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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ K ] / Keep trying

Keep trying translate Portuguese

3,667 parallel translation
Keep trying to get in touch with that plane.
Tenta o contacto com o avião.
We're gonna keep trying, Bonnie, ok?
Vamos continuar a tentar Bonnie, está bem?
As long as she's alive, the other side exists, and we can keep trying to get Bonnie from over there.
Enquanto ela viver, o Outro Lado existe e podemos tentar ressuscitar a Bonnie.
I'll keep trying.
Vou continuar a tentar.
You keep trying to find Andrea, okay?
Continue a tentar encontrar a Andrea.
Then let's keep trying.
- Então vamos tentar de novo.
Well, if it's okay with you, I'm gonna keep trying.
Se concordares, eu vou continuar a tentar.
Well, keep trying and just be ready to go to air as soon as I get the exclusive.
Continua a tentar, e prepara-te para apareceres - assim que eu conseguir o exclusivo.
Well, keep trying, guys.
Continuem a tentar.
You keep trying to get us to say things that we don't want to say, and I don't think we can afford to make so many enemies before we have enough friends.
Tu queres que nós digamos coisas que não queremos e acho que não podemos fazer tantos inimigos, antes de termos amigos suficientes.
Keep trying those surprise attacks.
Continua a tentar esses ataques surpresa.
Good. Keep trying.
Continua tentar.
I keep trying to get Jamie to do something with before-and-afters.
Digo sempre ao Jamie para fazer algo com um "antes" e um "depois".
You have to keep trying.
Tens de continuar a tentar.
- Keep trying.
Continua a tentar.
I don't know why I keep trying
Eu não sei por que continuo a tentar.
Just keep trying, yeah?
Continuem apenas a tentar, está bem?
I'll keep trying, but it's gonna take a miracle.
Vou continuar a tentar, mas só um milagre.
You keep trying!
- Tu é que estás a tentar!
I keep trying to get Vanessa to stay someplace safe, but she won't listen. - She won't go.
Eu continuo a tentar fazer com que a Vanessa fique num lugar mais seguro, mas não me escuta, não quer ir.
My girl here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises she's expecting you to keep. Oh.
Ouve, aqui a minha menina está a tentar ter um bom dia, e há promessas que ela está à espera que tu cumpras.
I was trying to keep my son from ruining his life.
Não queria que o meu filho arruinasse a sua vida.
- I was trying to keep you safe.
- Estava a tentar salvar-vos. A sério?
Look, I don't know what the three of you are up to... but maybe the vigilante was trying to keep you safe.
Ouve, eu não sei o que é que vocês andam a tramar... mas talvez o Arqueiro tenha tentado proteger-te.
I'm just trying to keep him running in that direction.
Só estou a tentar mantê-lo a correr naquela direcção.
He was trying to keep the peace between our tribes. So was I.
Ele estava a tentar manter a paz entre as nossas tribos, como eu.
The lies, the stealing, the money my parents spent trying to keep him clean.
As mentiras, os roubos, o dinheiro que os meus pais gastaram para mantê-lo limpo.
Just trying to keep people safe, remember?
Só estou a tentar manter as pessoas a salvo, lembras-te?
Trying to destroy good people, to make good people bad and to, uh, keep them from being saved, keep them from going to Heaven so that they can go to hell, where he's in charge.
Tentando destruir pessoas de bem, transformar pessoas boas em más e impedi-las de ser salvas, impedi-las de ir para o Céu, para que vão para o Inferno, onde é ele quem manda.
Sorry, Mr. President, I'm just trying to keep us on schedule.
Desculpe, Sr. Presidente. Estou só a tentar manter-nos no horário.
I'm trying to keep feelings out of this mission. - I know what a mission is.
Quero os sentimentos fora desta missão.
Just trying to keep people safe, remember?
Tentar manter as pessoas seguras, lembras-te?
I'm just trying to keep you refreshed through this unexpected and flukish elevator malfunction!
Estou a tentar trazer-vos memórias através desta avaria fortuita e inesperada do elevador.
Just keep that in mind while you're trying to save his sorry ass.
Tenham isso em mente enquanto tentam salvar-lhe o coiro.
Or she was trying to keep me from Francis to save his life.
Ou ela estava a tentar afastar-me do Francisco para o salvar.
Hey, I'm just trying to keep things... light.
Estou só a tentar tornar as coisas... fáceis.
- Keep turning trying to get back - - You sound like a writer, writing.
Continuar a girar tentar voltar atrás faz soar como um escritor.
Look, I'm trying to keep you on the payroll, ok?
Olha, estou a tentar manter-te na folha de pagamento, ok?
I think what Dad is trying to say is that we should all keep an eye out for Ethan right now.
Acho que o que o pai está a tentar dizer é que todos deviamos ter o Ethan debaixo de olho.
You're trying to keep the operation contained.
Estou a tentar manter a operação contida.
So every night on TV you see a weird-ass drug commercial trying'to get you hooked on some legal shit and they just keep naming symptoms till they get one that you've fucking got!
Todas as noites na TV, vemos um anúncio a um medicamento a tentar que nos viciemos nele de forma legal e não param de falar em sintomas até acertarem num que temos!
I keep trying to get Sam to go.
Eu continuo a tentar fazer o Sam ir.
So, the girl from Oxford is trying to tell me how to keep it real.
E a menina de Oxford está a tentar ensinar-me a viver na real.
All right, you keep fucking trying.
Certo, continua a tentar.
It's kind of like trying to keep a soap bubble in your pocket.
É como tentar manter uma bolha de sabão no seu bolso.
That's the man trying to keep us down, controlling our thoughts.
É a forma de nos manterem controlados.
OS is trying to keep up with the hardware from 15 different manufacturers.
O operacional tenta acompanhar o caso de 15 fabricantes.
You've got your hands full trying to keep tabs on our friend.
- Sim, senhor, está correto. Terá muito trabalho para conseguir controlar o nosso amigo.
Trying to keep me from hearing the real voices... the real singing.
Para me afastar em ouvir as verdadeiras vozes... a tal música.
I'm just trying to keep us out of jail.
Eu só estava a tentar impedir de irmos presos.
Trying to keep everyone's mind off suicide.
Tentando manter a mente de todas fora do suicídio.

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