The daughter Çeviri İspanyolca
19,016 parallel translation
There was the most enormous ball... coming-out party for the daughter of the family.
Hubo el baile más enorme... Fiesta de presentación en sociedad para la hija de la familia.
He married the daughter of the head of the Circle.
Se casó con la hija del jefe del Círculo.
I'm the daughter of Vandal Savage, the immortal ruler of the world.
Soy la hija de Vandal Savage, el soberano inmortal del mundo.
Faye Li, the daughter of the wealthiest family in Lengcheng.
Li Fei-Fei, de la familia más rica en Lengcheng.
- I guess it's the daughter.
- Debe ser la hija.
The daughter I never had.
La hija que nunca tuve.
I would do anything for your daughter, but I destroyed the Pit months ago.
Haría cualquier cosa por tu hija, pero destruí el Pozo hace meses.
A father would do anything to protect his daughter from the dark.
Un padre haría lo que fuera para proteger a su hija de la oscuridad.
I'm sparing my daughter the pain of growing up without her mother.
Estoy librando a mi hija del dolor de tener que crecer sin su madre.
I jumped straight out of the Lazarus Pit right into this, into--to Speedy, but, um, I've just been wondering if this is even who I really am, and then I threatened to kill a little girl, and I--I realized I'm my father's daughter, so I--I thought about Laurel and--and what she'd say to me if she were here.
Speedy, pero me he estado preguntando si realmente esto es lo que quiero ser, luego amenacé con matar a una niña y me di cuenta de que soy la hija de mi padre, así que pensé en Laurel
I'm not the man my daughter thinks, you know?
No soy el hombre que mi hija piensa, ¿ sabes?
I had a 7-year-old daughter, and I know all about gambling, and I wasn't willing to take the bet that your father could possibly change.
Tenía una hija de siete años, y conozco todo sobre las apuestas, y no estaba dispuesta a apostarme todo con el hecho de que tu padre podría cambiar.
You're every bit as dangerous to our daughter as the day I took her from you.
Eres tan peligroso para nuestra hija como el día que la alejé de ti.
My daughter is the American Apparel slut baby.
Mi hija es la bebe fácil de American Apparel.
Oh, it was fine, though I don't know why they made us face each other during the mother-daughter bikini wax. Did you two have a nice afternoon?
Oh, estubo bien, aunque no se porque nos pusieron de frente cuando nos depilaron el pelo pubico ustedes tubieron una tarde bacan?
" I have come to bring the sword, to set a man against his father, to set a daughter against her mother.
"He venido a traer la espada que el hombre empuñe contra su padre " que una hija la empuñe contra su madre
You seem to think the way to get me working for you is through my daughter's stomach.
Parece que piensa que la forma de hacerme trabajar para usted... es a través del estómago de mi hija.
They say this madman was in the hotel, and he has taken my daughter and that man was your brother.
Dicen que este loco estaba en el hotel, Y ha cogido a mi hija y ese hombre era tu hermano.
They say this madman was in the hotel and he has taken my daughter!
¡ Dicen que este loco estaba en el hotel y se ha llevado a mi hija!
Get your daughter out the car if you don't like it.
Saque a su hija del coche si no le gusta.
The German is very grateful to you for the way you behaved over his daughter.
El alemán le está muy agradecido... por la forma en que se comportó con su hija.
If I had told the truth then, I knew there was a good chance of being arrested, of being separated from my daughter, maybe even not seeing her again.
Si yo hubiera dicho la verdad entonces, sabía que había una buena posibilidad de ser arrestado, de estar separado de mi hija, tal vez incluso no verla de nuevo.
This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to me saving my daughter.
Este hombre es nuestra clave para detener a Zoom, la clave para mí para salvar a mi hija.
In October 2008, please see that your daughter is off the coast of an island in the North China Sea...
En Octubre de 2008, por favor vea que sú hija esté lejos de la costa de una isla al norte del Mar de China...
Only the best for his daughter.
Para su hija quiere lo mejor :
She's the pastor's daughter.
Es la hija del pastor.
