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Nothing's missing Çeviri İspanyolca

200 parallel translation
But since there's nothing missing, we've dismissed it.
Pero dado que no falta nada, lo hemos descartado.
There's nothing missing.
No falta nada.
Hope there's nothing missing this time.
Esta vez, espero no echar en falta nada.
No, there's - there's nothing missing.
No falta nada.
Mrs Palmer.. there's nothing illegal about being missing.
Sra. Palmer, una desaparición no es ilegal.
As you can see, there's nothing missing here.
Como ve, aquí no falta de nada.
There's nothing missing.
Está todo aquí, no falta nada.
Well there's nothing missing. So Gruber wasn't killed because he found some guy stealing money.
No falta nada, Gruber no fue asesinado por sorprender a nadie robando.
Nothing's missing.
¡ Que no se eche a perder!
But I'll bet nothing's missing,... except a man's life.
Pero apuesto a que no falta nada a excepción de la vida de un hombre.
Nothing's missing.
Creo que no falta nada.
We like to be sure nothing's missing before we release it.
Debemos estar seguros que no falta nada antes de entregársela.
We don't think nothing of it around here, when a guy's missing.
Nunca lo hacemos cuando desaparece alguien aquí.
- Yes. Nothing's missing.
- Sí, y no ha desaparecido nada.
Of course there's nothing missing but there would be if they got Mr Memory.
Claro que no ha desaparecido nada... mientras el Sr. Memoria no abandone el país.
- Sure there's nothing missing here?
¿ No falta nada? - No.
- Donna Filume', you're so beautiful! - I hope nothing's missing.
Doña Filomena, está guapísima.
- no - well then, nothing really happened about the missing person : it's happened all before a 1000 times
- No - Bueno, entonces nada ha pasado. Y sobre la persona desaparecida, ha pasado miles de veces antes.
Say I feel I'm missing something but I don't know what or I feel afraid, even if there's nothing to frighten me.
A veces siento que algo me falta. Pero no sé qué. O estoy asustada.
Nothing's missing.
No te has perdido nada.
Nothing's missing at that house?
- ¿ No falta nada de la casa?
Nothing's missing!
¡ No falta nada!
- I've been working for you for ages, and nothing's gone missing.
- Llevo años trabajando para usted, y nunca le ha faltado nada.
You sure there's nothing missing?
¿ Seguro que no falta nada?
It's nothing... have it your missing high schoolgirls... whose feat is of... no interest, not even parents.
No es... la típica adolescente norteamericana. No le importa nada a nadie..... ni a sus padres.
There's nothing wrong with missing people.
No tiene nada de malo extrañar a las personas.
There's nothing missing.
No le falta nada.
Nothing's missing.
Nada le falta.
Lucky for you, my man, that nothing's missing.
Ha tenido suerte, señor de que no falte nada.
Are you sure there's nothing missing?
- ¿ Seguro que no falta nada?
Nothing's ever actually gone missing.
Nunca se perdió nada realmente.
They said he didn't steal anything and nothing's missing.
Dijeron que no habían robado ni que faltaba nada.
Nothing's missing.
Me parece que no falta nada.
He didn't take anything. There's nothing missing. I have nothing to take.
No se ha llevado nada No falta nada No tengo nada de valor
Miss Hathaway, if the immediate family isn't concerned enough... to file a missing persons report, then there's nothing we can do.
Miss Hathaway, si sus parientes cercanos no hacen la denuncia... de la persona desaparecida, es muy poco lo que podemos hacer.
Nothing's missing.
No falta nada.
... missing big Dean Portman, it's one-nothing iceland.
... faltandog Dean Portman, va uno a cero, iceland.
There's nothing missing.
No hay nada que no...
Are you sure nothing's missing?
¿ Segura que no falta nada?
My father has nothing to do with the fact that my car's missing. It has nothing to do with the fact that my house is empty. It has nothing to do with the fact that the police department... is chasing after me and that somebody out there wants to kill me.
Mi padre no tiene nada que ver con el hecho de que no esté mi auto... o que mi casa esté vacía... ni con que la policía me persiga... y que alguien quiera matarme.
Nothing's missing.
No, no falta nada.
But, you know, there's nothing you're missing out on... by being in Seattle as opposed to another city.
sabes? no te pierdes de nada... estando en Seattle comparado con otras ciudades.
It's nothing unusual for Ayanami not to show up, but... Asuka's missing too.
El que no haya venido Ayanami ya no me extraña.
There's nothing more difficult than missing family.
No hay nada más difícil que perder a un pariente.
Nothing's missing?
- ¿ No falta nada?
Nothing's missing.
Are you sure nothing's missing?
¿ Está segura de que no falta nada?
It ´ s all right, nothing ´ s missing.
Está bien, no le falta nada.
There's nothing missing.
No hay nada perdido.
No, there's nothing missing here.
No, no falta nada.
And nothing's missing?
¿ Falta algo?

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