I came because Çeviri İspanyolca
3,110 parallel translation
Hello, I came because of Veronica Söderström.
Hola, busco a Veronica Söderström.
I came because you said you had an emergency of sorts.
Vine porque me dijiste que tenías una emergencia.
I came because I was told I would only be talking to you, the President.
Vine porque me dijeron que solo estaría usted, Presidente.
Oh, well, I came because, uh, I heard that
Bueno, vine porque, escuché que
Because that is why I came by here today.
Porque por eso hoy he venido aquí.
I suspect you also came because you were worried for yourself.
Sospecho que también vino porque estaba preocupada por usted misma.
Well, as soon as you can, we're going right back to this position because I just came up with that door closure line, and I obviously really like it.
Bueno, tan pronto puedas, volveremos a esta posición porque se me ocurrió esa frase del cierre, y obviamente me gustó.
I came here because I wanted...
He venido porque quería...
I wanted to stop by because a young man named Kenneth parcell came to my office this afternoon.
Quería pasarme porque un joven llamado Kenneth Parcell vino a mi oficina esta tarde.
I say "alien abduction," because some of the pieces of information that they discuss... the loss of time, seeing beings that actually came out of this craft and associated and interacted with them, and they
Digo "abducción alienígena", ya que algunas partes de la información que entregan... la pérdida de la noción del tiempo, ver seres que efectivamente salen de su nave y en suma que interactúan con ellos.
I called her here because something came up.
Le dije que viniera porque surgió algo.
Initially, I saw a lot of problems with this little black dress, but then came this beauty, and it was striking because it looks so light and it looks so fragile.
Inicialmente yo vi muchos problemas con el vestido negro pero entonces vino esta belleza y era notable porque parecia tal ligero y tan fragil.
So I want to get home in case the acceptance letter came in today so I can tear it up because I don't want Ricky to think that I don't want to get married so that I can go to school in New York instead.
Así que quiero irme a casa por si acaso la carta de aceptación vino hoy y así poderla romper porque no quiero que Ricky piense que no quiero casarme para así irme a la universidad en Nueva York.
Sir, I came here because I really need to know... I was so dísappoínted when he told me that I needed to get my matríc, and then I had to study for a further seven years.
Señor, vine porque... Me desilusioné tanto cuando me dijo que debía terminar la secundaria primero, y después estudiar siete años más.
After I came home, because my hair was in a bun and my makeup was running.
Después que vine a casa, porque mi pelo estaba en un moño y mi maquillaje se estaba corriendo.
Sylvie, I came to you because you're a mother.
Sylvie, he venido a ti porque eres madre.
But I have this special commitment, because I came and pulled you out of that waiting room.
Pero Tengo this especial Compromiso, PORQUE Llegue y saque de la ESA sala de Espera.
I came here because I care about Emmett and all you care about is winning?
Vine porque me preocupo por Emmett... ¿ y usted se preocupa por ganar?
Mr. Jacobs... I came in here because I wanted you to hear what happened in that alley and hear it from me.
Señor Jacobs... vine aquí porque quería que escuchara que pasó en ese callejón y lo escuchara de mí.
I came here because my wife gives me no peace.
vine porque mi esposa no me deja en paz.
And because I'm waiting for you to admit that you came here because you miss the sex.
Y porque espero a que admitas que viniste porque extrañas el sexo.
And then I stepped away from the front desk because I couldn't find my wallet, and when I came back, my laptop was gone.
Y entonces me alejé del mostrador de recepción porque no podía encontrar mi cartera, y cuando volví, mi portátil no estaba.
This is a big song, but I have faith in the two of you because you both came out with big voices.
Es una gran canción, tengo fe en ambos. Porque mostraran sus potentes voces.
Yeah, and I guess they didn't get any money, because some deckhand came forward and said
Sí, y supongo que ellos no consiguieron nada de dinero, porque algún marinero se dio a conocer y dijo
I came down from Delhi because you're too emotional.
He venido desde Delhi porque tu eres demasiado impulsivo.
I came on this program because Rick Santorum believes that the right to kill an unborn child is not inalienable.
Vine a este programa porque Rick Santorum piensa que el derecho de matar a un niño no nacido no es inalienable.
You know, I'm actually glad you came by because there's something I wanted to talk to you about.
Me alegro de que hayas venido porque hay algo de lo que quiero hablar contigo.
In a way a little bit of a target came off my back because i'm not a threat to him.
En cierto modo, me he puesto un objetivo en la espalda porque no estoy tratando con él.
