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She was already dead traducir portugués

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When he arrived at her shack, she was already dead.
Quando ele chegou à cabana, estava morta.
If she was already dead, he'd have put her body in the back.
Se ela já estivesse morta, ele teria posto o corpo atrás.
When I got there, she was already dead.
Quando cheguei Já estava morta.
She was already dead.
Porque já estava morta.
When we arrived, she was already dead.
Quando cheguei, já tinha morrido.
They used her image to seduce you, but she was already dead.
Usaram imagens dela para o seduzir, mas já estava morta.
She was already dead!
Ela já estava morta!
Non. When you were with me, Mademoiselle Patricia Lane, she was already dead.
Não, quando foi a minha casa, Patricia Lane já estava morta.
She was already dead, darling, wasn't she? So I suppose- -
Ela já estava morta, querido.
When I got here she was already dead.
Quando cá cheguei ela já estava morta. Matou-se em nossa casa para me destruir.
I tried to get Lyndsay back to Voyager, but... she was already dead.
Eu tentei levar a Lyndsay de volta a Voyager, mas... ela já estava morta.
Yeah, but there's a pretty good chance she was already dead.
Sim, mas já devia estar morta.
No blood means she was already dead before she was hung.
Portanto, já estava morta quando a enforcaram.
Since she was already dead, the tissue would remain damaged.
Como já estava morta, os tecidos não foram afectados.
But I know now she was already dead.
Agora sei que ela já estava morta. Apenas não conseguia dizê-lo.
I pretended for years that she was already dead.
Fingi durante anos, que ela já estava morta.
She was already dead when we got here.
Ela já estava morta quando chegamos aqui.
She was already dead when I found her.
Ela já estava morta quando a encontrei.
She was already dead, killed by the Beast.
Ela já estava morta. Foi morta pela Besta.
She was already dead.
Ela já está morta.
Claims she was already dead when she found her.
Diz que ele já estava morta, quando a encontrou.
She was already dead.
Já estava morta.
I hope she was already dead when they shut the door.
Espero que já estivesse morta quando fecharam a porta.
I heard the alley was the place the girls had their smokes, so I went out there, but she was already dead.
Ouvi dizer que as raparigas iam para o beco fumar, por isso fui para lá, mas ela já estava morta.
The way she was talking about Mrs. Huber, it was like she was already dead.
A maneira como ele falou sobre a senhora Huber, foi como se ela já estivesse morta.
Well, she was already dead, but that doesn't excuse...
Ela já estava morta, mas isso não desculpa...
Yeah, but she was already dead.
Pois, mas já estava morta.
She was already dead bull's eye in love.
Já estava perdidamente apaixonada.
She was already dead when I nabbed the bag, hence, hence... did I take the purse?
Ela já estava morta quando eu lhe fanei isto... por isso, por isso... Eu tirei a bolsa?
She was already dead
Ela já estava morta.
Which wouldn't happen if she was already dead.
O que não teria acontecido se já estivesse morta.
I should have told the police, but... she was already dead.
Devia ter dito à polícia, mas... ela já estava morta.
When I found Nikki in the tub, she was already dead.
Quando encontrei a Nikki na banheira, ela já estava morta.
She was already dead when the fire started.
Ela já estava morta quando o incêndio começou.
I'm really sad about what happened to sara, but she was already dead when I found her.
Sinto muito pelo que aconteceu à Sara mas já estava morta quando a encontrei.
I untied them when I discovered her in the hopes that... she was already dead.
Desamarrei-lhas quando a vi, na esperança de... Mas já estava morta.
"Maybe she was dead already."
Talvez ela já estivesse morta.
A boy, but it was already dead before she ever came in here.
- Era um menino, já chegou morto.
When she found him, he was already dead.
ele já estava morto.
According to her she just happened to stop by his apartment, where she found him already dead. It'd be stranger to think that some sort of foul play was NOT involved.
Ao chegar ao seu apartamento, ela encontrou-o morto.Seria estranho pensar que uma brincadeira de mau gosto não estava envolvida.
When you got there, was she alive or already dead?
Quando lá chegaste, ela estava viva ou já estava morta?
She was already dead.
Ela já estava morta.
- Yes, she was dead already
- Morta e bem morta.
And that's because she was supposed to dead already.
Porque era suposto ela já estar morta. É isso que quero dizer.
If she was born in China, she'd already be dead.
Se tivesse nascido na China, já estaria morta.
She was dead already.
Ela já estava morta.
We're just telling you we found evidence that you cleaned up after she was already dead. No.
- Não.
Sheryl was already dead when she pressed the glass.
Sheryl já estava morta quando pressionou o botão.
We can deduce that Mrs Smalls'would-be killer presupposed her already dead when she was transported by automobile.
Podemos deduzir que o provável assassino da Sra. Smalls... presumiu que ela estava morta quando estava a ser transportada de automóvel.
A sure sign of postmortem severance, meaning the victim was already dead when she was relieved of her fingertips.
Um sinal seguro de ferimento post mortem, o que quer dizer que a vitima já estava morta quando lhe foram retiradas as pontas dos dedos.
She said you talked to my cousin Jason after he was already dead.
Você é algum tipo de vidente ou algo parecido? Não.

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