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She was alive traducir portugués

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The second half he left to Jane, providing she was alive and could be induced to return to civilization.
A outra metade foi deixada à Jane, desde que ela estivesse viva e pudesse ser convencida a regressar à civilização.
I thought she was alive.
Pensei que estivesse viva.
She was a headstrong woman, but if I had known things would come to this, I'd have been kinder to her while she was alive.
Ela era teimosa, mas se eu soubesse que as coisas iam chegar a este ponto teria sido mais simpático, quando ela era viva.
- When I left her she was alive!
- Quando a deixei ela estava viva!
If she was alive.
Se ela estiver viva.
She was alive and running at 8 : 00 this morning.
Ela estava viva às oito da manhã.
I saw my mama standing there like she was alive.
Vi a minha mãe ali em pé, como se estivesse viva.
And what of Nancy. I had no means of knowing whether she was alive or dead.
Então e a Nancy, não tinha maneira de saber se estava viva ou morta.
She was alive still when they killed me.
Ela ainda estava viva, quando me mataram.
She was alive when Tico left, I swear it.
Ela estava viva quando o Tico se foi embora, juro!
She wasn't a nice lady when she was alive, you know, but, uh...
Em viva, ela não era bonita, mas...
Every woman alive is the sum of all she ever did and felt and was.
Toda a mulher viva é o somatório de tudo o que ela fez, sentiu, e era.
You know, she's always talking about the old days when Miss Lisa's mother and father was alive and you would come courting here.
Está sempre a falar dos velhos tempos... quando os pais da menina Lisa eram vivos... e você vinha aqui cortejá-la.
What is it matter? She was real to him, or she couldn't look so alive.
Era real para ele, senão não pareceria tão viva.
In order to keep us both alive, she was reduced to the horrible expedient of taking in a lodger.
De modo a manter-nos vivos, foi obrigada a acertar um hóspede.
She thinks this Loomis is alive, that he was here.
Pensa que esse Loomis está vivo e que esteve aqui.
If that woman was alive, she'd be wearing that ring. Right?
Se ela estivesse viva, teria a aliança, certo?
If she was still alive, where do you think she'd be?
Se ela ainda fosse viva, onde acha que estaria?
She was beautiful - all alive with hopes and plans for the future.
Era linda... e tinha todo tipo de esperança e planos para o futuro.
Jessie was alive after she left.
A Jessie estava viva depois de ela ter saído.
Was she dead or alive when...
- Estava morta ou viva quando...?
It's like when my mama was still alive. I remember I used to mash my finger and she'd kiss it and tell me the pain was all gone.
Quando a minha mãe era viva eu lembro-me de me ter magoado num dedo e de ela dar um beijinho e dizer que já não ia doer.
While Mother was alive, she was so obsessed with fears that I couldn't work openly.
Com a mãe viva e tão atormentada, eu não podia trabalhar abertamente.
About the father there was nothing, so naturally she hopes he is still alive.
Acerca do pai não havia nada, portanto naturalmente ela espera que ele esteja vivo.
It wasn't that she was just pretty. She was different. She was so alive.
Não só era bonita... era diferente.
If my mother was still alive she'd ask you the same thing.
Mãe se houvesse... feito parar também.
She talks to that car like it was alive and breathing and could hear things.
Ela fala com o carro como se estivesse vivo, respirasse, e pudesse ouvir coisas.
A modelo estava viva, mas sabia demais e foi borrifada com uma solução de cimento plástico que endurece em 20 minutos e ao cobrir todos os poros, causa a morte por asfixia.
If your brother was alive, he'd see she got it fixed.
Se o seu irmão estivesse vivo, ele cuidaria de curá-la.
- Oh. Well, it kind of seems to me that if... somebody popped in and told my wife that they found my car... at the bottom of a canyon with a bullet hole in it, you know, I think she would wanna ask if I was in the car, if I was hurt, if I was alive...
Bem, parece-me que se aparecesse alguém a dizer à minha mulher que tinham encontrado o meu carro no fundo de um desfiladeiro com um buraco de bala, acho que ela quereria saber se eu estava no carro, se estava ferido,
I loved her because she was so gentle... and beautiful and alive... and so all-pervadingly present.
Amava-a pela sua doçura, pela sua beleza e vitalidade. A sua presença iluminava tudo.
If he was murdered, she may be the last to see him alive.
Se ele foi assassinado, ela pode ter sido a última a vê-lo vivo.
Was? Surely she is still alive, madame?
Não está mais viva?
She's lucky to be alive, she was upstairs.
Tem sorte em estar viva, estava em cima.
The travel tube? Maya was delirious and hallucinating about Psychon - her father was still alive and she had to save him.
Quando a Maya estava delirante, estava a alucinar sobre Psychon, que o pai ainda estava vivo e que ela o tinha de salvar.
Not while she was alive.
Enquanto ela fosse viva.
She was just as alive as you are all here :
Ela estava tão viva como nós todos aqui.
I haven't been here very long, but Mrs Tander, who was cook here when the first Mrs Vergerus was alive, she could tell you a thing or two.
A Sra. Tander poderia contar muita coisa.
It was a fucking miracle that she emerged from that camp alive.
Foi um milagre ter saído viva daquele campo.
She was definitely alive after The Effect.
Ela estava definitivamente viva depois do efeito.
This would prove that Mrs. Brewis. Marlene had seen alive shortly before she was killed.
Isto provaria que a Sra. Brewis havia visto Marlene com vida... pouco antes que fosse morta.
You see this dead girl? The last time she was seen alive was with Tong.
Esta miúda foi vista com vida pela última vez com o Tong.
She was still alive in those days.
Enquanto ela ainda estava viva.
The last time she was seen alive was in his car.
Ela... Foi tudo...
When they found her, she was barely alive... and with child.
Quando eles a encontraram, ela estava quase morta... e grávida.
She is alive, or was, an hour ago.
Ela está viva... ou estava, uma hora atrás.
Hmm. She was the last person to see him alive on that fatal night.
Ela foi a última pessoa a vê-lo vivo na noite fatal.
I don't know about your mother, "miss perfect, 1952"... But my mother was a slut and if she's still alive... I hope she's in a lot of pain.
Não sei nada da tua mãe, a "Miss Perfeição, 1952"... mas a minha mãe era uma pêga e se ainda for viva... espero que esteja a sofrer muito.
Envolta em seda ceremonial, foi enterrada viva neste mesmo sarcófago que tem sido a sua morada durante os últimos 4.000 anos.
Hansel pushed the poor, defenseless witch into the oven instead, where she was burned alive, writhing in agony.
Hansel empurrou a pobre, indefensa bruxa dentro do caldeirão onde ela foi queimada viva, ardendo em agonia.
If your mother was alive, she'd turn over in her grave!
Se a tua mãe fosse viva, até se revolvia na cova!

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