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She was raped traducir portugués

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... that his mother died because she was raped!
Estás preparado para dizer ao teu filho que a mãe dele morreu porque foi violada!
She was raped last night.
Ontem à noite foi violada e descobrimos o violador.
She was raped...
Ela foi violada...
She was raped by three men.
Foi violada por três homens.
But if Sarah says she was raped, she was raped.
Mas se a Sarah diz que foi violada, eu não duvido.
Kathryn, do you believe she was raped?
Kathryn, acreditas que foi violada?
- You said she was raped.
- Disseste que tinha sido violada.
- I thought she was raped.
- Pensei que tivesse sido violada.
Nothing happened, and you're behaving like she was raped or something.
Não aconteceu nada e comportas-te como se a tivessem violado.
She was raped by the lunatics and had the baby there.
Foi raptada por lunáticos e teve o filho lá.
It looks like she was raped.
Parece ter sido violada.
Are you saying she was raped and then tied up?
Quer dizer que foi violada e atada depois?
That is probably what cave woman said right after she was raped!
Isso é exactamente o que a mulher das cavernas deve ter dito depois de ter sido violada, arrumado!
- I don't think she was raped.
- Pouco. Julgo que não foi violada.
She was raped?
- Foi violada?
Well, it's hard to tell if she was raped.
É difícil saber se foi violada.
At the end, she was raped as well.
No fim, ela também foi violada.
- According to Miss Charters, she was raped.
- Segundo ela, foi violada.
She was raped and murdered here.
Foi violada e assassinada aqui.
She says she was raped.
Ela diz que foi violada.
how she was raped in a strip club...
A violação no bar de strip...
She was raped and killed. You know what rape usually is?
Sabe o que costuma ser a violação?
The issue is if she was raped. How do you prove that in a court of law, that is the issue.
O problema é que se ela foi violada, como se prova isso em tribunal?
- She was raped with a wooden object.
Foi violada com um objecto de madeira.
She was raped by a player two months ago after a post-season party.
- Foi violada por um basquetebolista. - Após uma festa de fim de época.
When I was in high school... there was a girl named Loralee Sherman... that claimed she was raped by... 4 drunken seniors.
Quando eu andava no liceu, havia uma rapariga chamada Loralee Sherman, Ela disse que tinha sido violada, por quatro finalistas bêbedos.
There's a rumor in town that she was raped in the bus.
Corre o rumor que ela foi violada no autocarro.
The fact that no evidence was present in her body does not mean that she was not raped, does it?
O facto de não haver provas no corpo dela, não significa que não foi violada, significa?
Delusions the world was devouring her that she was being raped by a man with dueling pistols.
Alucinaçöes de que o mundo a devorava que era violada por um homem com pistolas.
- She was never raped.
Ela não foi nada violada.
While you were teaching the villagers to hate this afternoon, she was being raped by Captain Ramirez.
Enquanto ensinavas os aldeões a odiar, ela estava a ser violada pelo capitão Ramirez...
She was very badly raped, you see.
Foi horrívelmente violentada.
She was afraid of being raped.
Ela tinha medo de violadores.
She was too busy getting raped by Cossacks.
Estava ocupada a ser violada por Cossacos.
She was beaten with a heavy metal object, raped and violated... with an object, presumably the murder weapon.
Ela foi espancada com um pesado objecto de metal, e violada... com um objecto, talvez a arma do crime.
Two men raped her when she was 11 years old.
Foi violada por dois homens quando tinha 11 anos.
Some soldiers... big fellows like you, raped her when she was a child... and then cut out her tongue for fun.
Alguns soldados... grandes como vocês, a estupraram quando ela era uma criança... e então cortaram fora sua língua por diversão.
- Mr. Krasny, was she raped?
- A vítima foi violada?
He beat and raped her, and she thought it was love?
Ele batia nela e a violava e ela pensava que era amor?
She was very fair-skinned because hermother was raped by a white man.
Ela era muito feira-esfolada porque hermother era estuprado por um homem branco.
But Mary Kostrinski, in your opinion, did she believe that she was about to be raped?
Porém, na sua opinião, acha que Mary Kostrinski acreditava que ia ser violada?
She, ah, was beaten and raped.
Ela foi espancada e violada.
Sarah, she was almost raped last night.
Sarah, ela quase foi violada ontem à noite.
She wasn't just raped, she was sadistically beaten and sodomized.
Näo foi só violada, foi sadicamente espacandada e sodomizada.
You mean that she was brutally raped and is in the hospital?
Que foi brutalmente violada e está no hospital?
She might have been suffocated during the attack. She was killed in the process of being raped.
Foi estrangulada e morta quando estava sendo estuprada.
Was she raped?
She was not raped.
A senhora não foi violada.
She was beaten, raped.
Foi golpeada e violada.
He raped her while she was passed out.
Ele violou-a enquanto ela estava a dormir.
Isn't she the same girl who was raped last night?
Nao é a mesma rapariga que foi estuprada na noite passada?

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