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She was pregnant traducir portugués

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"She was pregnant."
"Ela estava grávida."
For Lelia was more difficult because she was pregnant.
Para Lélia foi mais difícil porque ela estava grávida.
Don't tell anyone she was pregnant with my child.
Não digas a ninguém que estava à espera de um filho meu.
She mentioned that she was pregnant.
Ela mencionou que estava grávida.
I married her because she was pregnant.
Casei com ela porque estava grávida.
I heard a story of a girl who made her parents believe she was pregnant to get their consent.
Acabo de ler uma história em que uma moça dizia aos pais que estava grávida para os levar a aceitar o casamento.
I heard she was pregnant before she left me.
Ouvi dizer que engravidou antes de me ter deixado.
- She was pregnant.
- Estava grávida.
I wonder, did he know she was pregnant?
- E ele sabia que ela estava grávida? - Não lhe perguntei isso.
Well, why not? I didn't know she was pregnant, did I?
- Eu não sabia que ela estava grávida.
And then one night, One night she told him that she was pregnant.
E uma noite... ela disse-lhe que estava grávida.
You could hardly tell she was pregnant.
A barriga dela já aparecia.
She thought she was pregnant.
Ela pensava que estava grávida.
In her letter, she told you that she was pregnant.
Na sua carta, dizia-te que estava grávida.
And she was pregnant.
E estava grávida.
Did Lula tell you she was pregnant?
A Lula contou-te que está grávida?
Did she really say she was pregnant?
Ela disse realmente que estava grávida?
You know, I never told you but... when your mom told me that she was pregnant and we were having you, I went out and got roaringly drunk.
Sabes, eu nunca te contei, mas... quando a tua mãe me disse que estava grávida de ti, saí e apanhei uma bebedeira.
There was a scene where a girl... made her parents think she was pregnant... and they were forced to let her marry her boyfriend.
Houve uma cena em que a menina fez querer os seus pais que estava grávida. Isso não interessa. E eles foram forçados a deixá-la casar com o namorado.
Why didn't you tell me she was pregnant?
Por que não me disseste que ela estava grávida?
I thought she was pregnant.
Jurei que ela estava grávida.
She named me Justice because she was in law school when she was pregnant with me.
Ele me deu o nome Justice ( Justiça ), porque estava estudando direito quando ficou grávida de mim
She said in front of me, her mother and her sister, as if it were quite normal, that she was pregnant.
Ela declarou diante de mim, diante da mãe e da irmã, como se fosse a coisa mais natural, que estava grávida.
She said she was pregnant, just like that, and started to devour candies.
Denunciou, sem mais nem menos, que estava grávida e pôs-se a devorar caramelos.
She was pregnant with me when she went to Russia, but didn't know.
Já estava grávida quando foi para a Rússia, mas não sabia.
Albertine is pregnant. The agency said she was pregnant.
Da agência disseram que está grávida.
That he was pissed off when he found out she was pregnant.
Que ficou fulo quando descobriu que ela estava grávida.
I left him when she learned she was pregnant.
Eu deixei-o quando soube que estava grávida.
She didn't even have to tell us she was pregnant.
Nem teve que nos dizer que estava grávida.
When I first met her, she was pregnant and homeless.
Quando a vi pela primeira vez, esta grávida e sem casa.
It didn't matter that she was pregnant with another bloke's baby.
Não interessava se ela estava grávida do bebé de outro cromo.
They're her when she was younger, when she was pregnant.
Quando era jovem. - Quando estava grávida.
MaritZa says that the doctor says that all this is going on because of the drugs that we did before she was pregnant, you know.
A Maritza diz que o médico disse que isto aconteceu por causa das drogas que consumimos antes de ela engravidar.
And after she was pregnant, you know, people were fucking telling us, you know, not to, you know- - And MaritZa didn't want to, you know, and I thought nothing bad was gonna fucking happen to me.
Depois de engravidar, as pessoas diziam-nos para não o fazer e a Maritza não queria, e achei que nada de mal me ia acontecer.
When she was afraid she might be pregnant, she went to him and... He didn't believe her.
Depois, quando pensou que estava grávida, foi ter com ele e ele não acreditou.
I can't help bursting with laughter... one day, suddenly, she realized she was three months pregnant.
Rio-me sempre só de me lembrar... Um dia, assim, de repente deu conta que estava grávida de três meses.
What? - The oldest daughter, the pretty, charming one, became pregnant when she was 15 years old and was driven out of the house.
... e a filha mais velha, a mais bonita, engravidou aos 15 anos e foi expulsa de casa.
She was about 3 or 4 months pregnant. And he didn't even know.
Estava grávida de 3 ou 4 meses e ele nem sequer sabia.
Now, all the tests and examinations that we've done show conclusively that your daughter was, in fact, nine months pregnant. She was full term.
Todos os exames que fizemos mostraram que sua filha estava de nove meses.
His wife was pregnant at the time and she saw it happen.
A mulher estava grávida e viu o que aconteceu.
She was 8 months pregnant.
Estava de 8 meses.
My mother got pregnant with me when she was 17.
A minha mãe ficou grávida de mim aos 17.
It was in this latter capacity he was hired by a rich landowner to capture his daughter's virginal beauty. Of course, they fell deeply in love, and she became pregnant.
Foi nesta capacidade que ele foi contratado por um fazendeiro rico... para capturar a beleza virginal da filha.
The scandal began last week when one of Mott's pregnant patients went to the state medical board, claiming she was sexually molested by the doctor during an examination.
O escândalo começou quando uma das suas pacientes grávidas foi à junta médica afirmando que o médico havia abusado sexualmente dela durante uma consulta.
I was already pregnant when she got married, But not abandoned my parents Never would have made me surrender dispelled my saário A man who needed it.
Eu já estava grávida quando me casei, mas não abandonei os meus pais, jamais lhe teria feito a desfeita de me entrega o meu saário a um homem que não o necessitava.
She was a nice lady, four or five months pregnant at the time.
Elen, ela era boa pessoa.
So I heard she was five and a half months pregnant.
- Eu ouvi dizer que ela está grávida de 5 meses e meio.
- Rumour has it she was three months pregnant when Ruth made them get married.
- Rumor, é o que é. ... ela estava de três meses quando a Ruth os fez casar.
Vanessa was nine months pregnant the night she was attacked, bitten, left
A Vanessa estava grávida de nove meses na noite em que foi atacada, mordida e largada como morta.
Did you also know that Isabella was pregnant when she got shot?
Também sabia que a Isabella estava grávida quando foi atingida?
When your mommy was pregnant with you, she gained 40 pounds, there was nothing she wouldn't eat.
Quando a tua mãe estava grávida de ti, engordou 18 quilos. Comia tudo.

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