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She was my friend traducir portugués

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She was my friend.
Era minha amiga.
She was my friend.
- Claro, era minha amiga.
- Yes, but she was my friend...
- Sim, mas ela era minha amiga...
She was my friend.
Ela era minha amiga.
She was my friend!
Era a minha única amiga!
She was my friend longer than you were married to her, and I miss her too.
Ela era minha amiga há mais tempo do que estava casada contigo, e eu sinto a falta dela também.
"And truly she was my friend Flicka." [Sniffs]
"... e na verdade ela era a minha amiga Flicka ".
She was my friend.
Ela era minha amiga!
I just told her stuff I'd never told anyone, because she was my friend.
Só lhe contei algo que nunca tinha contado a ninguém porque ela era minha amiga.
I thought she was my friend.
Achei que era minha amiga.
- She was my friend too, Merton.
- Ela era minha amiga também, Merton.
I thought she was my friend.
- Pensei que ela era minha amiga.
She was my friend
Ela era minha amiga.
My lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today.
Excelência, permita-me relembrar ao meu distinto colega... que a testemunha, como ela mesma admitiu, já violou tantos juramentos... que estou surpreso que a Bíblia não tenha saltado da sua mão... quando fez o juramento hoje aqui.
She was my mother's best friend.
Era a melhor amiga da mamã.
My good friend's wretched relative, thought I was sleeping, so she began to undress.
Sinto-o por meu querido amigo... mas essa desgraçada parente dela... pensando que eu dormia... começou a despir-se.
It beat the record held by my friend, Cornelia and was she mad!
Bati o recorde da minha amiga, Cornelia... e como se zangou!
- She was my friend.
The best friend that my ex-fiancée slept with was my ex-ex-fiancée and she was my business partner, and we started the business with my money.
Com esta ainda ficas melhor. A minha melhor amiga, que dormiu com a minha namorada, era minha ex-ex-noiva, e minha sócia, e começámos o negócio com o meu dinheiro.
Good thing, too. She was my best friend.
- Era a minha melhor amiga.
She was a friend of my wife.
Ela era amiga da minha mulher.
- She was my best friend.
- Ele era a minha melhor amiga.
She was my best friend.
Era a minha melhor amiga.
- She was a friend of my father's.
To me, she was my longtime dear friend.
Para mim ela era a minha querida amiga de há muito.
Him? He was Gloria's husband and she's my friend...
Era muito antipático e era casado com a minha amiga, Gloria.
The only real friend I ever had was Katie Morris, and she was only my window friend.
A única amiga de verdade que tive foi a Katie Morris. E era apenas minha amiga de janela.
She was my only friend.
Ela era a minha única amiga.
She said she was the niece of my grandfather's friend.
Ela disse que era sobrinha dum amigo do meu avô.
She was my daughter's best friend.
Era a melhor amiga da minha filha.
You know, the man she mourned for.... He was my best friend.
O homem que ela pranteava era o meu maior amigo.
- but she was my friend, and I loved her.
Que eu adorava!
She was a friend of my cousin.
Era uma amiga da minha prima.
Here she was- - my best friend.
E ali estava ela... A minha melhor amiga.
She was my best and only friend.
Era a minha melhor e única amiga.
She was my most special friend.
Era a minha melhor amiga.
One more thing. My friend Sandy got called in on the same job and she was supposed to look after my daughter.
Há só mais uma coisa.A minha amiga Sandy foi chamada para o mesmo trabalho e ela ia ficar com a minha filha.
Well, it's a long story, okay? But my stupid friend Jerry told my other friend Noreen that she was you know, hitting on him.
É uma longa história, compreende, mas o estúpido do meu amigo Jerry disse a uma outra amiga minha, a Noreen, que ela estava a atirar-se a ele.
She was my only real friend.
Era a minha única amiga.
My friend was taking down our Christmas lights... ... and she fell off the balcony and may have broken her ankle.
A minha amiga estava a arrumar as luzes de Natal, caiu da varanda e pode ter partido o tornozelo.
She was my best friend.
Acerca de que outra coisa podia ser?
She was my father's closest friend and I guess she felt responsible for me.
Era a melhor amiga do meu pai e acho que se sentia responsável por mim.
She was my best friend... or at least that's what I thought.
Ela era minha melhor amiga... ou pelo menos era o que eu achava.
Because I loved her and she was my best friend.
Porque eu a amava. Ela era a minha melhor amiga.
Because she was my best friend.
Porque ela era a minha melhor amiga.
She was my best friend.
Ela era a minha melhor amiga.
She was my best friend since forever.
Ela foi a minha melhor amiga desde sempre.
My mother was the kind of mother who always said... she was her daughter's best friend.
A minha mãe sempre disse que era a melhor amiga da filha.
If we could just step inside your home, my friend would offer you her own experiences, how she was gathered in.
Se nos deixasse entrar a minha amiga contava-lhe a sua experiência, como se converteu.
That's right. No, she was not my best friend. She was a friend.
era apenas uma amiga.
I had a friend come home, pretend she was my girlfriend.
Pedi a uma amiga para fingir que era minha namorada e achei que isso a ia afastar.

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