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She was a whore traducir portugués

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It was i that killed her. She turned to folly, and she was a whore!
Entregara-se ao vício, era rameira.
I mean, I know she was a whore, but I think she liked me.
Sei que era uma pega, mas acho que ela gostou de mim.
Because she was a whore?
Porque ela era uma pêga?
I told you she was a whore.
Bem te disse que era uma pega.
She was a whore, Father.
Ela era uma prostituta, Pai.
She was a whore.
Era uma pêga!
- A : She was a whore.
Primeiro, ela era uma pega.
But she was a whore, Tony.
Mas ela era uma pega, Tony.
Nina Blount... grasped her stomach, screamed she was a whore, and misquoted several lines of lady Macbeth whilst Adam Fenwick-Symes cried on heaven to bear witness to his talentless penury and hopeless illiteracy.
Nina Blount... agarrada à barriga, gritava que era uma prostituta e citou erradamente várias frases de Lady Macbeth, enquanto Adam Fenwiçk-Symes pedia a Deus que testemunhasse a penúria pela falta de talento e analfabetismo sem solução.
She was a whore.
Ela era uma prostituta.
She was a whore.
Ela era prostituta.
She was a whore... and she couldn't take it anymore.
Era uma puta. Era puta e não podia mais.
- She was a whore. Yeah, if I can spell it.
Se conseguir escrevê-lo.
Because she was a whore.
Porque ela era uma prostituta.
- So what if she was a whore?
- E se ela foi mesmo uma puta?
She was a whore anyway.
Ela era uma puta mesmo.
She was a whore.
Era puta, a mamã. Era um portento!
But she was a whore.
Mas ela era um prostituta.
She was a whore.
Era uma pega.
She was a whore, You don't exist, and I'm going fishing.
- Ela era uma puta, tu não existes e eu vou pescar.
She was a whore, and she was a whiner!
Era uma pega, e era uma choromingas!
She was the biggest whore in Alameida and the finest woman that ever lived.
Ela era a maior meretriz de Alameida e a melhor mulher que jamais existiu.
She was the biggest whore in Alameida and the finest woman that ever lived.
Era a maior pêga em Alameida e a mulher mais "fina" que jamais viveu.
"She was the little whore who hung down at the Atomic Hoagie Shop."
"A vaquita que andava para os lados da loja Atomic Hoagie."
She was a black whore in New Orleans!
Ela era uma prostituta preta de Nova Orleães!
She was a dirtyJezebel whore, and I took care of her for you.
Era uma vagabunda suja e cuidei dela pra você.
She turned to folly and she was a whore.
ela perdeu o juízo, era uma meretriz.
That woman was a slut-bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something.
Era uma puta de merda. Que se exibia como se fosse uma Sharon Stone.
That woman was a slutbag whore... who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone.
Ela era uma vadia que se achava uma Sharon Stone.
Were you watching when he put the knife through her heart? She was a whore, like you.
Parece que encontrámos o Popi.
Was _ she a whore?
Era uma prostituta?
She was a real whore too.
E ela era uma autêntica puta.
She dressed me up in fine clothes, but really, I was just a kept whore.
Vestia-me com roupas finas, mas, na verdade, eu era uma prostituta.
You are the walking proof that your mother was as much of a whore... in her younger years as she is today.
O que prova que a tua mãe era tão grande rameira na juventude, como o é agora.
She was laughing at me because her "au pair" said that my new nanny was a slutbag whore.
Ela estava a rir-se de mim por causa que a "au pair" dela disse que a minha nova ama era uma galdéria desleixada.
On the outside she acted like a prude but she was a filthy whore on the inside
Aparentemente era inocente, mas, na verdade era uma puta.
Leo, did you say she was a cheap whore and suggest she had other customers?
Leo, disseste que era uma pega reles e sugeriste que tinha outros clientes?
She was running away with her sister, the whore!
ia fugir com a irmã, a puta!
My mother was a real whore... and a junkie... and she traded me... for ten dollars and a fix.
A minha mãe foi uma verdadeira prostituta, e uma drogada, e trocou-me, por dez dólares e uma dose.
Didn't your mama tell you how to treat a lady, or was she a whore like this one?
A tua mãe não te ensinou a lidar com uma senhora, ou era pega como esta?
She was selling herself like a common whore.
Ela estava-se a vender como uma prostituta vulgar.
I thought she was the whore of Omaha.
Pensei que ela era a vaca de Omaha.
The best she could come up with was, "He's a whore."
O melhor que ela conseguiu dizer foi "ele é um mulherengo".
Well, I got to admit your mom can be difficult sometimes but... but she was also... drunk and a whore.
Reconheço que às vezes a Nan era difícil, mas também era... - Uma bêbeda e uma puta.
Everyone hated her. She was a drunk and a whore.
Todos a detestavam, era bêbeda e puta!
What she wanted to say was... and, this is pretty much, word for word, if I remember properly that you're a dirty little fucking scumbag and I might be paraphrasing here, but you should take your diseased riddled whore and fuck her in hell for all eternity.
O que ela quer dizer é... digamos, palavra por palavra, deixa-me ver... que és um lixo de merda... e aqui, tenho que a parafrasear, mas, tu deves levar a tua cadela doente e ir foder no inferno por toda a eternidade.
She was the whore you went to Chicago with.
Era a prostituta com quem foste para Chicago.
You know, some people think that mary magdalene was a whore, and she was one of jesus's best friends.
Sabes, muita gente pensa que a Maria Madalena era uma prostituta, e na verdade ela era uma das melhores amigas de Jesus.
His whore? ! She was here?
A amante dele?
She was a German loving whore.
Era uma prostituta pro-germânica.
Actually, she was just a flexible whore.
Na verdade, era simplesmente uma puta flexível. Um pouquinho mais que tu.

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