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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ J ] / Just stay with me

Just stay with me translate Spanish

669 parallel translation
Just stay with me until I reaches the coast. Please do not go! Please?
Un amor constante sin nada que pueda hacer para cambiarlo.
Just stay with me. Say what you will, we won't return her.
Diga lo que quiera, no la dejaremos que vuelva con usted.
Everybody just stay with me. All right?
Quédense todos conmigo.
Just stay with me.
No se vayan.
Please just stay with me for a little while and talk.
Por favor, quédense por un rato, para poder hablar.
Just stay with me for a week and I'll be all right.
Quédense conmigo una semana y me sentire mejor.
Just stay with me.
Sólo quédate conmigo.
Just stay with me.
Ven conmigo...
Come on, just stay with me, guys.
Quédense conmigo.
Just stay with me.
Quédate conmigo.
I told him I lived with my Brother to try and stop him, But he just won't Stay put.
Le dije que vivía con mi hermano para que me deje, pero no lo ha hecho.
Yeah, I know that, and if I flop with this show, I just as well go on up there and stay there, you understand, for the rest of my life.
Sí, lo sé, y si fracaso con este show, me dará lo mismo terminar allí y quedarme para siempre.
I'll come again at a more suitable hour, your majesty you just stay here, Chevalier what you were talking about with my wife regards me too the Chevalier has brought us good news from England really?
Vendré a una hora más apropiada, Majestad. ¡ Quédese aquí, Chevalier! Lo que tenga que hablar con mi esposa, seguramente me atañe a mí también.
Now, you stay here, and I'll get in touch with you just as soon as I can.
Quédate aquí, me pondré en contacto contigo en cuanto pueda.
And now they've promised to stay here with me just as long as they can.
Y ahora han prometido quedarse conmigo todo el tiempo que puedan.
It just seems to me that with this new evidence you have enough reasonable doubt to get a stay of the execution
Para mí estas pruebas son razones suficientes para detener la ejecución. - ¿ Para?
Well, I might just stay long enough to meet up with him.
Me quedaré para conocerlo.
I didn't want a good time. I wanted to stay with you! He just took it for granted I didn't.
Pero no quería irme, quería estar contigo, pero no pensó en eso, y me arrastó a ese night clube.
If you stay with me, I'll show you the streets aren't just for making love.
Te recomiendo que no te enamores... buscate una mujer de la calle para hacer el amor.
Por favor, Henry, quédate solo conmigo.
just to stay and be with me?
¿ Que quieres estar conmigo?
Then I'll just stay home and play a little gin rummy with your father.
Entonces me quedo a jugar al gin rummy con tu padre.
I told him you was just leaving, and you wanted him to stay with me. Being such a good friend of Ray's, I told him you didn't want me to be alone.
Le he dicho que te vas y quieres que se quede conmigo para que no esté sola.
George, stay with me, just for five minutes.
George, quédate conmigo, sólo cinco minutos.
If I stay with my uncle, it'll just destroy me.
Si sigo viviendo con mi tío, no tendré futuro.
I just want you to stay with me, like when we were first married.
Sólo quiero que estés conmigo como cuando nos casamos.
Just before leaving, you told me I want to stay with you.
Antes de partir me llamaste y me dijiste que viniera contigo.
Since Pete doesn't want to take me, can't I just stay with you?
Peter ya no me lleva, ¿ vienes tú conmigo?
And I thought they could stay with me, and then everything would go on just the way it always had.
Creí que podrían quedarse conmigo... y que todo seguiría como siempre.
You can stay here with us and continue to bring joy to my grandson. Well, thank you, sir, but you see I just received a letter from my agent and he said that they want me to appear at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas.
puede quedarse aquí con nosotros y seguir dandole alegria a mi nieto bueno, gracias Sr, pero acabo de recibir una carta de mi agente, y dijo que ellos quieren que aparezca para actuar en el Sands Hotel en Las Vegas.
Just let me stay with you.
Sólo deja que me quede contigo.
You think I stay with you just for money?
¿ Usted cree que me quedo sólo por dinero?
Just as long as you stay here with me.
Mientras estés aquí conmigo.
Me ha estado siguiendo durante todo el camino.
Just let me come in a while. Let me stay with you, huh?
Déjame pasar un rato, déjame estar contigo, ¿ eh?
- I'll stay with the boat, just in case.
- Me quedo con el barco, por si acaso.
You just stay right here with me.
Quédate aquí conmigo.
Couldn't you stay with me just a little longer?
¿ No podrías quedarte un poco más conmigo?
You stay with your back toward me, Father, and just relax.
Quédese de espaldas a mí y relájese.
He just wanted me to stay in the water with him.
Él sólo quería que me quedara en el agua con él.
You are welcome to come stay with me. Just you.
Puedo darle alojamiento en mi casa, a Vd. sólo.
Yes, I'll just stay with you.
Sí, me quedaré contigo.
You want everything to stay just as it is. That's fine with me.
¿ Quieres que todo continúe como está?
Will you just stay with me for
¿ No quieres vivir conmigo una temporada?
Hit me just how much I wanted to stay around, especially with this boat and this crew.
De pronto empecé a pensar que quería vivir sobre todo en éste barco... con ustedes.
The little prince will stay with me while you take care of your important business, just like every Thursday.
El principito esperará aquí conmigo, ¿ verdad? mientras Ud. resuelve sus importantes asuntos... igual que todos los jueves...
Why don't you just stay with me, baby?
Te quedas conmigo
"'Why don't I just pack it in, stay here "'and join in with the singing'? "'
¿ Porqué no lo dejo todo y me quedo aquí y cantando con ellos? "
Or just stay here and carry on with me studies.
O sólo me quede aquí y siga con mis estudios.
just stay here with me.
Aun si canto esa canción... ¡ No hay forma posible que podamos ganar con tal cosa!
Let them stay with me, just for a while.
Que se queden conmigo, solo por un tiempo.

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