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She was here traducir portugués

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I was hoping she was here with you.
Estava na esperança de encontrá-la aqui convosco.
She was here.
Ela esteve aqui.
She was here. I swear it.
Ela esteve aqui.
Look, lady, I don't want to have to lay the regular rap on you... but I am exhausted from telling people like you I haven't seen people like her. - But she was here.
Não quero ter de contar-lhe a história do costume, mas estou farto de dizer a gente como você que não vi gente como ela.
And she was here tonight?
- Ela estava aqui esta noite?
She loves you, but she thought if you knew she was here - since you haven't seen her in such a long time -
Gosta muito de si, mas achou que se soubesse que ela cá estava... como não a vê há tanto tempo...
I wish that she was here now to see Fulgencio Joe.
Gostava que estivesse connosco e que visse o Fulgencio Joe.
I mean, if she was here
- Sim, se ela cá estivesse...
When she was here, you were never home.
Quando ela estava aqui, nunca estavas em casa.
Holly wasn't answering her phone, so she called me in a panic, as usual, accusing me, assuming she was here.
A Holly não estava a atender o telemóvel, por isso ela ligou-me em pânico, como era habitual, a acusar-me, partindo do princípio que ela estava aqui.
But she was here the whole time.
Mas ela sempre esteve aqui.
That's so weird, she was just here.
Que estranho, estava aqui.
Was she even here today?
Nem veio à escola?
And here Darlene not only had the incredible personality, but she was a vocal powerhouse. She captures...
A Darlene não só tinha uma personalidade incrível, como era um furacão vocal.
She was supposed to meet me here at 3 : 30.
Era suposto ela estar aqui às 15 : 30h.
What's up? Well, there was this waitress. She used to work here.
Bem, havia aquela empregada que costumava trabalhar aqui.
What was she thinking coming out here alone?
O que lhe passou pela cabeça para vir aqui sozinha?
I was hoping she'd be here, but she isn't.
Estava na esperança de que ela estivesse aqui, mas não está.
How did she even know that Mona was even in here?
Como é que ela sabia que a Mona estava aqui?
So she came here in'95. Where was he serving then?
Onde é que ele cumpria serviço militar, nessa altura?
Based on the fact that she was willing to kill to protect her life here.
Com base no facto dela estar disposta a matar para proteger a sua vida aqui.
Then why was she here with you today?
Então porque esteve hoje aqui contigo?
Actually, we're not entirely sure she was ever here.
Na realidade, nem sequer estamos certos de que ela tenha aqui estado.
How was she infected here in Portland?
Como foi ela infetada aqui em Portland?
Porque ela era gorda e simpática, e tinha as bochechas coradas.
I wish Lily was in here, so she could hear me not comment on that.
Oxalá a Lily estivesse aqui, para me ouvir não comentar isso.
She was just here!
- Ela estava aqui.
Says right here she's 18. She is 18 now, Your Honor, but at the time of arrest, she was still two days shy of her 18th birthday.
Tem 18 anos agora, Meritíssimo, mas era menor quando foi presa dois dias antes do seu aniversário.
And I run into here, and then Donna, she was right here.
E corro aqui para dentro, e a Donna, estava mesmo aqui.
If that hexenbiest who came into the shop was Adalind's mother, and she told your mom there was a royal here in Portland, then he must have been the one she made the purification process for.
Se a Hexenbiest que veio à loja era a mãe da Adalind e contou à tua mãe que há um membro da realeza aqui, então deve ter sido para ele que ela fez a purificação.
Have you seen Patsy? She was just here.
- Ela estava aqui.
She slipped away but I know she wouldn't show her face here unless it was extremely important.
Ela fugiu, mas sei que ela não ia aparecer aqui se não fosse uma coisa muito importante.
I know in your kingdom, she was the evil Queen, but here, she's Regina.
Eu sei que no vosso reino ela era a rainha má, mas aqui é a Regina.
Dawn, if she was standing here with me right now, would tell you that it was her mistake, allowing that to happen.
ATAQUE DE ORCA TREINADORA ESTAVA MUITO PERTO? Se a Dawn estivesse aqui comigo, neste momento, dir-vos-ia que foi por erro dela, permitindo que aquilo acontecesse. Thad Lacinak Ex-Executivo do SeaWorld
Helena was here, she was Beth.
A Helena esteve aqui. Como Beth.
I knew that Christine was coming back here, and my... my girlfriend Kim- - she looks exactly like her, so all I had to do was just set up the meet, rip Sadat off...
Eu sabia que a Christine estava a vir para cá, e a minha namorada, a Kim, parece-se com ela, então eu só precisava de marcar o encontro, e enganar o Sadat.
I'd say she was put here maybe an hour ago, just after sunrise.
Diria que ela foi colocada aqui, talvez há uma hora atrás, perto do nascer do sol. Ele está a ficar corajoso.
My mama, she used to bring me up here when I was a little boy.
A minha mãe costumava trazer-me aqui quando eu era criança.
But all it says here is that she was fined $ 300 for loitering on April, 2012.
Tudo o que diz aqui é que foi multada em 300 dólares, por vadiagem, em Abril de 2012.
But... um, I was prepared to give my speech to Rachel, my ex, but she's... she's not here.
Mas... Estava preparado para fazer o meu discurso para a Rachel, a minha ex, mas ela... ela não está aqui.
Similar marks running the length of the corridor, meaning she was dragged here from somewhere else.
Marcas semelhantes ao longo do corredor. O que significa que foi arrastada de outro lugar.
Because... she was the reason that most of us worked here.
Porque... ela era o motivo porque a maioria de nós trabalhava aqui.
So what was she doing up here?
- Então o que fazia aqui?
Why? Because she was killed around the corner from here just after leaving.
Porque ela foi morta na sua esquina depois que saiu.
She was only supposed to stay here for two nights, but I kept her here for five.
Ela só ia ficar duas noites, mas mantive-a cá cinco noites.
Said she was Warwick's foster mother here in Sacramento.
Disse ser mãe adoptiva dela em Sacramento.
It made no sense to me either, but... there was a girl here, the shop's sole survivor, she showed everybody her disc, and there he was, terrorizing her, white suit and all.
Não faz sentido para mim, mas... Havia uma miúda, ela sobreviveu à explosão, ela mostrou a todos o disco dela, e lá estava ele, a aterrorizá-la. Roupa branca e tudo.
Minimal blood seepage and lack of spatter in the area suggests she was killed elsewhere, then dumped here.
Pouco sangue, infiltração e a falta de respingos sugere que ela foi morta noutro sitio e depois jogada aqui.
So why don't you tell us what she was doing here?
Isso mesmo.
She was the one he was ostensibly here to help, so maybe she has some insight as to where he's gone.
Segundo parece, ela era o motivo da presença dele, talvez saiba para onde ele vai.
She found a pornographic film that was made right here, in this apartment.
Descobriu um filme pornográfico que foi feito aqui, neste apartamento.

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