Get high Çeviri Fransızca
2,664 parallel translation
You said you used to get high?
Tu fumais, avant? Pourquoi t'as arrêté?
Did you like it when you used to get high?
T'aimais ça être stone?
Did you get high in your crazy high school days?
Tu te défonçais dans tes folles années de lycée?
All Billy ever wanted to do was have sex and get high.
Billy voulait seulement baiser et se défoncer.
That's made up Japanese for, "I'm gonna go get high right now."
C'est du japonais inventé pour "Je vais aller planer un peu."
But he always get high marks.
Mais il a toujours des notes très élevées.
I get high sometimes, man.
Je me défonce à l'occasion.
And then it fades and you gotta get high again.
Et puis ça s'en va et tu dois recommencer à fumer.
You get high?
Tu fumes?
I gotta stay here and smoke this weed, otherwise I won't get high.
Je dois fumer cette beuh, sinon, je serai pas pété.
Wanna get high?
- Tu veux planer?
Wow.. No, I meant Do you wanna get high with me?
Je voulais dire, tu veux planer avec moi?
Come on, man, just get high with us.
Allez mec, défonce-toi avec nous.
We don't get high.
Non non on ne se défonce jamais.
And we'll get high enough to make the rocket shot while you guys draw his fire.
On va monter assez haut pour tirer la roquette. Pendant ce temps, attirez son tir.
But I didn't get high.
Mais je fumais pas.
Do you wanna get high?
Vous voulez planer?
Do you want to get high?
Vous voulez planer?
Don't get me wrong, I'd like to party with you and get high with you, but you're insane!
J'aimerais bien rester pour faire la fête avec vous, mais tu es fou!
I couId get high just smelling you.
Je suis en plein trip de Martina moi qui...
You wanna get high?
Tu veux te détendre?
d Well, I ain't seen my baby d d Since I don't know when d d I've been drinking bourbon d d Whiskey, scotch and gin d d Gonna get high, man d d I'm gonna get loose d
d Well, I ain t seen my baby d d Since I don t know when d d l've been drinking bourbon d d Whiskey, scotch and gin d d Gonna get high, man d d l'm gonna get loose d
d I ain't seen my baby d d Since the night before last d d Gonna get a drink, man d d I'm gonna get gassed d d Got to get high, man d d I ain't had enough d
d I ain t seen my baby d d Since the night before last d d Gonna get a drink, man d d l'm gonna get gassed d d Got to get high, man d d I ain t had enough d
Can we get high from the fumes?
Je peux me défoncer avec les vapeurs?
Most of the residents Were able to get to high ground in time.
La majorité des résidents ont été en mesure de quitter les lieux à temps.
If you get the voice too high, it always feels like much ado about nothing.
Si vous mettez la voix trop aiguë, on a l'impression de beaucoup de bruit pour rien.
I wanted to get one in high school, but it's pricey.
Je le voulais au lycée, mais c'est cher.
- Should we get high first?
On devrait peut-être boire un peu?
Um, Ms. Cortez, your temperature's still a little high, so you just rest and we'll get you home in no time.
Mlle Cortez, votre température est un peu élevée, reposez-vous, et vous serez chez vous très bientôt.
Hey, we can pretend we're two high-school kids trying not to get caught.
On pourrait faire comme 2 lycéens qui ne veulent pas se faire prendre.
Uh, I'm not sure. I've only played the one high-school kid trying not to get caught.
Je n'ai fait que le lycéen qui essaie de ne pas se faire prendre.
We can get closer, the sea level's high.
Faut aller plus près, on a de la marge.
You... don't get on your high horse.
Ne montez pas sur vos grands chevaux.
Then I will continue to get into details. This year our Top Spin club has been blessed with the entry of some very talented freshmen. The winner of last year's high school tennis nationals.
notre Club Top Spin accueille de nombreux étudiants spéciaux de première année. le vainqueur du tournoi national inter-lycées de l'année dernière.
Help me get a high score in the mock exams.
Aide-moi à obtenir une bonne note à l'examen blanc.
Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go out on a high note.
Allez, tout le monde. Rassemblons nos pièces détachées, et quittons cet endroit avec le sourire.
You're still in high school at 19... because you're too chicken-shit to get on with your life.
tu es encore au secondaire à 19 ans parce que tu as trop peur de vivre ta vie.
You only need a high school diploma... and to be over 21 to get in.
Il suffit d'être diplômé du supérieur et âgé de 21 ans pour être admis.
The winner gets to take the moral high ground because they get to write the history books.
Les vainqueurs peuvent forger le passé car ils écrivent les livres d'Histoire.
You know that feeling you get sometimes when you're standing in a high place?
Vous savez, ce sentiment que vous avez parfois quand vous êtes debout sur une falaise?
Try and get some of that exposure in. Show how high up we are.
Fais en sorte qu'on puisse voir qu'on était vraiment haut.
So my question for you, Madison, is, um, how do you do that? I mean, how do you get them to see you as not just a kid in high school, you know? But as someone that's mature, and old, and that's...
Alors ma question, Madison, c'est... comment tu fais pour qu'ils ne te voient pas comme une lycéenne mais comme une personne mûre, adulte...
But... Well, until then... just a little graduation gift to get you through high school.
Mais... d'ici là, j'ai un petit cadeau pour t'accompagner au lycée.
So you want to avoid high spots like towers, like crests of hills that will get you silhouetted.
Évitez les endroits en hauteur comme les tours et les sommets de colline, vous serez visibles.
High enough to get every pair of eyes in the city searching for them.
Assez haut pour avoir tous les yeux de la ville qui les cherchent.
And you get down from your high horse!
Et toi, arrête de te donner des grands airs!
So why don't you just get off your high horse.
Descends de tes grands chevaux.
You'll never get this high!
Tu monteras jamais assez haut!
Maybe you'll learn that if you get to high school.
Tu apprendras ça, si tu arrives jusqu'au lycée.
Well, thanks to that new high-speed Internet we tried out free for 90 days. The principal did get my e-mail and called to say she wanted to meet Mike and me as soon as we got off work.
Grâce à l'offre de 90 jours pour essayer l'Internet à haut débit, la directrice reçu notre email et appela pour dire qu'elle voulait voir Mike et moi au plus vite.
How about you and I pop in some Sweet Valley High this evening, get our cuddle on?
Que dirais tu de toi et moi ce soir entrain de se faire des caresses?
high 1364
highway 71
higher 381
hightower 57
highly 43
highness 125
high noon 18
high heels 19
high five 178
high blood pressure 30
highway 71
higher 381
hightower 57
highly 43
highness 125
high noon 18
high heels 19
high five 178
high blood pressure 30
high priest 29
high school 173
higher up 16
high fever 23
highly unlikely 29
highly doubtful 16
get home safe 49
get him 1464
get her 319
get help 103
high school 173
higher up 16
high fever 23
highly unlikely 29
highly doubtful 16
get home safe 49
get him 1464
get her 319
get help 103
get here 39
get him in 33
get happy 37
get home 30
get him back 65
get him off 84
get him on the phone 39
get her off 17
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him in 33
get happy 37
get home 30
get him back 65
get him off 84
get him on the phone 39
get her off 17
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get her back 40
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him away 23
get him down 71
get her up 52
get him in there 30
get him some water 16
get him in here 22
get her in 18
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him away 23
get him down 71
get her up 52
get him in there 30
get him some water 16
get him in here 22
get her in 18