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She was just traducir portugués

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They-they thought that if, if a pregnant woman was being sick, because she was just overexcited about have- - being pregnant, you'd sedate her, and she'd calm down and she'd stop being sick.
Pensavam que se uma mulher grávida tinha enjoos porque estava demasiado entusiasmada por estar grávida, devíamos sedá-la, ela acalmar-se-ia e deixaria de os ter.
I think she was just trying to help.
Acho que ela estava só a tentar ajudar-me.
Annie, she was just lost.
Annie, ela estava perdida.
She was just this really awesome, secret booty call, not, I don't know, a real person at first.
Ela era apenas um engate secreto muito fixe e não... Não sei, uma... pessoa a sério.
She was just straight-up cool.
Ela era simplesmente fixe.
She was just standing there, all bloody.
- Sim. Ela estava ali parada, cheia de sangue, a olhar para mim.
So I turn the hell around. I ran back thinking : "Damn, she's hurt or something", but she was just gone.
Dei meia-volta e desatei a correr, a pensar que ela devia estar ferida ou algo do género.
She was just this girl, this sweet girl, and she was the only one in the city who actually knew who I was, you know?
Ela era só uma rapariga, uma rapariga doce, e era a única na cidade que realmente sabia quem eu era, sabe?
Claire thought she was just gonna run off with this guy?
A Claire pensou que ia simplesmente fugir com esse tipo?
I thought she was just asleep.
Pensei que estava a dormir. Fiz tudo o que podia...
She was just admitted.
Ela deu entrada agora mesmo.
She was just a frightened med student when she came to work with me.
Era só uma estudante de medicina, amedrontada... quando veio trabalhar comigo.
She was just a friend, by the way.
Ela era só uma amiga, já agora.
And then when I got here she was just so out of it.
Quando cheguei, estava completamente alheada.
She seemed so enamored of me, and I was just... weak. It was a mistake.
Ela parecia estar tão apaixonada por mim e, eu fui apenas... fraco.
She came in and she was the teacher, we were the pupils, and she just took control of the situation.
Ela entrou, ela era a professora e nós éramos os alunos. E ela assumiu o controlo da situação.
Everything about her, it just seemed like she was wearing a mask.
Tudo nela, parecia que estava a usar uma mascara.
He said it was just a dalliance that she'd forgotten.
Disse que não passou de um namorico, que ela tinha esquecido.
So you thought she'd just come back and pick up the game where it was left off?
Pensas que voltou e retomou o jogo no ponto em que o deixaram?
Yeah, thing is she was a no-show on campus this morning, so I just tried her cell, her landline, nothing. Keep calling.
Sim, mas acontece que e no campus, esta manhã, por isso, tentei falar para o telemóvel, para o telefone fixo, e nada.
And I'd do it again in a second, gladly, just just because of who she was.
E faria tudo de novo, de bom grado, só só por ser quem ela era.
Marren says she's was on a smoke break, so we just need to figure out who made the trade on her computer.
A Marren parou para fumar. Temos de saber quem mexeu no computador.
I just didn't believe she was in real danger.
Eu não acreditava que ela estivesse em perigo.
Just because Rose was too clever to be taken in doesn't mean that she'd forgive you.
Lá porque a Rose foi demasiado esperta para se deixar apanhar, não significa que a perdoasse.
She says it was just her and Dave. She'll go down for this, probably manslaughter and some corruption charge. But it ends with her.
Ela vai ser presa por isto, provavelmente homicídio voluntario e algumas acusações por corrupção, Mas termina com ela.
I hated the idea that she'd gone through this all by herself and just lay down in her bed and, like, was ready to die.
Detestei a ideia de que ela tinha passado por aquilo tudo sozinha e tinha ficado deitada na cama e estava pronta para morrer.
He would leave little clues so she would know he was here or... just to make her crazy.
Deixava umas pistas para ela saber que ele veio. Ou... Só para a enlouquecer.
She was attacked just like your friend Kate Edwards.
- Ela foi atacada, igual à sua amiga, Kate Edwards.
I was so sure that she would just come around about having children, you know? That's why I've been turning down all those JDate requests.
Estava tão certo que ela ia mudar de ideias em relação a ter filhos, é por isso que tenho rejeitado os pedidos de encontros online.
So I think everyone's just a little curious about who she was, why she ran away.
Então eu acho que toda a gente está um bocado curiosa sobre a identidade dela, o porquê de ter fugido.
Ali knew it was out there, She just didn't tell us about it.
A Ali sabia disto, mas não nos contou.
I'm just afraid that she's going to show up again and she's gonna... she's gonna tell me that it was all wrong and that she's not okay and that it's my fault.
Tenho medo que ela apareça outra vez e... Que diga que está tudo mal e que ela não está bem, e que é tudo culpa minha. Talvez não sejas a pessoa que eras quando foste embora.
Rose wasn't just another pretty package, was she Frank?
Rose não era só mais um pacote bonito, pois não Frank?
And she just stared at me like she was surprised.
E ela ficou a encarar-me como se estivesse surpresa.
I just thought she was bad news.
Só achei que ela não ia ser boa coisa.
The way she was secretly working with me... to try and get the manuscript away from you. I just think it is great that you can forgive her, that's all.
Apenas acho que é muito bom da tua parte teres conseguido perdoá-la, é só isso.
She said it was just between the two of us.
Ela disse que era... só entre nós os dois.
And, uh, my mom, she almost, like, coached me before I went into a room, on how to walk, stand, not to be funny, you know, because my kind of funny was just weird for my old man and his friends.
E a minha mãe, ela gostava de me treinar antes de eu entrar numa sala, como andar, a postura, a não ser engraçadinho, porque o meu jeito engraçado era algo estranho para o meu velhote e os amigos.
Eu não sei o porquê...
I guess I was just hoping she'd be flattered.
Eu estava a espera que ela se sentisse lisonjeada.
She's just not who she said she was.
Ela não era quem disse ser.
Yeah, she was in here just a minute ago. [Door opens]
Sim, esteve aqui há um minuto.
It was Christmas Eve, so she just she just stayed hidden.
Era noite de Natal, por isso ela apenas... Ela ficou escondida. Não se mexeu.
Let's just say, when Regina was mayor, she abused her power a bit.
Digamos que quando a Regina era presidente, abusava um pouco do seu poder.
You just wouldn't know that because Alison convinced you that she was the enemy.
Tu não percebes porque a Alison convenceu-te de que ela é a inimiga.
Just a feeling I had when she said she left the tub running. - It was weird.
Tive essa sensação, quando falou da banheira a encher.
She knew it was gonna happen, and she said good-bye over the phone just so you...
Ela sabia que ia acontecer e deu adeus pelo telefone para você... Continue.
I'd just screwed up the courage... To talk to her when the bus came. She got on and was gone.
Perdi a coragem de falar-lhe quando o autocarro chegou.
Like I just told you, she was that little devil.
Como eu lhe disse, ela era aquele pequeno demónio.
Maybe it was just like she said.
Se calhar é apenas o que ela disse.
Everything that happened after she tried to kill herself was just a blur for me.
Tudo o que se passou depois de ela tentar matar-se, é um borrão para mim.

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