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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You loved him

You loved him Çeviri İspanyolca

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You talk as though he were a book you pass to whoever wants it for 5 minutes you loved him, didn't you?
Hablas como si él fuese un libro que pasas a quien lo quiera por cinco minutos. Lo amabas, ¿ verdad?
Honey, you loved him.
Linda, lo amabas.
Did you tell him that you loved him?
- ¿ Le has dicho que lo amas?
But you acted like you loved him.
Pero llegó un momento en que era como si quisieras a Valmont.
I thought you loved him, too.
Pensaba que usted también lo amaba.
You said you loved him.
Decías que lo amabas.
- But you loved him.
- Pero Io quería.
You loved him very much, didn't you?
Le querías mucho, ¿ verdad?
You loved him and he's dead.
Lo querías y ahora está muerto.
You loved him?
¿ Le quería usted?
You loved him and saw him.
Le querías y lo ha visto.
You loved him before, you still love him.
¿ alguna vez lo has amado.? ¿ Todavía lo amas?
He just drags you down. I was only going by what you said, Dottie. That you loved him.
Sólo lo decía por lo que dijiste, que lo amabas.
I know you loved him, but you should never have sold your body to get money for him.
Sé que le querías, pero nunca debiste vender tu cuerpo para conseguir dinero para él.
And I thought you loved him.
Pensé que lo querías.
- Didn't you say you loved him?
- ¿ No has dicho que le amabas?
You loved him?
¿ Le querías?
I thought... you loved him.
- He pensado en matarme.
But you loved him.
- ¿ Lo querías?
Well, if you still loved him, I could understand your feelings.
Bueno, si todavía lo ama, podía entender sus sentimientos.
You know how much he loved him.
Sabes cuánto lo amaba.
Further, you will convince him that you never loved him
Aún más, deberas convencerlo de que jamás lo amaste
Would you please explain to him that I loved his dance.
Por favor, explíquele que me encantó su baile.
I told him how I met you in Zurbagan, and he's loved you without even ever having seen you.
Le conté cómo lo conocí a Vd en Zurbagan, y él lo admira sin incluso haberlo visto.
You have loved him?
- ¿ Le ha amado?
I thought if you loved somebody as much as I loved him, they had to love you back.
Pensaba que si amas a alguien Tanto como lo amo a él... Tendrían entonces que amarte, a ti también.
Oh, Robert, it was him I loved in you from the start.
Robert, fue lo que hay de él en ti que amé desde el inicio.
As is everything that you told me about that man that you loved, and the spell that you cast upon him.
También todo lo que me contaste sobre ese hombre que amabas, y el embrujo que le hiciste.
Tell me, how many have loved you since him?
¿ A cuántos has amado después de él?
You know I once loved him?
¿ Sabes que yo lo amaba?
Then do you think he loved you because he knew it would kill him?
¿ Crees, entonces, qué el te hacía el amor para que lo matases y que tú eras un medio del que él se servía..
You teased him because he loved you.
Te burlabas de él porque te quería.
You must have loved him very much.
Debías de quererlo mucho.
And the child too. For he'll know you really loved him.
Y ese niño también te lo agradecerá,... porque sabrá que le amaste, de verdad.
You don't mourn him, because you never loved him.
No estás de luto, porque nunca lo amaste.
But you never loved him.
Pero tú nunca lo amaste.
Just because I loved John more than I loved you... didn't give you the right to murder him just to punish me!
Sólo porque quisiera a John más que a ti... ¡ eso no te dio derecho a asesinarlo sólo para castigarme!
If you should discover that your god loved others as much as he loved you, would you hate him for it?
Si descubrieras que tu Dios ama a otros tanto como a ti, ¿ le odiarías por ello?
Then you never really loved him.
- Entonces nunca lo amó de veras.
Dani... If she loved him, how can you kill him?
¡ Por favor, no la leas!
You finally loved him, didn't you?
Al final debes haberlo amado.
I didn't know him very well, but I know he loved you very much.
No lo conocía mucho. Pero sé que la quería mucho.
I know that you seek another culprit than yourself, but Bobby was like my son and I loved him.
Se que tú quieres encontrar a alguién o a algo a quién culpar por ello, pero Bobby era como si fuera mi hijo y yo lo amaba.
You know, I loved him.
Sabes, lo amaba.
I could say I've forgotten him, but you can't ever really forget someone you've loved.
Podría decirte que le he olvidado, pero no olvidas del todo a alguien que has amado.
You must have loved him a lot.
¿ Tan enamorada estabas?
Take him with you in hell, that's how I loved him.
En nombre del diablo, recíbelo en el infierno. A Dante le fue bien.
If someone like you were to come along and carry me off and he really loved me, I think I'd go with him.
Si se presentara alguien como Vd., me cogiera, y además me amara, creo que le seguiría.
- I loved him just as much as you did.
Yo lo quise tanto como tú.
Perhaps he loved you and everything you told me about him was a lie.
Tal vez te amaba y todo lo que contaste de él era mentira.
Because he loved me. You were saying him I am old.
Pero me lo pusieron en contra,... porque me amaba.

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