already?
- ¿ No ven lo que hemos hecho por ellas?
Our clients have an algorithm that pre-selects their clientele for them.
Nuestros clientes tienen un algoritmo que preselecciona a su clientela.
Alpha 2, - go down for them.
- Alfa 2, baja para ellos.
'You make mistakes and I have to pay a price for them.'
'Cometes errores y tengo que pagar un precio por ellos'.
Children... it's good for them to hear loud noises and strange smells, and be around strange men, you know?
Niños... es bueno para ellos oír ruidos altos y percibir olores raros y estar cerca de hombres extraños, ¿ sabes?
I can't vouch for them.
No puedo poner la mano en el fuego.
We have done everything we can to make the place lovely for them.
Hemos hecho todo lo que hemos podido para que encuentren el lugar encantador.
Who is going to pay for them?
¿ Quién va a pagar por ellas?
Save it for them.
Guárdalo para ellas.
I fought five cops for them.
Me peleé con cinco polis por ellos.
They'll find friends there, discover through them where Madi is being held, and be back to the beach for us to recover by morning.
Allí hallarán amigos, a través de ellos descubrirán dónde está siendo retenida Madi y por la mañana regresarán a la playa para que los recojamos.
Signatories guaranteed human rights to sensoriums and agreed not to deploy them for military needs.
Se garantizaron los derechos humanos de los sensoriums y se acordó no usarlos con fines militares.
What's hard for Will is that all the things that were broken between them... they can't ever be fixed.
Lo duro para Will es que todo lo que se rompió entre ellos ya no se podrá reparar.
The same prejudice that drove them away... was also responsible for taking my father's life when a political difference became a tribal war.
El prejuicio que los expulsó fue el mismo que mató a mi padre cuando un desacuerdo político se convirtió en guerra tribal.
I was gonna let the sitter get them ready for you.
Le iba a decir a la niñera que los tuviera listos para ti.
That doesn't mean they knew what we were using them for.
- No saben para qué los usamos.
Decided to put the house up for sale once the state allowed them to do so and told my agents to get rid out it.
Decidieron poner la casa a la venta. Una vez que el Estado les permitiera hacerlo. Y, le dije a mi Agencia que se deshiciera de ella.
I made them for Penelope as an offering, so she could see I had done what she asked.
Las hice para Penélope, como una ofrenda, así ella podía ver que había hecho lo que pedía.
I snuck into my panic room and watched them search the house for 20 minutes, and then they left.
Me metí en el cuarto seguro y vi cómo revisaban la casa por 20 minutos y luego se fueron.
I planned for all of them.
Yo debo prever todo eso.
Please.. honor them for giving everything to this cause.
Por favor... ríndanles homenaje por haber dado todo a esta causa.
"Somebody who's taught me " that there are people out there willing to stand up " for other people no matter what it costs them.
Sino que es alguien quién me enseñó que hay gente ahí fuera dispuesta a defender a los demás sin importar lo que les cueste.
If we send them to the COP for fuel and ammo, how long would that set them back?
Si los enviamos a la COP Para combustible y munición, Cuanto tiempo eso Volver a ponerlos?
We have to go back for them.
Tenemos que regresar para ellos.
"Some of them wish for me"
"Algunos de ellos desean para mí"
Hey, Bethie, you're gonna pick them out and I'm gonna put him away for a very long time.
Oye, Bethie, tú solo los identificas y yo les encierro durante una larga temporada.
They were my best friends freshman and sophomore year until I made the fatal mistake of deciding to push them aside for Jessa when she came home,'cause for some reason I thought that her friends were, like, the apex of maturity, which is ridiculous, and I recognize that now.
Eran mis mejores amigas en la universidad hasta que cometí el error fatal de relegarlas por Jessa cuando ella vino a casa, porque, por alguna razón, pensé que su amistad era la cúspide de la madurez, lo que es ridículo, lo reconozco ahora.
And I've been on them for a fucking year!
¡ Y he estado tomándolas durante un jodido año!
We'll take them for football practice every Saturday.
Los llevaremos a la práctica de fútbol todos los sábados.
He gets them for after his chemotherapy.
Son las pastillas que le dan para después de la quimioterapia.
First, he kills his victims as humanely as possible, takes care of them for six months, and then brutally kills them again.
Primero mata a sus víctimas lo más humanamente posible, las cuida durante seis meses, y luego vuelve a asesinarlas brutalmente.
Put them together for the Hang 5.
Aplaudan para los Hang 5.
If your guy or girl dies or gets hurt and I have to carry them all the way back I'm gonna make you scrub the whale for a year!
Si su chico o chica muere o se lastima y tengo que traerlo de vuelta... ¡ van a tener que lavar la ballena por un año!
Lani. Tell them I didn't mean for this to happen.
Lani, diles que no era mi intención.
For a child on the autism spectrum, social interactions can be overwhelming, but robots like AMI provide a simple, stress-free interface, which allows them to make great strides.
Para un niño en el espectro autista, interacciones sociales pueden ser abrumador, pero los robots como IAM proporcionar un libre de estrés simple, interfaz, que les permite hacer grandes pasos.
Well, no one would blame you for being with them.
Bueno, nadie te culparía por estar con ellos.
Those girls earlier, I'm sure you'd rather be screwing them, preferably outside, but you've got to settle for what's on offer.
Esas chicas de antes, estoy seguro de que preferiría estar cepillándotelas, preferiblemente fuera, pero tienes que conformarte con lo que está en oferta.
Right? Look, leaving them is exactly the wrong thing for me to do right now.
Abandonarlos es precisamente lo que no debo hacer ahora mismo.
The one time Holly gets them for us, I have an allergy attack?
¿ La única vez que Holly los trae, tengo un ataque de alergia?
Roan, your people are hungry for you to lead them.
Roan, tu gente necesita que les guíes.
I prefer to think of them as draconian points earned for good behavior.
Prefiero llamarlos puntos draconianos ganados por buen comportamiento.
The problem with treatment for some of these kids... is that we won't let them hit bottom.
El problema del tratamiento de algunos de estos chicos es que no los dejamos tocar fondo.
And last night I checked them both for their vests and Wally for his ankle gun.
Y anoche comprobé tanto sus chalecos antibalas como la pistola del tobillo de Wally.
How much did you take them for?
¿ Cuánto les has sacado?
I wrapped them up... you know, for safety.
Las envolví... ya sabe, por seguridad.
"I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have created, and with them, the animals and birds and creatures that move along the ground, for I regret that I have made them."
"Borraré de la faz de la Tierra al hombre que he creado y con él a los animales, pájaros y las criaturas que se arrastran por el suelo, porque me arrepiento de haberlos hecho".
If you knew, you would have them ready at a moment's notice for you and I to grab.
Lo sé. Si lo sabías, la tendrás lista para cuando tengamos que cogerla.
'I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have created... and with them, the animals, the birds, and the creatures that move along the ground...'" "'... for I regret that I have made them.'"
"Borraré de la faz de la Tierra al hombre que he creado... y con él a los animales, pájaros y las criaturas que searrastran por el suelo... porque me arrepiento de haberlos hecho".
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
for the love of god 422
for the sake of argument 37
for that matter 510
for the record 849
for today 83
for the time being 227
for the life of me 58
for two hours 22
for the last time 470
for the rest of my life 110
for the sake of argument 37
for that matter 510
for the record 849
for today 83
for the time being 227
for the life of me 58
for two hours 22
for the last time 470
for the rest of my life 110