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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / The doctor is in

The doctor is in Çeviri İspanyolca

869 parallel translation
The doctor is interested in Project Alraune.
El doctor está interesado en el experimento Mandrágora.
The doctor is in Miss Kellerman's room.
El doctor está en la habitación de la Srta. Kellerman.
Richard Armstrong is the son of a doctor who has been missing in China for 17 years
Richard Armstrong es el hijo de un doctor que ha estado perdido en China durante 17 años
Hey, is there a doctor in the house?
¿ Hay algún doctor en la sala?
Is there a doctor in the house?
¿ Algún doctor en la sala?
They don't deny she did it but argue that their case is that the thing happened when... She was in a fit or something.
Debe ser claro para ustedes que en evidencia para la defensa... el doctor expuso la teoría... que fue por la actividad independiente de la experiencia suprimida.
Surely it is clear to you that in the evidence for the defense the doctor put forward a theory that it was due to the independent activity of the suppressed experience.
En otras palabras, disociación... la cual de esta particular manera, es denominada una fuga.
Now, look here, Doctor, this is the sixth murder in the same number of months, all committed in the full of the moon with no apparent motive, by means of strangulation and an incision with a strange surgical knife.
Mire, doctor es el sexto asesinato en otros tantos meses... Todos sucedieron con la luna llena, sin motivo por estrangulamiento e incisión con un bisturí.
Is there a doctor in the stands?
¿ Hay algún médico en la grada?
My name is Donald Harvey, doctor of medicine in the service of His Majesty.
Mi nombre es Donald Harvey, doctor en medicina al servicio de Su Majestad.
Engineer Marcos Resende, son of the late urbanite and industrialist Dr. Romulo Rezende, was judged today by a jury in the court of this capital. As it is widely known, he killed his wife by shooting her several times on the very night of their marriage, when he discovered he had been deceived.
El ingeniero Marcos Resende, hijo del industrial doctor Rómulo Rezende, fue juzgado hoy por el Tribunal de esta Capital, pegándole varios tiros en la misma noche de bodas.
- All this belongs to the firm, Doctor! ( Note : In Brazil, anyone with a University degree is addressed as "Doctor" ).
- ¡ Todo esto son dominios de la empresa Dr.!
But the doctor is back in town now, yes, and he will give your case his personal attention.
Pero el doctor ha vuelto ya a la ciudad, sí y le prestará una atención personal a su caso.
Then the doctor is going to feel pretty silly when he sees us in the newsreel.
Entonces el doctor se va a sentir bastante tonto cuando nos vea en el noticiero.
Is there a doctor in the house? Oh!
¿ Hay un médico en la casa?
Doctor Mudd is under arrest for conspiracy in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
El Dr. Mudd queda arrestado por conspiración, en el asesinato del Presidente Abraham Lincoln.
Is there a doctor in the house?
¿ Hay algún médico por aquí?
- Is the doctor in?
- ¿ Está el doctor?
Is there a doctor in the courtroom?
¿ Hay algún médico en la sala?
One is from a Dr. Denny, who has the m.S., which is a very high degree, and the other, enclosed with it, is signed by Dr. page, and both these refer to your good self in very genuine terms.
Una es de un tal Dr. Denny, doctor en cirugía, un título muy importante. La otra, adjuntada con ésta, la firma el Dr. Page. Ambos hablan de usted en los mejores términos.
Standing before you is "The Doctor in Spite of Himself"!
Ante Ud. tiene al médico a pesar suyo.
I mean, my dear wife has and much as I dislike discussing it in this hour of our trial I believe the Doctor is right.
Es decir, mi esposa los ha tenido. Y aunque no me guste decirlo en medio de nuestra tribulación creo que el doctor tiene razón.
Christians who believe in spreading the Word of God, among the heathen. Enemies of slavery, who know how a magnificent fight he is making against the slave traders.
Cristianos que creen en la evangelización de los salvajes, enemigos de la esclavitud que conocen la lucha que mantiene el doctor con los negreros
and I have here one of the letters Dr.Livingstone have supposed to entrust to Mr. Stanley and here is a letter which I personally know was written by Dr.Livingstone some 15 yrs ago when he was in England.
