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She was just here traducir portugués

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She was just here and she doesn't seem to be feeling well.
Ela esteve aqui e parece não estar muito bem, sabe?
- Have you seen Irma? - She was just here.
Ainda agora estava aqui.
She was just here.
Ela estava aqui.
She was just here.
Estava aqui há bocado.
She was just here, man!
- Ela esteve cá, meu.
- She was just here.
- Ela estava aqui.
Hey, the girl, she was just here.
hei, a rapariga, ela estava ali.
She was just here. Didn't you hear me?
Falei que ela não está aqui.
Yeah, she was just here.
Se, vi-a por aqui.
Yeah, she was just here.
Vi. Estava aqui ainda agora.
She was just here five minutes ago!
Ela estava aqui ainda nem à cinco minutos!
She was kidnapped and brought here two years ago just as we were.
Foi raptada e trazida para aqui há dois anos, como nós.
- As for the stewards, if they don't do what they're told... they've got a nice cozy brick wall to lean up against. Well, that's just what stumps us, but all we know is that she was here on this train... and now she's... gone. But
- E se os empregados não cooperarem, têm um agradável muro de tijolos à sua espera.
Me and Mike here - Oh, she was just a baby then.
Eu e a Mike... ela não era mais que uma menina pequena.
She don't think she was asked over here... just to keep an old maid like Grace company.
Ela que não pense que foi trazida aqui... para cuidar de uma velha como a Grace.
- She was just sitting here.
- Ela estava sentada aqui.
- She was just here.
- Não sei, estava aqui.
If she was here, I'd probably be just as crazy now as I was then in about five minutes.
Se ela estivesse aqui, eu ficaria tão louco agora, como nessa altura, em apenas cinco minutos.
She was just as alive as you are all here :
Ela estava tão viva como nós todos aqui.
Just when I was about to come here she came over, and I had to go to this crappy party with her.
Quando estava quase a sair para vir para cá, ela apareceu. e tive que ir a uma festa parva com ela.
I know that she was here yesterday, and I just thought maybe...
Sei que ela esteve aqui ontem e pensei talvez...
So, I know she was here yesterday and I just wondered if you'd heard from her.
Então, sei que ela esteve aqui ontem e pensei que pudesse saber algo sobre ela.
She passed - you jus-you just said she was here.
Ela morreu... Acabou de dizer que ela estava aqui.
But if she was here I'm sure she'd be saying just what we're saying now :
Mas, se ela estivesse aqui, de certeza que diria o mesmo que nós.
She came in here just like it was yesterday.
Ela fez tudo igualzinho a ontem.
I just wish that she was here to see it.
Só gostava que ela tivesse aqui para ver.
You know, when Ruby was here, she used to wear a see-through blouse, so if you just want to keep up with it...
Quando a Ruby estava aqui costumava usar uma blusa transparente, por isso, se quiseres continuar...
- You see Dot go out? She was just here.
Viste a Dot?
- No, no, no, she was just living here.
- Não, só vivia aqui.
Until just now, I thought she was hundreds of miles away from here.
Na verdade, até agora julgava-a a quilômetros de distância daqui.
She seems nice, but her coming all the way here just to see if I was okay? I mean, how needy is that?
Parece simpática, mas isto de ter vindo até aqui só para ver se eu estou bem?
- She was here just a second ago.
- Estava aqui há um segundo.
She was just standing here a second ago.
Estava aqui há um segundo.
I was just wondering why she's always alone. she hasn't had any friends since she started here in the seventh grade.
Estava só a perguntar-me porque está sempre sozinha. Agora que penso nisso, ela nunca teve nenhum amigo desde que entrou aqui no 7º ano.
She was diagnosed with terminal neural paralysis a little over two years ago just before you got here.
Foi-lhe diagnosticada uma paralisia neural terminal há dois anos atrás mesmo antes de você aqui chegar.
My sister- - she was just standing here talking to you.
Minha irmã... ela estava aqui, falando com a senhora.
Really? BecauseJane was just here complaining... that she had to do the rest ofher community service tomorrow.
Porque a Jane esteve cá a queixar-se de que tem o serviço comunitário amanhã.
Just a few days in this world and she was taken back... by the same angels who brought her here.
Poucos dias neste mundo... e foi levada pelos anjos que a trouxeram.
My wife found out she was pregnant just after I shipped up here.
A minha mulher soube que estava grávida logo depois de eu ter vindo para cá.
She was on DS9 for three years. He just got here.
Ela esteve na Deep Space Nine três anos.
Just so you know, there's a part of me that... that thinks it would be good if she was here.
Quero que saibas que há uma parte de mim... que gostaria que ela estivesse aqui.
- She was just right here.
- Estava aqui ainda agora.
Mrs. Slocumb found out I was stationed in New Jersey now so she just thought that maybe lgby, since he worked here this summer....
A Sra. Slocumb soube que eu estava em New Jersey e pensou que o Igby, uma vez que trabalhou aqui este verão...
I came by to see her and she wasn't here... so I was just gonna wait on the porch... but then I noticed her car looked dirty, I thought I'd wash it.
Vim vê-la e, como ela não está, ia ficar à espera à porta, mas reparei que o carro parecia sujo e resolvi lavá-lo.
She was here, and then all of a sudden she just disappeared.
Estava aqui e depois, inesperadamente, desapareceu.
He said that the last time he spoke to her, she had just left here, And he said she was very upset.
Ele disse que a última vez que falou com ela, ela tinha acabado de sair daqui, e estava muito preocupado.
Well, just, you said last time you spoke with mariel, She was just leaving here?
Bem, é só que, disses-te que a última vez que falas-te com a Mariel, ela estava a sair daqui?
Mrs. Slocumb found out I was stationed in New Jersey now... so she just thought that maybe Igby, since he worked here this summer...
A Sra. Slocumb soube que eu estava em New Jersey e pensou que o Igby, uma vez que trabalhou aqui este verão...
Now, originally... we were supposed to have our Ice Cream Queen here... but, unfortunately, kids, she was just too busy.
Bem, originalmente... devíamos ter aqui a nossa Rainha do Gelado, mas, infelizmente, miúdos, estava demasiado ocupada.
If you've never heard of her, she was just a receptionist, worked here for some years.
Se alguém nunca ouviu falar dela antes, ela era apenas uma recepcionista que trabalhou aqui durante alguns anos.
Teachers, coaches, anybody that she spends a lot of time with. Just Derrick Trainer, the man that was here.
Professores, treinadores, alguém com quem passe muito tempo.

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