The whole family Çeviri İspanyolca
2,111 parallel translation
The whole family, including the mom.
Toda la familia incluida la madre.
Listen, Julia, the whole family's here for the rehearsal dinner.
Escucha, Julia. Toda la familia está aquí para la cena de ensayo.
I'm sure the whole family must hate me now.
Estoy segura de que ahora toda la familia me odia.
It wasn't like going to a Walt Disney movie, where the whole family could go along and feel happy about it.
No era como ir a una película de Disney donde toda la familia podía ir y sentirse contenta de eso.
Luke was the center of attention on his birthday, and the whole family was together,
Luke era el centro de atención en su cumpleaños, y toda la familia estaba junta
The whole family is coming over for the barbecue.
Toda la familia va a venir para la barbacoa.
was the whole family killed?
¿ Fue asesinada la familia entera?
You know, I think it's wonderful that the whole family will be here for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Sabes, me parece maravilloso que toda la familia vaya a estar aca para la cena de día de gracias mañana.
How would you like to take a half a pound of hamburger and make a delicious meal for the whole family?
¿ Te gustaría coger una hamburguesa de media libra y preparar una deliciosa comida para toda la familia?
How would you like to take a half pound of hamburger and make a delicious meal for the whole family... with cheese?
Qué tal coger una hamburguesa de media libra y hacer una comida deliciosa para toda la familia con queso?
I'm getting the whole family together.
Voy a juntar a toda la familia.
I got the whole family coming.
Viene toda la familia.
We got the whole family.
¡ Viene toda la familia!
Because we've found that it's better when the whole family participates.
Suele ser mejor que participe toda la familia.
It seems like the whole family been falling apart
La familia se ha estado separando lentamente
I know sometimes I get a little carried away with the whole family thing, but, you know, truth is, I'm really happy you're home.
Sé que a veces me pongo un poco pesado con todo eso de la familia, pero, sabes, la verdad es, que estoy muy feliz de tenerte en casa.
But after the revolution one of his business rivals spread rumors that he was anti-Khomeini. And the whole family had to flee across the border to Turkey.
Pero después de la revolución uno de sus rivales de negocios difundió el rumor de que era anti Khomeini y la familia entera tuvo que huir cruzando la frontera con Turquía.
- Mm-hmm. - There's only one girl ant in the whole family. She's the queen ant.
Sólo hay una hormiga hembra en toda la familia.
Make me, the whole family, live with it for a past that is gone!
¡ Hacer que toda la familia se resigne por un pasado que ya pasó!
Now the Colonel's coming back and he's bringing the whole family.
Ahora, el coronel va a volver, y lo haré con toda la familia.
I realize it might be hard for you to move the whole family up to Riverdale,'cause your daughter's still in school and everything, and I thought maybe you get an apartment.
Como entiendo que podría ser difícil para ti mudar a tu familia a Riverdale... porque tu hija sigue en clases, pensé que podrías alquilar un apartamento.
The whole family is up there.
Toda la familia esta aqui.
Yep, the whole family is here.
Toda la familia está aquí.
The whole family thought I was Nicholas.
Toda la familia creyó que yo era Nicholas.
Isn't it better, the whole family together?
¿ No es mejor que estemos todos juntos?
And there was a feeling of hope and excitement for the whole family.
Había un sentimiento de esperanza y de emoción en toda la familia.
The whole family?
¿ Toda la familia?
The whole family came to the premiere.
Toda la familia llegó a la premiere.
I once didn't talk to my family for a car ride across the whole country.
Una vez, no le hablé a mi familia durante un viaje por todo el país.
I remember, growing up in stone mountain, my whole family would go down to the chuckle hut.
Recuerdo cuando era pequeño en Stone Mountain toda mi familia iba junta a la "Choza de las Risillas"
I want to make it up to you, Starting with a real bennet family thanksgiving dinner - Turkey, trimmings, the whole thing.
Quiero hacer esto por ti, empezando por una cena familiar Bennet de Acción de Gracias... pavo, adornos, todo completo.
My family and I were on the interstate, And we saw a whole bunch of them.
Mi familia y yo estábamos en la interestatal y vimos un montón de ellos.