There's also Nina, who is the neighbor's daughter, and she wants to be an actress.
También está Nina, la hija del vecino, y que quiere ser actriz.
Well, I think she thinks her daughter's a ho and that's why she wanted her picture taken off the page so fast.
Bueno, creo que piensa que su hija es una puta y por eso quiere sacar las fotos de la página web tan rápido.
Our daughter is worshipping the RAPs.
Nuestra hija está venerando al RAP.
His daughter narrowly escaped being raped right by the school. So she couldn't focus too well for the written Romanian test today.
A su hija casi la violaron ayer al lado del colegio así que no pudo concentrarse en el examen de rumano de hoy.
If only Shadowhunters had a better relationship with us... Downworlders, you'd know that Valentine's daughter has the Cup.
Si tan sólo los Cazadores de Sombras tuvieran una mejor relación con nosotros los Subterráneos, sabrían que la hija de Valentine tiene la Copa.
But his wife... young son and daughter were brutally murdered by criminals, and no one, not the police and... certainly not the District Attorney stepped up to make it right.
Pero su esposa y sus hijos de corta edad fueron asesinados brutalmente por criminales, y nadie, ni la policía ni la fiscal, por cierto, se ocuparon de hacer justicia.
Are you aware that Frank Castle's wife, son, and daughter were all murdered right in front of him when he sustained the brain injury in question?
¿ Sabe usted que la mujer y los hijos de Frank Castle fueron asesinados ante sus ojos cuando le produjeron la citada lesión cerebral?
If she is Savage's daughter, then she would know the details of his defenses.
Si es la hija de Savage, debería saber los detalles de sus defensas.
Sir, we've located the rebels responsible for your daughter's abduction.
Señor, hemos localizado a los rebeldes responsables del secuestro de su hija.
The mother... of Paola Cortez can rest a little easier tonight, knowing that her daughter's killer is behind bars.
La madre... de Paola Cortez puede descansar un poco más fácil esta noche, sabiendo que el asesino de su hija está tras las rejas.
Remind me to scrap the we'll return-your - daughter-unharmed part of the ransom video.
Recuérdame de tachar lo de... devolver a su hija ilesa... del video de rescate.
I've used all of it the last six times my daughter was taken.
Lo gasté todo en las últimas seis veces que raptaron a mi hija.
I thought, uh, maybe a farmer's daughter might pop out of the hay.
Pensé que quizá la hija de algún granjero se asomaría por el heno.
They didn't take the woman, but they took a little girl, her daughter.
No se llevaron a la mujer, pero se llevaron una niña, su hija.
Give me back my daughter and I'll get you the rest.
Devuélveme a mi hija y te conseguiré el resto.
It's just the first step in getting your daughter back.
Es solo el primer paso para recuperar a tu hija.
The cost of Joe's daughter.
A costa de la hija de Joe.
Central City's going to hell in a handbasket because this lunatic Zoom is running around killing folks, and you got my daughter on the front lines.
Central City se va directa al infierno porque ese lunático de Zoom anda por ahí matando gente y tú has puesto a mi hija en primera línea.
I'm not missing the birth of my daughter.
No me perderé el nacimiento de mi hija.
Chief, I bean-bagged a kid for trying to make the birth of his daughter.
Jefe, le disparé a un chico por intentar estar en el nacimiento de su hija.
Oh, you're the woman who hired my daughter.
Eres la mujer que ha contratado a mi hija.
She was at her parents house with their daughter, and when she returned to the apartment, she made the discovery.
Estaba en la casa de sus padres con su hija, y cuando regresó al apartamento, descubrió el cadáver.
Is your daughter Elizabeth on the premises?
¿ Su hija Elizabeth está en casa?
I'm not missing the birth of my daughter.
No me voy a perder el nacimiento de mi hija.
I think your daughter is the most talented person I've ever met. I agree with you.
Pienso que tu hija es la persona más talentosa que alguna vez haya conocido.
daughter 495
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the duke 46
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the doctor 415
the door 306
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the doctor 415
the door 306
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49