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She was right traducir portugués

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She was right- - Vivian Volkoff sent a team for it.
A Vivian Volkoff enviou uma equipa para o roubar.
She was right.
Ela estava certa.
She was right about it being busy yesterday.
Ela estava certa sobre estarem muito ocupados ontem.
I can't believe she was right. My own little person!
Não acredito que ela tenha razão.
Let's just hope she was right, d Leila's okay.
Vamos esperar que ela esteja certa, e a Leila esteja bem.
Maybe she was right.
Talvez ela tivesse razão.
She was right. It IS a choice.
Ela tinha razão, é uma escolha.
It wasn't until I come home from the war, right then, actually, that I understood that she was right.
Foi só depois de chegar a casa vindo da guerra, logo em seguida, na verdade, que compreendi que ela estava certa.
And sure enough, she was right.
E era verdade, ela tinha razão.
Yeah, if she was takin'out cash, right?
Sim, se ela tiver levantado dinheiro, certo?
This girl was OMGing and LOLing with her BFFs while in a club, and I think she might have been drinking a little bit too, right?
Esta miúda estava a gritar, e a rir muito com o namorado num clube, acho que ela pode ter bebido um pouco demais, certo?
What did you do that for? She did that because she was doing the right thing.
Fez isso porque estava a fazer a coisa certa.
- Patty should probably give the baby up for adoption. - What she did... was exercise her legal right to choose.
Talvez este bebé esteja destinado a viver.
She says right here : "I was shot by a Taliban insurgent." Nothing's been redacted.
Ela diz aqui : "Fui baleada por um rebelde talibã".
That was what she said right after your dad left town.
Isso foi o que ela disse logo depois do teu pai ter deixado a cidade.
She has every right to be angry, but I can't tell her that I was in Nebraska.
Ela tem todo o direito de estar zangada, mas não lhe posso dizer que estava no Nebrasca.
My job is to expect the worst right now, and that means she was.
Meu trabalho é esperar o pior, e isso significa que ela foi levada.
House was right. She could've only had Hep-C for a few years.
O House tinha razão, ela podia ter hepatite C há pouco tempo.
And he got down on one knee, and he just asked me to prom right then and there. She was...
Ele apoiou-se num joelho e convidou-me para o baile, naquele preciso momento.
She was right on the brink of death.
Estava prestes a morrer.
I know she doesn't want to know what Max was thinking right now, but some day she will.
Sei que ela não quer saber o que Max está a pensar agora, mas um dia ela vai querer.
The didn't even know she was there, all right?
Nem sabiam que ela lá estava.
Right. I really hate to be a grass, but I did see that strangely intense girl with slightly inadequate breasts - she was carrying something heavy and dog-shaped over to her locker before...
Detesto mesmo ser queixinhas mas eu vi aquela miúda estranhamente intensa... com seios levemente inadequados, ela estava a levar algo pesado e com forma canina para o cacifo dela antes de...
I thought that maybe she was with you. You're kidding, right?
Estás a brincar?
So she was murdered right after Mandy was kidnapped.
Ela foi assassinada depois do rapto da Mandy.
You were meeting with Theresa if you guys are gonna fight right now... she was here getting fingerprinted for a job.
Se forem discutir... Veio tirar impressões digitais para um emprego.
All right, Helen's attempt at a healing spell... who was she trying to heal?
A tentativa de Helen de uma magia de cura... Quem é que ela estava a tentar curar?
A friend of my granny's used to clean houses, and this one time she was cleaning this room of this guy that died. And all of a sudden, she started feeling something really weird right above her head.
Uma amiga da minha avó era empregada doméstica, e uma vez, quando limpava o quarto de alguém que morreu, de repente, começou a sentir algo muito estranho por cima da cabeça dela.
One of the first clients she took on was Fruit Industries, Limited, an organization of California grape growers lobbying for the right to sell a flavored grape concentrate called Vine-Glo which, when water and sugar were added, could be turned into wine.
Um dos primeiros clientes que aceitou foi a Fruit Industries Limited uma organização de produtores de uva da Califórnia que fazia lóbi pelo direito de vender um concentrado de uva com sabor chamado Vine-Glo, que, quando adicionado a água e açúcar, podia transformar-se em vinho.
She was the wife of Charles Sabin, chairman of the board of the guaranty trust company, and an heiress in her own right.
Ela era esposa de Charles Sabin, presidente do conselho de administração da Guaranty Trust e herdeira por direito próprio.
It was getting a little frayed around the edges, that one, and she just put her fist right through it and said, " No, it doesn't.
Estava a ficar um pouco desgastada nas bordas, essa, e ela cerrou o punho e disse :
She was just about to say it's time for us to go. Right?
Ela ia dizer que está na hora de irmos, não era?
Her father was a heroin addict who died right in front of her when she was 8 years old.
O pai dela era um viciado em heroína que morreu à frente dela quando ela tinha 8 anos.
Right before her affliction disappeared, she was attacked.
Mesmo antes do distúrbio dela desaparecer foi atacada.
Well, that's the cop she was screwing, right?
Bem, era o polícia com quem ela andava metida, certo?
I know she was asking a lot of questions about her mother this summer, right?
Sei que ela andava a fazer um monte de perguntas sobre a mãe... - A mãe biológica.
What? What I felt right now when I was afraid for Ivy? She's been feeling that way for me every day for a year.
- O que sinto agora é o que ela sente por mim todos os dias há um ano.
I know she doesn't want to know what's Max was thinking right now, but someday she will.
Ela não quer ouvir o que Max tem a dizer agora, mas um dia irá querer.
All she had to do was look at me and smile just right, and I'd light up inside.
Bastava ela olhar para mim e sorrir, que eu sentia uma luz dentro de mim.
Until right when she was walking inside her house.
Até ter entrado em casa.
She was asking a lot of questions about her mother this summer, right?
Ela andava a fazer um monte de perguntas sobre a mãe.
This is the last place she was seen on camera, right?
Aqui foi o último lugar que ela foi vista?
Nothing. She was Webber's right-hand man.
Ela era o braço direito do Webber.
That's right. She was in her 30's, but still really hot.
Acho que já passou dos 30, mas era muito bonita.
Man, she was fat, all right?
Era mesmo gorda, não era?
She called you again right before she was killed?
Ela ligou outra vez antes de ser morta?
Oh, no, she was begging me for it, but I decided it wasn't quite the right setting.
Não, ela estava a implorar-me, mas decidi que não era o cenário ideal.
So, Cafferty figures that Wes and the rest of the gang might know where she was, right?
- Então... o Cafferty pensou que o Wes e o resto do gangue saberiam onde ela estava, certo?
Maybe Matt Benton was right about Melanie having an affair, only wrong about who she was having the affair with.
Talvez Matt Benton tivesse razão acerca de Melanie ter um affair, Só estava enganado em relação a quem.
I should have just gave that stupid necklace back to Alisha... when she was standing right next to her locker.
Devia ter devolvido aquele estúpido colar à Alisha... quando ela estava mesmo ao lado do cacifo.
She accessed this file a dozen times in the days before she was killed. Right there.
Bem ali.

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