Well, Mom, instead of dredging up the whole incident, maybe we should just try and repress it, like a - like a normal family.
Mamá, en vez de sacar a relucir el incidente... quizá debemos intentar reprimirlo, como una familia normal.
I'm not used to this - the whole big family thing.
A la cuestión de la familia grande.
Yeah, the family business Seems to be his whole life.
Sí, el negocio familiar parece ser toda su vida.
And probably one of the most interesting facets of the bloodline relations is the fact that the whole British royal family has descent from the Muslim prophet Mohammed through the Arab kings of Sibyl.
Esta es una historia muy diferente de lo que puedes conseguir en fuentes oficiales a diario, es una historia que justifica una idea de una superioridad genética... la cual fue completamente desacreditada por la más importante autoriadad de los linajes europeos aristocráticos :
I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius.
Le enseñé a toda la familia Black, excepto a Sirius.
I'm wondering, "Why is this guy trying to see his whole family, " all over the country, all in the same trip? "
¿ Por qué quiere este tipo ver a toda su familia en todo el país, en el mismo viaje?
So the dispatcher do anything to screw the job up, they're wiping out his whole family back at the Ukraine.
Si el tipo estropea el robo, toda su familia regresa a Ucrania.
My man Chris here is going to put the whole Tobin family behind bars.
Mi hombre, Chris, es el que va a poner tras las rejas a toda la familia Tobin.
You've worked for the Tobin family your whole life.
Has trabajado para la familia Tobin tu vida entera.
Chris here is going to put the whole Tobin family behind bars.
Patty puede ir tras el dinero.
I really do need someone who chain-smokes on street corners and talks about Bronte until 3 : 00 in the morning, but... I also need someone who wants a family and that whole life.
Realmente necesito alguien que fume en las esquinas y hable de Brönte hasta las 3 de la mañana, pero... también necesito alguien que quiera una familia y toda esa vida.
My poor family. With these origins, it's not surprising that my whole life has been branded by the iron of evil.
Con esos orígenes, no es de extrañar que toda mi vida haya estado marcada con la marca de la desgracia...
Just lost her whole family to the pox, and it's left her homeless.
Acaba de perder toda su familia por la viruela, y quedó sin hogar.
Like the teacher in Fellini's Dolce Vita, who murdered his whole family to save them from life.
Como la maestra de "La Dolce Vita" de Fellini, que asesinó a toda su familia para salvarlos de la vida.
The resolve of this whole community has been challenged and severely tested, but because we are tied together by the love of God, and he has made us into a family, let us determine to demonstrate our common strengths and our common faith in God.
La firmeza de esta comunidad ha sido desafiada y puesta a prueba pero como estamos unidos por el amor de Dios y él nos hizo una familia tomemos la determinación de demostrar nuestras fortalezas conjuntas y nuestra fe en Dios.
I'm not responsible for the hate towards your father, your mother, and your whole family...
Yo no tengo la culpa del odio contra tu padre, tu madre y toda tu familia...
The people with him were A : His whole family.
Quienes estaban con él eran : a ) Toda su familia.
Ijima threatened the unwilling branch manager that if he was uncooperative with the money laundering, he would murder his whole family.
Ijima amenazó al poco dispuesto gerente de la sucursal que si no colaboraba con el blanqueo del dinero, iba a asesinar a toda su familia.
That goes for the whole Fincher family.
Eso va para toda la familia Fincher.
the whole thing 282
the whole nine yards 33
the whole world 65
the whole truth 141
the whole day 16
the whole package 29
the whole bit 20
the whole time 137
the whole 179
the whole world is watching 19
the whole nine yards 33
the whole world 65
the whole truth 141
the whole day 16
the whole package 29
the whole bit 20
the whole time 137
the whole 179
the whole world is watching 19
the whole night 30
the whole story 34
the whole nine 29
the whole shebang 54
the whole town 21
the whole lot 23
the whole deal 40
the whole world's watching 21
family 1231
family is everything 18
the whole story 34
the whole nine 29
the whole shebang 54
the whole town 21
the whole lot 23
the whole deal 40
the whole world's watching 21
family 1231
family is everything 18