Give it to them Çeviri Portekizce
854 parallel translation
They've had enough again. Give it to them! Rapid fire!
Eles vão ter o que querem, fogo neles, fogo, rápido!
Find out what they want and then don't give it to them.
Descubra o que eles querem, mas não dar-lhe momento.
Just get them together and give it to them straight.
Apenas coloque-os juntos e expliqie-lhes a situação.
Well, if this is what they want, we'll give it to them.
E bem, vão ser servidos.
Give it to them, dear.
Dá-a a eles, querida.
Tony... if they call, I'll have to give it to them.
Tony. Se eles telefonarem, eu terei que o entregar.
Well, I can give it to them.
E eu posso dar-lhe dinheiro.
Let's give it to them hot!
Give it to them!
Then I can't give it to them, can I?
Então, não posso dar-lha, pois não?
I'm going to give it to them.
Sou eu quem vai dá-la.
Let's give it to them.
Vamos dar-Iha.
Que se devolva então.
Give it to them. Sparrow.
Dá-lhes, Sparrow.
If you can't fight, and the gold is of no value to you, then give it to them.
Se não podem lutar e este ouro não tem valor dêem-lho a ele.
Frank, Frank, please don't give it to them.
Frank, Frank, por favor não lhes dês isso.
Give it to them, my love, before they harm you.
Leve-o. Dê-lho a eles, antes que lhe façam mal.
When I want it to stick, I give it to them loud and dirty.
Quando quero atenção, falo curto e grosso.
If the Germans want that submersible so badly, why don't we give it to them? Not necessarily.
Não necessariamente.
It might give them bed bugs something less to sink their teeth into.
Pode dar-lhe percevejos, ou algo menos, para enterrarem os dentes.
It's they who made this nation the richest in the world and it's up to the banks to give them a break.
Foram eles que fizeram desta naçäo a mais rica do mundo, e compete aos bancos dar-lhes uma oportunidade.
It's the children. I want to raise them and give them a chance in life.
Eu quero criá-los e dar-lhes uma chance na vida.
Oh, Maude, quit yelling and give me the paper I want to read it to them
Pára de me gritar ao ouvido e dá-me o jornal. Quero ler-lhes.
And if I can do enough it'll give Terry a chance to stand them off until Sheridan comes from Bismarck.
E se fizer o suficiente... ... dou a Terry a chance de se manter até Sheridan chegar de Bismarck.
Well, he'll give it right back to them over the air.
Ele vai devolvê-lo, enquanto estiver no ar.
And they run right in, the both of them. And the last thing I saw when I looked back was one kid give the extinguisher to the other kid, and then it was just like all hell comes up.
Os dois correram para lá e a última coisa que vi, quando olhei para trás, foi um rapaz dar o extintor ao outro rapaz e depois foi como se o inferno estivesse ali à nossa frente.
You better give me that gun, it's hard to keep your temper if you ain't used to them.
Entregue-me a arma, uma pessoa na sua situação é difícil manter a calma.
It takes a lot of fish... for the pittance the wholesalers will give them. Maybe the old men allow themselves to be exploited.
Os grossistas pedem muito pelas suas misérias e enganam o velho.
Find them and tell them Ulrich is waiting to slaughter them when they come. Tell them to give it up.
Encontre-os e diga-lhes que Ulrich estará à espera... para massacrá-los quando eles chegarem ao castelo.
It'll simplify these when we go to give them back.
Será mais fácil quando as devolvermos.
Torture them by the hundred till they agree to give it up!
Torturai-os às centenas até desistirem.
It seems that Luke here is due, to a decent burial, Since we have a preacher here to give them one.
Parece que Luke aqui é devido, a uma enterração decente, uma vez que temos um pregador aqui para dar-lhes um.
I'd have to give them my own word and I can't trust you to keep it.
Teria de empenhar a minha palavra, e não tenho a certeza de que a cumpras.
Give them a chance to forget about it.
Deixa que eles se esqueçam disso.
Now it is necessary to give them a punishment that I believe unfair because it has been provoked from your bad mood and from your incapability.
E agora quer castigar aqueles homens injustamente. Só por causa do seu mau humor e inaptidão!
Them guns don't give it no mission look to me.
As armas não dão aspecto de missão.
Why the lady folk of this town would not have the vote? If it hadn't been for you fighting to give them all that suffrage.
Se as nossas mulheres agora podem votar devem-no a si o seu direito ao sufrágio.
But they wouldn't give me an advance, so I told them to forget it.
Não me quiseram adiantar dinheiro, portanto, mandei-os dar uma curva.
It is for you to give them food.
Não é necessário, dai-lhe vós mesmos de comer.
It's as if some ethereal wave skimming over surfaces soaked up their visible emanations to shape them and give them form and then spread them like a perfume, like an echo of themselves, like some imperceptible dust, over every surrounding surface.
É como se uma onda etérea, deslizando pelas superfícies, absorvesse as suas emanações visíveis, para as definir e moldar, e depois as espalhasse como um perfume, como um eco delas mesmas, que se espalhasse por todo o lado como se fosse pó, imponderável.
Aqui está. Entregue-a a alguém e peça para o tirarem de lá.
- Forget it, I can't give them to you.
Esquece, não posso te dar.
And unless you give them food, or the rifles to hunt their own... they're going to come in here and take it.
E estão inquietos. Se não der comida, eles virão pegá-la.
I can keep them busy for a while, but it might be a good idea... to bring them here and give them a drink and sandwich to sweeten them up.
Mas acho boa ideia trazê-los até aqui e oferecer-lhes de beber e uma sanduíche, só para lhes fazer um agrado.
At least it'll give them something to talk about at dinner.
Pelo menos, já têm assunto de conversa para o jantar.
Give them a chance to prove it, then if they fail, your conscience is clear.
Deixem-nos prová-lo. Se falharem, a vossa consciência estará limpa.
Give it to them.
It doesn't give them time to make funeral arrangements.
Não há tempo para funerais.
Let them die. - Give it to me. - At least let me give them a taste of what they gave me.
Pelo menos deixe-me dar-lhes a provar do que eles me deram.
It's my fault, I thought it wouldn't be opportune... we needed to give you many explanations, and you may not understand them.
É minha culpa. Pensei que não seria oportuno. Precisariamos lhe dar muitas explicações, e talvez vc não entendesse.
And after they're finished in Sickbay, see to it that they're escorted back to their proper quarters. - And give them whatever care they need. - Yes, captain.
Depois da Enfermaria, escolte-os às cabinas e dê-lhes a assistência que precisarem.
give it a go 47
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it time 124
give it a shot 99
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it time 124
give it a shot 99
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it back 737
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to us 27
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to them 177
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to them 177
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give me 926
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give up 237
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give up 237
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245