We are free Çeviri İspanyolca
884 parallel translation
We are free! "
¡ Somos libres!
We are free at last to speak openly
Ya podemos hablar libremente
- We are free!
- ¡ Somos libres!
Theodora, we are free...
Theodora, somos libres...
We are free, you know, David, from each other.
Estamos libres el uno del otro, David.
Lo que siempre se canta en la cárcel : "Somos libres".
We are free?
¿ Estamos libres?
We are free men.
Somos hombres libres.
We are free as air and we would like to find work.
Somos libres como el aire Sr Lorimer y nos gustaría encontrar trabajo.
- We are free.
- Somos libres.
We are free!
¡ Somos libres!
The result is, we live in peace, without arms or armies, secure in the knowledge that we are free from aggression and war, free to pursue more profitable enterprises.
Como resultado, vivimos en paz, sin armas y sin ejércitos, sabemos que no existen la agresión ni la guerra y podemos dedicarnos a asuntos más provechosos.
We are free merchants from Novgorod.
Somos hombres libres, de Novgorod
"We queens are not free to answer the call of our heart..."
Nosotras, las reinas, no podemos elegir siguiendo a nuestro corazón...
"We will keep you here for 48 hours, to prevent sabotage of our plans Then you are free."
Te retendremos durante 48 horas para que no sabotees nuestros planes. Después serás libre.
Are we all free and clear?
¿ Está todo listo?
- We are all free to join the scramble for power and riches, and to sell our beliefs to buy success.
Todos somos libres de unirnos a la carrera por el poder y el dinero... y de vender nuestras creencias para comprar el éxito.
Maybe we are still too much tied to our bodies back there to be quite free, but always we can come here.
Quizás aún estemos demasiado unidos a nuestros cuerpos para ser libres... pero siempre podemos venir aquí.
Now that you are free, we can go on with our work without being bothered by the police.
Ahora que eres libre podremos seguir con nuestro trabajo... sin ser molestados por la policía.
Are you free Tuesday? Shall we say 8 : 00?
¿ Qué tal el martes a las ocho?
And must be jealously guarded if we are to remain a free people.
Es necesario preservarla celosamente si queremos ser un pueblo libre.
It is our duty to guard them zealously if we are to remain a nation of free men.
Debemos protegerlos con celo para ser una nación de hombres libres.
Good, we'll go take the programs, there are two free places.
¿ Quién llevará los programas? ¡ Hay dos entradas gratis!
Citizens, we are all free men.
¿ Sois libres?
I ask you to respect this place. We are the Friends of the Constitution. A free pulpit where Jacobin tradition demands that everybody be able to express themselves.
Respetad el Club de los Amigos de la Constitución, libre tribuna donde la tradición jacobina exige que todos puedan expresarse.
Stop where you are, Callendar. We're free to go with Swanson.
- Quédate donde estás, Callendar.
But it's healthy. But you're not sick, those gambs of yours are my bread and butter. Now remember we get breakfast free here with our roommates, so we eat plenty of that to lay off on the other meals.
Verá, después de la última guerra, decidieron que esas montañas debían ser arrebatadas a mi país, y yo me fui con ellas.
Don't cry, my dear there is no death we will be free again, and pure but you are without guilt before the judges, yes, but not before God my heart had seduced me, I only followed my heart
No llores, Mary. No habrá muerte. Volveremos a ser libres y puros.
We're enemy aliens... and these Nazis are pretty free with their firing party.
Somos el enemigo. Los nazis son muy liberales con los pelotones de fusilamiento.
If we can set humanity free from fear if we can show people that those we love are not lost to us if we can wipe out the horror that superstition conjures up out of fear of darkness- -
Si pudiéramos liberar a la humanidad del miedo si pudiéramos mostrar a la gente que esos que amamos no están perdidos si pudiéramos limpiar el horror esas supersticiones temerosas de la oscuridad...
That means we are forced to buy the dynamite needed for gold mining from your wonderful Mr. Krüger himself, and at ten times the cost of the free market price.
Eso significa que estamos obligados a comprar la dinamita necesaria para la extracción de oro a su maravilloso sr. Krüger, y diez veces más cara que en el mercado libre.
But we who are still free will do all we can.
Los libres haremos lo posible.
And now, sir, in appreciation of your good taste in purchasing this clock we are presenting to you, absolutely free, our capital gift of the day this lucky cat.
Y ahora, señor, en agradecimiento a su buen gusto en la compra de este reloj estamos dandoles a ustedes, absolutamente gratis, nuestro regalo del día este estatua de un gato.
Since when do we have gentry in this country where all men are free and equal?
¿ Gente bien en este país, donde todos son iguales?
We are not free to follow our own devices, you and I.
No somos libres, ni tú ni yo.
- I'm still free, but anyway we are leaving.
- Lo soy desde hace mucho, pero nos vamos de todos modos.
We are not criminals, we are men of honour free and independent like the birds in the sky.
somos hombres de honor,... libres e independientes como los pájaros en el aire.
Sure we can on the strength of this you are a free man now
- Claro que puede. Según las pruebas, es libre.
Should we, who are trying to free Cuba, become murderers, too?
¿ Nosotros, que deseamos liberar a Cuba, también nos volveremos asesinos?
You should have been reported for clandestine expatriation... we are giving you the chance to go back home, free, instead.
Debíamos haberles denunciado por expatriación clandestina... y, sin embargo, les dejamos volver libres a sus casas.
Where are we going? - This one must be free for tonight.
- ¿ Adónde vamos?
We can look you in the eye When you are free beneath the sky
# Podremos mirarte a los ojos Y reflejarán el cielo azul #
I know how hard it was for you to... Mr. McLain, Mama and I are just living out here on our union pension, free and in the sun, and we...
Sé lo duro que ha tenido que ser para usted... libres, disfrutando del sol, y...
We built a case and proved to any intelligent person that these people are Communists, enemy agents, and they walk out free.
De nada valió demostrar a cualquier persona de mediana inteligencia que esa gente eran comunistas, agentes enemigos, y quedaron en libertad.
If we get across and any are foolish enough to want to come back, they're free to do so.
Si cruzamos y algún tonto quiere volver, podrá hacerlo.
We, the nobles of rome, are free to live only for our own pleasure.
Nosotros los nobles de roma podemos vivir exclusivamente para nuestro placer.
I've told you that we are giving you an absolutely free hand.
Le he dicho que le damos absoluta manga ancha.
Dr. Meacham, we happen to know that you are on the threshold of discovering limitless amounts of free nuclear energy.
Dr. Meacham, resulta que sabemos que está a punto de descubrir cantidades ilimitadas de energía nuclear libre.
Well, we'll see how much better you are, Miss Laurey, and you won't be so free and easy and highfalutin with your airs.
Veremos si eres mejor, Srta. Laurey. Eres muy pomposa, te das tus aires de grandeza.
I mean, care-free canoeists, we are gathered here to say farewell to some of our fellow marines before they depart for foreign shores.
Nos hemos reunido para despedir a algunos de los compañeros antes de que partan hacia tierras lejanas.
So, Captain Langsdorff has told me to tell you that as we are in the neutral country of Uruguay according to international law, you will all be set free tomorrow!
Señores, para Vds. la guerra ha terminado. Nos encontramos en el puerto de Montevideo.
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99