Ésta es una de las cartas que supuestamente entregó el doctor Livingstone al señor Stanley. Y esta es una carta manuscrita del doctor Livingstone de hace 15 años, cuando estuvo en Inglaterra.
Jesus, I hope it isn't dysentry our water is bad sometimes maybe it isn't dysentry, I'm not sure because my heart hurts too my chest feels all hot isn't there a doctor in the village?
Por nuestro Redentor, será un cólico... ¡ A veces el agua apesta de una forma! Quizás sí que es un cólico... no sé...
Hello, is there a doctor in the house?
Hola, ¿ hay un médico en la casa?
But valuable as your doctor and his code are to my business I think my main interest in this affair is the chance it gives me to battle with you again.
Pero a pesar del valor que tienen para mi negocio... su doctor y su código... creo que mi mayor interés en el tema... era la oportunidad que me da de volverme a batir con Ud.
Mr. Davies, i'm only a doctor, and it is hard for me to understand the indifference of so many people in the world to these brutalities.
Sólo soy un doctor y no comprendo la indiferencia de tanta gente ante esta brutalidad.
But according to your theory Doctor Watson, everyone in the village is under suspicion.
De acuerdo con su teoría, Doctor todos los de la aldea son sospechosos.
The one is locked in his room.
El doctor no está en su cuarto.
A change in the wind. Is that it, Doctor?
Que cambie de dirección. ¿ Cierto, doctor?
That's the way it is. The minute the doctor falls in love with his patient, from then on... he's about as useful as a papoose.
Cuando un médico se enamora de su paciente es menos útil que un niño de pecho.
If there is a solution to her problem it ought to be in the hands of someone other than a hick doctor.
La solución del problema de Helen no la tiene un médico palurdo.
The beautiful Madeleine Damien goes free and Broadway is tipping its hat today to the young doctor who engaged the murderer in a battle royal.
Madeleine Damien quedó en libertad gracias al valiente médico que se enfrentó al asesino arriesgando su propia vida.
You'd better come in, doctor. She's quit that wild talk and I think the baby is getting close.
Entre, ha dejado de hablar y creo que el bebé ya viene.
In some cases. What is the cure, Doctor?
Tiene lo que mi colega, el doctor Freud, llama, "bloqueo mental".
Here it is. The doctor's name was Lawrence Stoneman, office in the Chaffee Building.
Dr. Lawrence Stoneman, Edificio Chafey.
And in the second story of the bank building is the doctor's office, the only doctor in Loyalton.
En la segunda planta del banco está la consulta del Doctor. El único médico de Loyalton.
Is there a doctor in the organization?
¿ Hay algún médico en la organización?
With a heavy jolt you go suddenly, in a matter of hours... but if the stuff is taken in a lesser degree, you last a while... and then... and then? Maybe it's not as bad as you think, Doctor.
Tal vez no sea tan grave como cree, doctor.
- Doctor, the guest in room 8 is sick.
- Doctor, el huésped de la 8 está enfermo.
The number of accomplishments in my life, Doctor, is one...
Los logros de mi vida sólo son uno :
Why is it they never send for a doctor in the daytime?
¿ Por qué nunca mandan por el doctor durante el día?
Why is it nobody sends for a doctor in the daytime?
¿ Por qué nadie manda llamar al doctor durante el día?
- Joe. Is the doctor in his office?
- ¿ Está el doctor en su oficina?
Doctor... Is the baby in any danger?
Doctor ¿ existe peligro para el niño?
All I know is she was going to the doctor this morning... and that's what she hollered to me in front of everybody.
Ella fue al médico esta mañana... y eso fue lo que me gritó frente a todos.
And everything is equally useful, the invention of recreational physics with which the doctor tried to demonstrate the ballistic trajectory of the pigeons, or the apparatus with which Don Pablo fought his deafness, or the old sword that, in America,
O la espada con que peleó en América uno de los antepasados a quien se comieron los indios. Gracias, don Luis.
A subdural clot, Doctor, is a haematoma anywhere in the cranial cavity. Thank you.
Un coagulamiento subdural, doctor es un hematoma en alguna cavidad craneal.
- Is the doctor in please?
- Por favor, ¿ está el doctor?
There, all she has to do is throw a lighted match in the doorway... drive on back down the mountain, telephone their doctor... to say that Nathaniel's had a stroke.
Lo único que ella tiene que hacer es lanzar una cerilla encendida,... regresar, llamar al doctor... y decirle que NathanieI ha tenido un ataque.

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