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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I want you to

I want you to Çeviri İspanyolca

181,897 parallel translation
Guess what I want you to say to me right now.
Adivina qué quiero que me digas ahora.
I want you to come back, work on the ranch.
Quiero que vuelvas a trabajar en el rancho.
And if that opportunity comes along, I want you to take it.
Si te surge la oportunidad, quiero que la aceptes.
I want you to check the computer, I'll check the filing cabinets.
Comprueba la computadora, encuentra los archivos.
It started off purely physical, but then it got emotional, and then it went back to physical, but my intentions are pure. I want you to know that.
Empezó como algo solo físico, pero luego empezaron los sentimientos y luego volvió a ser físico, pero mis intenciones son puras, quiero que lo sepa.
I want you to put this in your mouths...
Quiero que se pongan esto en la boca.
I want you to say... that you feel the same way I feel inside and that I'm not crazy.
Quiero que digas que sientes lo mismo que yo y que no estoy loco.
You think I'd want to work here after this?
! ¿ ¡ Que quiero trabajar aquí para esto? !
- I want to. But you've got a few skeletons in your closet.
Tienes algunos cerdos en el bosque.
- Will you help me or not? - I want to, but not like this. I see.
Realmente me gustaría ayudar, pero no de esta manera.
Yeah, I didn't wanna ruin it for him. I did want to ruin it for you.
Sí, no quería estropeárselo a él, pero a ti sí.
I don't want you to forget it.
No quiero que lo olvides.
What I want is for you to get out of my huntin'cabin.
Quiero que salgas de mi cabaña de caza.
Look... we're probably not gonna ever see eye to eye on this... but I want to support you.
Oye... Seguro que en este asunto nunca vamos a estar de acuerdo, pero quiero apoyarte.
Mr. Bennett, if my child ever had a problem... I can't imagine anyone I'd want them coming to more than you.
Sr. Bennett, si mi hijo tuviera algún problema no querría que acudiera a nadie más que a usted.
Guess what I want to say to you right now.
Adivina qué quiero decirte yo ahora.
You know, I don't want to give'em any ideas.
No quiero darles ideas.
Okay, so let's just go back to where I stop by whenever I want to and I drink all your whiskey and you try to trick me into watching some stupid John Wayne movie.
Volvamos a eso de que te visito cuando me apetece, me bebo tu whisky y tú intentas engañarme para que me quede a ver un bodrio de John Wayne.
I don't want you to run this bar.
No puedes llevar el bar.
I don't want you thinking it was just a way to get your guard down.
No pienses que fue para que bajaras la guardia.
I know you want to run your own ranch.
Sé que quieres dirigir tu propio rancho.
Well, if you were the type of guy to blow something like that off, I wouldn't want to be with you.
Si fueras un tío que se escaquea de esas cosas, no estaría contigo.
I tried to get you to go with me last time, but you didn't want to leave.
La última vez te pedí que vinieras conmigo, pero no quisiste.
Because I don't want you to leave.
Porque no quiero que te marches.
I know, you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you.
Estabas dormida y no queria despertarte.
Look, Mick, I don't want to fight with you.
Mira Mick, no quiero discutir contigo.
I don't want you to go.
No quiero que te vayas.
You've angrily stormed out here three times, so I'm assuming you want to talk?
Has salido corriendo enfadada hasta aquí tres veces, así que ¿ entiendo que quieres hablar?
Look, I don't want to offend you or diss you by saying what I'm about to say, but...
Escucha, no quiero ofenderte ni dejarte mal diciendo lo que estoy a punto de decir, pero...
Then I don't want to be with you, Alice Murphy.
Entonces no quiero estar contigo, Alice Murphy.
Adam, I want to apologize for being so mean to you at lunch.
Adam, quiero disculparme por haber sido tan cruel contigo en la comida.
I want to impregnate you.
Quiero dejarte embarazada.
Look, I want to give you something.
Mira, quiero darte una cosa.
Okay, no, I don't want to marry you,
Vale, no.
Hey, if she's watching the kids, I don't want to be a fourth wheel, so I'll just come and join you three.
Oye, si ella está vigilando a los niños no quiero ser una cuarta rueda, así que me uniré a vosotros tres.
Father, I want to fight with you.
Padre, quiero luchar contigo.
So, if you want to keep arguing and whining like a little girl, then I suggest you leave.
Así que, si quieres seguir discutiendo y lloriqueando como una niña pequeña, te sugiero que te vayas.
I want you guys to do me a favor here.
Háganme un favor.
In fact, I want to tell you something important.
De hecho, quiero decirte algo importante.
Um... I can't believe you guys would want to work with me for seven seasons, and it seems like a tremendous opportunity, but I...
No puedo creer que quieran trabajar conmigo siete temporadas.
I want to keep you at the network.
Quiero mantenerte en la cadena.
- Oh. Anyway, you want to see, uh, a trick I'm gonna perform on the show?
¿ Quieres ver el truco que haré en el show?
I just... I don't want life to be hard for you.
No quiero que la vida se te haga difícil.
I really want to see you. "
Tengo muchas ganas de verte ".
I want to pick you up and carry you away from Pino and toss you in the ocean and then give you kissies.
Quiero tomarte, alejarte de Pino, arrojarte al océano y besarte.
I feel sad because I don't want to leave you.
Me siento triste porque no quiero dejarte.
I don't want you to leave.
Yo no quiero que te vayas.
- You just said that! You said, "I want to stay in New York, I like New York, I've met so many people."
Dijiste : " Quiero quedarme aquí.
See? I just want to do this with you.
Solo quiero hacer esto contigo.
I want to laugh with you.
Quiero reír contigo.
I-I just want to be with you.
Solo quiero estar contigo.

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