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She was pretty traducir portugués

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She picked me up, she was pretty.
Deu-me boleia, era bonita...
My, she was pretty.
Como ela era bonita!
When we come here, years ago, she was pretty and full of the fun of life.
Quando viemos para aqui, há anos, ela era bonita... e cheia de prazer pela vida.
She was pretty hysterical, you understand.
Ela estava bastante histérica, compreende.
She was pretty
Era bonita.
Lois tells me that she was pretty much in love with you.
A Lois disse-me que estava apaixonada por ti.
She was pretty crazy about you.
Estava louca por ti.
Maybe she was pretty.
E disseram que era bonita.
She was pretty well beat up.
Ela tinha sido bem espancada.
She was pretty well beat up.
Ela tinha sido muito espancada.
She was pretty in her way, no more than that.
Ela era muito bonita no seu tipo, não mais que isto.
She was pretty, in a cheap sort of way, of course...
Ela era bonita, nada fora de série, lógico...
She was pretty low.
Ela estava deprimida.
She was pretty, though.
Mas era muito bonita.
She was a very pretty little thing and she seemed to be quite frightened.
Era muito bonita e parecia muito assustada.
I thought she was rather pretty.
Achei-a muito bonita.
Miss Scarlett was mighty near that pretty when she come, but not quite.
A Menina Scarlett era muito bonita, mas não tanto.
I used to love to just sit out on the porch and watch her through the window when she was combing and brushing her pretty yellow hair.
Adorava ficar sentado no alpendre e observá-la através da janela, enquanto ela penteava o seu lindo cabelo loiro.
Was she pretty?
Era bonito?
Was she pretty?
Ela era bonita?
Was she pretty?
Era bonita?
He was saying how pretty she was, but he was looking at the mother
Só que, enquanto dizia isso, olhava para a mãe!
She was so pretty and sweet.
Ela era tão bonita e doce.
- She was dark, not too tall, pretty.
- Morena, não muito alta, bonita.
We're all pretty well. I was just tellin'Trey about Marjie. She's all up to her neck in romance.
Estive a dizer ao Trey que a Marjie está cheia de pretendentes.
Oh, Hugo, she was so pretty... and so sad... because the world is so bad.
Ó, Hugo, ela era tão linda. E estava triste porque o mundo é mau.
So when I came tearing over here to help, he was getting pretty bad so she shot him, as any decent woman would do.
Por isso, quando corri para cá, para ajudar, ele estava a ir longe de mais e ela deu-Ihe um tiro, como uma mulher decente.
You have no idea how pretty she was, Cal
Não sabe como ela era bonita, Cal.
She was a pretty little girl who loved red balloons.
Ela era uma linda menina que adorava balões vermelhos.
She was as young and as pretty as you, once. As young and as fine.
Ela era tão jovem e tão bonita como tu.
This is a woman, Theo, who is far from young, far from pretty... but she was good to me and kind.
Isto é uma mulher, Theo, longe de ser jovem, longe de ser bonita mas foi boa e gentil para mim.
But I fairly forgot just how pretty she was.
Mas tinha-me esquecido de como ela era bonita.
She was tiny, but pretty.
- Muito pequena mas bonita. Uma beleza.
She was very pretty.
Ela era muito bonita.
She was a pretty child.
Ela era uma criança bonita.
She sensed that something pretty deep was wrong... but before she could get at the truth, he died.
Achou que algo estava errado... mas antes que pudesse saber a verdade, Mark morreu.
But she was certainly not as pretty as his aunt, which is you.
Mas não era tão bonita como a tia dele, que é você.
Was she pretty? The girl you kissed?
Ela era bonita, a garota que beijou?
If she was only ugly, it wouldn't be so bad, but pretty like she is, it's an out and out waste.
Se ela fosse feia, não me sentiria tão mal, mas bonita como ela é, é um grande desperdício.
And a pretty one she was, too, Judge.
- E muito bonita, juiz.
It wasn't that she was just pretty. She was different. She was so alive.
Não só era bonita... era diferente.
So did I. She was very pretty.
Também eu. Era muito bonita.
Was she as pretty as I am?
Ela era bonita como eu?
She was awful pretty, you know?
Ela era linda, sabem?
She could have fallen off that chair, and she could've bumped her head, but, you know, that was a pretty good bump.
Pode ter caído da cadeira e batido com a cabeça... Ela tinha um grande galo.
She was a very pretty girl, wasn't she?
Era uma rapariga muito bonita, não acha?
Remember how pretty she was?
Recorda-se como ela era bonita?
She was so pretty!
Ela era tão bonita.
She was a very pretty girl.
Ela era muito bonita.
Christiane was pretty before she hit the bottle.
Christiane era bonita, antes de beber.
I saw it on TV last week, and I was just saying how much I like Jennifer Jones...'cause she has such pretty teeth.
Vi o filme na TV e comentei que... gostava da Jennifer Jones por causa dos lindos dentes dela.

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