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She was gone traducir portugués

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When the maid took her dinner up, she was gone.
Quando a empregada subiu com o jantar, ela não estava lá.
I was only away a few moments, but when I came back she was gone.
Ausentei-mem por pouco tempo mas quando voltei ele tinha desaparecido.
She was gone when you left.
- Não foi com você?
She was gone.
Ela havia partido.
I caught a glimpse and then she was gone.
Olhei de relance e ela tinha desaparecido.
When the man died, I turned to her. She was gone.
Quando o homem morreu, virei-me para ela e tinha desaparecido.
Suddenly, I looked around and she was gone.
De repente, olhei e não a vi.
She was gone.
While she was gone, I looked around the jars and the cupboard for dough.
Quando se afastou, pus-me à procura da "massa".
And when I wiped them away, she was gone.
E quando as limpei, ela tinha desaparecido.
She was gone by the time I got to Hollywood.
Ela não estava lá na altura em que eu estive em Hollywood.
They said she was gone.
Disseram que ela se foi.
I arrived at her place 15 minutes later, but she was gone and the house was a mess.
Eram 11 : 30. Cheguei a casa dela 15 minutos depois.
Then, all of a sudden, she was gone.
E depois, de repente, se tinha ido.
I bent down to fix my knickers and when I came up she was gone.
Baixei-me para arranjar as calças e quando voltei ela tinha desaparecido.
What do you mean, she was gone?
Que quer dizer com "tinha desaparecido"?
- She was gone.
- Ela desapareceu.
From the day she was gone All he wanted
Desde o dia em que ela se foi, tudo o que ele quis
And then I'd remember that she was gone :
E depois lembrava-me que ela tinha partido.
When the bell come down, she was gone already.
Quando o sino caiu, ela já tinha ido.
I would've laid her to rest, but she was gone.
- Bem, hoje de manhã ia deixai-la descansar mas tinha desaparecido.
Why did you not let us know she was gone?
Porque não nos avisaram que tinha desaparecido?
When I returned, she was gone.
Eu tinha ido fazer chá.
She was gone for good, and I never found out why.
Ela foi-se embora para sempre e eu nunca soube porquê.
I didn't realize how much I loved her until she was gone.
Só me apercebi de como gosto dela quando ela foi para longe.
Went into the washroom, took my Rollie off, set her on the basin stepped back to shake the dew off my lily turned around, and she was gone like that.
Fui a casa-de-banho, tirei o Rolex, pousei-o no lavatório, afastei-me para sacudir a minha pila, virei-me e tinha desaparecido.
Hmm. I woke up one morning, she was gone.
Uma manhã quando acordei, ela tinha ido embora.
- No I thought you were watching her! - I look away, she was gone.
- Não, pensei que tu estavas a olhar por ela!
I was pleased and surprised she had gone back to it
Fiquei contente e surpreso por ter voltado a tocar.
She was... When I got there, she'd gone down.
Ela estava... quando lá cheguei ela já se tinha afundado.
And when I found next day that she'd really gone... I was desperate.
E quando me dei conta de que realmente se foi... estava desesperado.
It's like when my mama was still alive. I remember I used to mash my finger and she'd kiss it and tell me the pain was all gone.
Quando a minha mãe era viva eu lembro-me de me ter magoado num dedo e de ela dar um beijinho e dizer que já não ia doer.
That night, while I was asleep she must have found the money in my pocket cause next day it was gone
Ela deve ter lá ido mexer porque no dia seguinte o dinheiro não estava lá.
But the little girl, she was just gone.
Mas a menina desapareceu.
He said he was from the Britannia, and that she'd gone down with all hands.
Pertencia ao Britannia. Disse que o navio se afundou, e morreu naquela noite.
What she told me was so horrible, I thought she'd gone nuts!
Mas era verdade!
I meant to take her to the police as soon as we got into harbour, but she was already gone by then.
Queria levá-la à policia quando fosse possível, mas entretanto ela desapareceu.
And now the girl was gone, she figured there was nothin'to stop her.
E agora que a rapariga tinha ido embora, não havia nada que a impedisse.
The murderer'd have gone back to the gallery to see if she was dead and we can't rule out the possibility that he is a pervert.
O assassino pode ter voltado à galeria para ver se ela estava morta e não podemos excluir a possibilidade de ser um pervertido.
After she got into the cab, the purse was gone.
Depois de entrar no táxi, a mala desapareceu.
It was better that she find him gone.
Era melhor ela descobrir depois que Conrad partira.
Her adultery with Silius had gone so smoothly that she was bored.
O adultério com Sílio correra tão bem, que comecava a aborrecer-se.
Vipsania was the second and she's gone.
A Vipsânia era a segunda e partiu.
She was gone.
Reunimos uma escolta para a ir buscar, mas tinha desaparecido.
I was supposed to meet her here, but she must have gone out.
Era para me encontrar com ela aqui, mas acho que saiu.
She seemed happy enough, but the next thing I heard, Penny was gone.
Ela parecia feliz, mas quando dei por mim, tinha fugido.
And then I'd remember that she was gone.
Estou a monitorar uma frequência ascendente de partículas ionizadas.
She said she was going to hurt me. My patient was slashed to death, and my razor's gone.
A minha paciente morreu e a minha navalha desapareceu.
And she ended up crazy herself, you know - - after my father was gone.
E acabou sendo ela a louca, quando ficou sem meu pai.
But the woman herself was gone. Seems like she left in a hurry.
Mas parece que desapareceu de repente.
She was different from anyone I had gone out with before, she was... Well educated. Came from a real good family.
Ela era diferente de todas com quem eu já tinha saído, era... bem educada, vinha de uma boa família.

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