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She was upset traducir portugués

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Last night I called and she was upset.
Ontem à noite eu liguei e ela estava perturbada.
But lately she was upset about some notions put into her head by a friend of hers.
Mas ultimamente ela andava preocupada com as ideias que uma amiga lhe metera na cabeça.
Michael, the night she died, she was upset.
Na noite em que morreu, ela estava muito perturbada.
She said she was upset by the echo and that she was tired.
Disse que o eco a tinha perturbado e que estava cansada.
I heard her tell Mom that she was upset that you don't call her more.
Ouvi-a dizer à mãe que ela anda chateada por não lhe ligares.
- She didn't tell you why she was upset?
- Não lhe disse o que a perturbou?
She never touched alcohol at all, except on social occasions to overcome her shyness or when she was upset.
Ela nunca bebia álcool, só em ocasiões sociais para ultrapassar a timidez, ou quando estava perturbada.
What? No, she was upset.
Estava perturbada.
She was upset about a lot of things, especially that whole fuckin'Lester Diamond incident.
Estava perturbada com muitas coisas, sobretudo, com aquilo do Lester.
- She was upset.
- Estava irritada. Eu perdoo-a.
She was upset over a plant.
Triste por causa duma planta, um hibisco.
She was upset about having to move out.
Ela estava triste por ter de se mudar.
She was upset, but not angry.
- Ela pôs-se assim para ti.
She was upset that Crichton was to marry the Princess, I saw it with my own eyes!
Ela estava aborrecida com o casamento de Crichton.
She was too upset.
Ficou irada.
She was extremely upset and plunged into a tirade about your drinking.
Ela estava fora de si e começou a dizer que o senhor bebe.
Well, naturally she was a little upset.
Naturalmente ficou um pouco chateada.
- Why was she so upset?
- Porque estava ela tão perturbada?
She was most upset by Sir Charles'death.
Ela ficou perturbada com a morte do Sir Charles.
- Just imagine the mother now... She was already upset in the last episode.
Oh, Rosie, tu matas-me.
Uh, Miss Chandler, I'm afraid Mr. Parks claims your secretary had a date with him last night. But when she got down to the bookstore where he was, she was all upset because you'd given her those errands to run.
Menina Chandler, lamento, mas o Sr. Parks afirma que a sua secretária tinha um encontro com ele, ontem, mas, ao chegar à livraria onde ele estava, ia irritada porque a incumbira de todos aqueles recados.
She was very upset.
Estava muito abalada.
She tried to keep up a calm front... but she was just too upset.
Ela tentou, sabe, manter uma atitude fria... mas estava nervosa demais.
She was walking up and down this room, sir, very pale, upset.
Estava a andar de um lado para o outro, senhor, muito pálida e aborrecida.
More than upset, she was scared.
Mais do que perturbada, assustada.
Well, he was a little upset that we couldn't stop her before she'd left, but he did win one victory. He got them to move that streetlight, so I'm sure he's happy about that.
Conseguiu que mudassem o candeeiro, por isso, de certeza que está satisfeito.
Her brother was in a car accident and she's a little upset.
O irmão dela teve um acidente de carro e ela ficou preocupada.
She was very upset about losing her job as a political correspondent.
Sei que andava aborrecida por ter perdido o emprego como correspondente política num jornal nacional.
The mantelpiece was cracked the clock was missing a hand the precious carpet was a rag and the queen was called Isabelle Cassignol and she had an upset stomach.
O mármore da lareira estava partido faltava uma agulha no pêndulo os preciosos tapetes não passavam de um trapo e a rainha chamada Isabelle Cassignol estava com cólicas.
Ms. Presbury, she was so upset that she,
Miss Presbury ficou tão perturbada que...
She was much more upset about the potato salad.
Ficou muito mais perturbada por causa da salada de batata.
He was upset because she was going to Italy.
Estava zangado por ela ir para Itália.
She was really... Very upset about... This.
Ela ficou muito aborrecida por nossa causa.
I was upset, and she stroked my hand.
Eu sentia-me incomodado e fez-me festas na mão.
I don't mean to upset you further, sir, but I do think she was trying to say yes.
Não o quero chatear mais, senhor, mas acho que ela estava a tentar dizer "sim".
You know, George, I was thinking... with Nathalie in such a state, you know, I don't think it's a good idea to upset her any more than she already is.
Sabes, George, eu estava a pensar... com a Nathalie neste estado, não me parece uma boa ideia peturbá-la ainda mais do que ela já está.
She was very upset, so I thought I'd come by.
Sím, estava muito alterada. eu pensei : "A ver o que tinha".
Was she upset?
Ela ficou zangada?
Was she upset?
Ficou ressentida?
She was really upset about the bird.
Ficou muito incomodada com o pássaro.
Ray, Ally was upset about Stan ¡ ® the Fish, ¡ ¯ too... but she managed to get to sleep.
Ray, a Ally também estava triste por causa do Peixe Stan, mas conseguiu adormecer.
She was very upset.
Estava transtornada.
She was so upset... she and Glenn jumped a plane to Vegas.
Ela ficou tão chateada... ela e o Glenn foram de avião para Vegas.
No, but Monica and I were talking and I was so upset about the hall being knocked down and she suggested we put the wedding off for a bit.
Não, mas a Monica e eu estivemos a falar e eu estava tão chateada por estarem a demolir o edifício que ela sugeriu que adiássemos um pouco o casamento.
She was so upset.
Estava tão perturbada.
So she said I couldn't understand why she was so upset because I'm single.
Eu disse-lhe que não percebi por que é que ela ficou tão chateada. E respondeu-me que eu não iria perceber porque sou solteira.
I tried talking to her, but she was really upset.
Tentei falar com ela, mas ela estava muito perturbada.
- Sustained. Did she say why she was so upset?
- Ela disse porque estava alterada?
She said not to get on that bicycle while I was upset, but I did.
Disse para não pegar na bicicleta, mas eu peguei.
Christine wasn't upset, was she?
- A Christine não estava aborrecida, estava?
Claims Pfaster got upset when she was wearing a red wig.
Disse que o Pfaster ficou irritado por ela usar uma peruca ruiva.

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