All right, I came to work because I want to work.
De acuerdo, vine a trabajar porque quiero trabajar.
Harvey came to you first because I wanted you to know that you are valuable to both of us.
Harvey vino primero porque quería que supieras que eres valioso para nosotros.
I think we lost because it all came down to dessert and Frank slipped up.
Creo que perdimos porque todo descendió hasta el postre y Frank se equivocó.
I came back because you asked me to.
Volví porque me lo pediste.
I only came in because it was getting cold
Solo he entrado porque empezaba a hacer frío.
Cassie came to me because she knew I'd have the courage to run her story when nobody else would.
Cassie acudió a mí porque sabía que yo tendría el valor necesario para publicar su historia y que nadie más lo haría.
I came out because I thought about the coffee beans that are currently drying.
Vine a buscar granos de café secos.
'Cause how can you do like that to your woman? And he probably never knew my anger... because I came up afterwards... and he said, " Oh, beautiful scene.
Tal vez él no supo de mi ira, porque cuando me acerqué a él, me dijo : "escena magnífica, todo fue genial." Y me sonrió...
It was an adventure, and I looked upon it... as a birthday gift... but I never took it... really, really serious... because I was now a little over 30 years... and when I came to Hollywood...
Era una aventura, y lo tomé como un regalo de cumpleaños pero nunca me lo tomé muy en serio, porque ya tenía algo más de 30 años.
And I hired a plane, which I've never done before... because I knew I had to go now... this morning, this day... and I flew to Gotland... and I took the ferryboat... and I came here in the afternoon... and he was here, and -
Y yo alquilé un avión, algo que nunca había hecho antes, porque yo sabía que tenía que irse, esa mañana, ese día. Volé a Gotland y cogimos un ferry. Llegué por la tarde, y él estaba aquí.
- Jack, for God's sake, there's only one reason I came to New York, and that's because Gunga Din here takes my insurance.
- Jack, por Dios Santo, hay un solo motivo por el que he venido a New York y es porque Dunga Din me tenía asegurada aquí.
Because I'm going out in my fishing boat this weekend, and I'd really love it if you came with.
Porque voy a salir con mi barco de pesca este fin de semana, y me encantaría que vinieras.
595 ) \ 3cH2E2E2F \ fnConstantia \ cHF1EEEF } PAT - Police Automotive Terminal 710 ) } I came all the way because I don't want records of it!
¡ Vine hasta aquí porque no quiero que queden registros!
I came in here because I saw you walking with the nurse and I thought... you can help me.
Vine porque te vi caminando con la enfermera y pensé... Tú puedes ayudarme.
I came here because...
He venido porque...
Because I have to be straight with you, if it's parenting advice, my wife did most of the decision-making when it came to Daisy.
Porque tengo que ser sincero contigo, si se trata de consejos para padres, mi esposa tomaba la mayor parte de las decisiones cuando se trataba de Daisy.
She came out because I said we had to.
Salió porque le dije que debíamos.
She came in with a balloon, which the jailers did not want to allow me to have, but I fought for that balloon because I love Nina Simone.
Vino con un globo, que lo guardias no querían autorizarme a tener, pero luche para ese globo porque amaba a Nina Simone.
Um, okay, I just came here to get my lucky shoes because I think I forgot them when I packed up my things.
Vale, solo vine a buscar mis zapatos de la suerte porque creo que los olvidé cuando empaqueté mis cosas.
I'm not an immature kid who came here because I enjoy teasing you.
No soy de los que llegaría tan lejos por simple aburrimiento, como un adolescente.
I came here because I care about you.
He venido porque me importas.
George came over here because Jack is in the hospital, and I think that we need to go down there right away, and I needed some help with Tom.
George ha venido porque Jack está en el hospital, y creo que tenemos que ir allí ahora mismo, y necesitaba un poco de ayuda con Tom.
The Sympathy character's much more complicated because my inspiration for that came from Baudelaire and The Master of Margarita, and so I had all these things going on.
El de Sympathy es mucho más complicado porque para esa me inspiré en Baudelaire y El maestro y Margarita, por eso tenía todo ese trasfondo.
i came here to see you 21
i came here 75
i came 136
i came here for you 23
i came here to apologize 29
i came as soon as i could 56
i came home 83
i came here to help you 16
i came in 36
i came alone 37
i came here 75
i came 136
i came here for you 23
i came here to apologize 29
i came as soon as i could 56
i came home 83
i came here to help you 16
i came in 36
i came alone 37