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She was my wife traducir portugués

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She was my wife when she married Chandler.
Era minha esposa quando desposou Chandler.
We had our differences, but she was my wife.
Tínhamos as nossas divergências, mas ela era minha esposa.
She was my wife.
Ela era a minha mulher.
She was my wife.
Era minha mulher.
Yes, she was my wife.
Sim, ela era minha mulher.
I said she was my wife.
Desde que ele a deixe para trás quando se vem embora. Eu disse-lhe que ela era minha esposa.
- She was my wife. - Oh.
Ela era minha mulher.
She was my wife!
Ela era minha mulher!
She was my wife.
Era a minha esposa.
She was my wife.
Era a minha mulher.
I sent flowers to my wife before she was my wife.
- Flores? Eu mandava flores à minha mulher antes de ela ser minha mulher.
Tried to get my wife's car. She was at my sister-in-law's, so I called there...
Estava a tentar arranjar o da minha mulher, ela estava na irmã, eu telefonei...
You see, my wife was in the habit of folding her nightgown every morning when she got up and putting it under her pillow.
A minha mulher tem o hábito de dobrar a camisa e colocá-la debaixo da almofada quando se levanta.
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
O engraçado foi que a minha mulher a viu no meu bolso e pensou que fora eu que a comprara para si.
I told her I loved her, and she said she was not worthy to be my wife.
Disse-lhe que a amava. Ela respondeu que não merecia ser minha mulher.
She was my Colonel's wife.
A mulher do meu coronel.
Your creeps have no compunction phoning my house... giving me orders, talking to my wife like she was...
Seus capangas não deviam ligar para a minha casa... me dando ordens, tratando minha esposa como...
Once she was... my son's wife.
Em tempos, foi... a mulher do meu filho.
My wife was so twisted she said to me, " I hope your next play's a flop,
A minha era tão retorcida que disse : "Espero que a peça seja um fracasso,"
No, I was at a dinner party at the Grendon Hotel. And by a curious coincidence... I was actually phoning my wife when she was attacked.
Não, estava a jantar no Grendon Hotel... e, por coincidência, telefonei à minha mulher quando ela foi atacada.
Now that I've spoken to my wife... I know that she was upstairs all the time.
Falei com minha esposa e me disse que esteve em cima todo o tempo.
Or was it two months ago that she stopped being my wife?
Ou... foi há dois meses, que ela deixou de ser minha esposa?
My wife, she was so happy about it, she...
A minha esposa, ficou tão feliz com isto, ela...
My wife was hysterical and she wasn't making much sense.
A minha mulher estava histérica e dizia coisas sem sentido.
If you'd known my wife, you'd know what kind of a woman she was.
Se não conheceu a minha mulher, não sabe que mulher ela foi.
McCabe I will guarantee that you could bring in any boy that age tell my wife that it was her son she'd accept him without question.
McCabe... Garanto-lhe que pode trazer um rapaz qualquer com essa idade e dizer-lhe que é filho dela. Ela aceitá-lo-ia sem fazer perguntas.
As a matter of fact, it's possible that my wife won't join me because when I left home she was not well.
Na verdade, é provável que a minha esposa não venha porque, quando eu saí, ela não estava bem.
My wife was there, and she's frightened he's coming for revenge.
A minha mulher estava lá e tem medo que ele queira vingar-se.
My wife, she was kinda hopin'it too.
A minha mulher também tinha essa esperança.
She was the last person to see my wife.
Ela foi a última pessoa que viu a minha esposa.
My real mother raised me, God rest her soul... and she was a wife to him!
Minha mãe verdadeira criou-me, que Deus tenha a alma dele... e ela foi uma esposa para ele!
My wife existed only six minutes on the operating table, and then she was dead.
A minha esposa existiu apenas seis minutos... em sua mesa operatória... e depois morreu.
- Oh. Well, it kind of seems to me that if... somebody popped in and told my wife that they found my car... at the bottom of a canyon with a bullet hole in it, you know, I think she would wanna ask if I was in the car, if I was hurt, if I was alive...
Bem, parece-me que se aparecesse alguém a dizer à minha mulher que tinham encontrado o meu carro no fundo de um desfiladeiro com um buraco de bala, acho que ela quereria saber se eu estava no carro, se estava ferido,
She was a friend of my wife.
Ela era amiga da minha mulher.
Yes there was something my wife found. She was cleaning out this very room,
Foi a minha mulher que o encontrou, enquanto limpava este escritório.
She was like a total stranger, not like my wife.
Era como uma total desconhecida, não como minha mulher.
Yeah, but I was just gonna call my wife, and she's probably still talking.
- ia só ligar à minha mulher e ela ainda deve estar a falar.
He paid my wife's medical bills all the years she was sick.
Ele pagou a conta do médico à minha mulher enquanto ela estava doente.
But today I had the funeral for my wife and she was able to make that.
Mas hoje foi o funeral da minha mulher e ela conseguiu comparecer.
My wife was so pissed off at me I thought she was gonna divorce me.
A minha mulher ficou täo irritada que achei que se ia divorciar de mim.
When you were talking... When my ex-wife was talking about how unhappy she was during our marriage most of what she said was probably true.
Quando estava a falar quando a minha ex-mulher falou de ser infeliz no casamento acho que a maior parte do que ela disse é verdade.
My wife said she was happy.
A minha mulher diz que é feliz.
It's a little difficult to accept your condolences, Poirot, when in the same breath you accuse me of murdering my wife because she was unfaithful.
Tenho alguma dificuldade em aceitar as suas condolências num momento, uma vez que me acusa do assassinato da minha mulher, porque ela foi infiel.
I mean, Liz was your wife and she was my sister, for Christ sakes and...
Liz era a tua esposa e minha irmã, por Deus.
I never knew who my real mother was, except she wasn't your wife.
Não soube quem era a minha mãe verdadeira, excepto que não era sua mulher.
My wife, Edith, invited the whole village to witness this, so she was particularly disappointed when I ran away.
A minha mulher, Edith, convidou toda a cidade para ver o espectáculo e ficou particularmente desiludida quando eu fugi.
- My wife, Maria. - She was in the car.
Minha mulher Maria estava no carro ontem à noite.
You know, my wife didn't just die she was murdered.
Sabes, minha mulher não morreu foi assassinada.
Por isso, tudo o que consegui fazer foi ouvir a Edith queixar-se que acha que tenho um caso com as minhas empregadas.
She was my good wife.
A minha boa esposa.
And, well, she was so ashamed... that she was going to sell me away from my wife and my children, that... she set me free in her will, Huck.
E ela estava tão envergonhada por me ir vender para longe da minha família e filhos, que... ela libertou-me no seu testamento, Huck.

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