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She was crying traducir portugués

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She was crying as she answered the phone.
Ela estava chorando quando atendeu o telefone.
And she was crying, just like you are now.
E chorava, como você agora.
She was crying and I was crying... and I thought any minute now we're gonna be right up there on the moon.
Ela estava chorando... e eu estava chorando... e pensei que a qualquer instante, íamos estar lá em cima na lua.
- She was crying.
- Ela estava a chorar.
She was crying.
Estava a chorar.
- I saw Matelda today. She was crying.
- Matelda, hoje toda choramingosa.
I think the only reason she was crying, though, was because she knew she can't get 50 marks a month from anybody else for this pitiful little room.
Penso que a única razão porque chorava, é porque sabe que não conseguirá 50 marcos por mês de mais ninguém por este lamentável quartinho.
She was crying in my living room.
Ficou a chorar na minha sala.
She was a baby, she was crying, I was watching the soaps.
Ela era bebé, estava a chorar, eu estava a ver as telenovelas.
She was crying all day again.
Ela voltou a chorar todo o dia.
I think she was crying.
Acho que estava a chorar.
She was crying and he was...
Ela chorava e ele...
She was crying and, and, uh- -
Estava chorando, e, uh- -
She came in. She was crying.
Entrou no bar a chorar.
She was crying when she came out.
Ela já estava a chorar quando saiu.
And she was crying too.
E ela também estava a chorar.
That's probably why she was crying.
Provavelmente era por isso que ela estava a chorar.
She was crying so hard I didn't catch the last word.
Ela estava a chorar tanto que não percebi a última palavra.
No wonder she was crying!
Eu também estava.
She wouldn't show up. Then she was crying, feeding me all kind of bullshit.
E no dia seguinte chorava e fartava-se de aldrabar.
She- - she was crying.
Ela estava a chorar.
- She was crying.
- Estava a chorar.
She was crying poverty when she was in the money?
Ela estava a chorar-se e tem tanto dinheiro?
But she was crying.
Mas ela estava a chorar.
- She was crying.
Ela estava chorando.
She was crying, but she let him pull her clothes off.
Ela chorava húmidas lágrimas mas deixou-o tirar-lhe a roupa.
She was crying and hugging her brother.
Ela chorava e abraçava o irmão.
Was she crying when the last tenants were frightened out?
Ela chorava quando os últimos inquilinos fugirão assustados?
She was actually crying.
Ela estava realmente a chorar.
But I had no idea who it was... until that day she came here crying and half out of her mind.
Mas eu não fazia idéia de quem era... até ao dia que ela chegou cá a chorar e de cabeça meio perdida.
She was screaming and crying.
Ela estava chorando e gritando.
She was so shaken up, giving me all the details... she broke down crying.
Ela estava tão abalada enquanto me dava os pormenores que desatou a chorar.
When she woke up in the middle of the night crying because of bad dreams, I was the one who went to her.
Quando ela acordava a meio da noite, a chorar por causa de pesadelos, era eu que tratava dela.
Mom gave us some money to buy her booster shots, but she was crying so much, we just decided to go out instead.
Foi por pouco.
Do you remember when I was 7 and I was crying because Bobby Shepin liked Terry Mull just because she was a blonde, and you ran right out and bought me my first bottle of bleach.
Nessas manhãs, quando te olhares ao espelho e vires um tipo que é giro como o raio, mas que todos evitam devido à sua inteligência.
Was she crying?
Ela estava a chorar?
She was, like, crying. He was consoling her.
Ela estava a chorar e ele estava a consolá-la.
Niwetúkame, the mother goddess... came to me on the back of a doe, with hummingbirds sipping the tears she was shedding, crying, " Delores... you must lead my daughters against their natural enemy.
Niwetúkame, a Grande Deusa Mãe... veio a mim nas costas de um animal, com pássaros sorvendo as lágrimas que elas estava derramando chorando, " Delores... você deve guiar minhas filhas contra seu inimigo natural.
The woman was crying about how she might never play tennis again.
A mulher não parava de se lamentar que nunca mais jogaria ténis!
Yeah, she is. The first month was bad, crying a lot.
O primeiro mês foi péssimo.
When the social worker took her she was still crying.
Quando a assistente social a levou...
She was always crying on my shoulder about somebody.
Estava sempre a chorar no meu ombro por qualquer coisa.
- But then she didn't know me. And I was crying.
- Mas não me reconhecia... e eu comecei a chorar.
She was so young. " " - But no real crying. - lt might be in that terminal.
Mas ninguém iria chorar a sério!
She was stroking his arm, crying, he was sitting up straight, looking around.
Ela tocava-lhe no braço, a chorar. Ele olhava à volta, muito direito.
Even when Colin popped up to show it was a joke, she couldn't stop crying.
Mesmo quando Colin apareceu a mostrar que era piada, ela não parava de chorar.
- She was crying on my shoulder.
Que é que esperavas?
- She was all crying...
- Estava a chorar.
I just- - I looked in the window and she was sitting on the couch, crying.
Espreitei pela janela, e ela estava sentada no sofá, a chorar.
And when I went back upstairs, she was in Joe's room by herself, crying.
Voltei para o quarto e dei com ela no quarto do Joe, sozinha, a chorar.
Night of the funeral, I was crying and... she came in and she said...
Na noite do funeral, eu estava a chorar e... ela aproximou-se e disse :

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