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She was about traducir portugués

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I mean, it's kind of poetic, actually, if you think about how crazy she was about you.
É um pouco poético, na verdade, se pensares como ela era louca por ti.
She was about that age.
Tinha mais ou menos a idade dela.
No one was with her, but she did ask me about our visitor logs.
Ninguém estava com ela, mas, perguntou-me sobre uns registos dos visitantes.
I never said she was right about everything.
Eu nunca disse que ela tinha razão.
She was texting me because I was super nervous about this date.
Ela enviou-me mensagem porque eu estava super nervoso para este encontro.
Mom was just about to get some action for the first time since she conceived me.
A mãe ia conseguir ter alguma ação desde que eu fui concebido.
Well, before she was killed, the girl called us and told us who was about to shoot her.
Antes de ser morta, a rapariga ligou-nos a dizer quem ia matá-la.
The only other person who knew about that was Annie, and she found out from- -
A outra pessoa que sabia disto era a Annie,
I thought... I was with Alice in that place she spoke of... that Wonderland... and... and... I was about to die.
Pensei... que estava com a Alice naquele sítio que ela falou, aquele País das Maravilhas, e... estava prestes a morrer.
We need to find out what she was interrogating Claypool about.
Temos de saber porque interrogou ela o Claypool.
She didn't care about their stares, or who was looking on.
Ela não se importou com os seus olhares ou quem estava a olhar.
Yeah,'cause she found something when I was eight years old that I actually liked... and she hasn't thought about it since.
Sim, ela descobriu uma coisa de que eu gostava aos 8 anos e não pensou mais no assunto.
Okay, so, look... I realize in the short time you and I have formed a relationship, you have established an opinion about me that's gonna make what I have to say seem kind of bad, but... it was the same day she disappeared.
Olha... no pouco tempo em que formamos esta relação, notei que formou uma imagem de mim que vai fazer com que o que tenho a dizer, pareça mal.
I really had no idea how sick the man was until he showed up here about... about a week and a half before she died. He was ranting.
Não fazia ideia do quanto ele estava doente até ele aparecer aqui há cerca de 1 semana e meia antes dela morrer.
So everything you sensed that she was hiding last night was about her past.
Então tudo o que sentiu que ela estava a esconder era sobre o seu passado.
So she was obviously lying about not knowing Nelson Maddox.
Então ela estava a mentir sobre não conhecer o Maddox.
She started in my division at work about a month ago... and I overheard her near the bagels saying she was on your site.
Começou a trabalhar no meu departamento há um mês... e eu ouvi-a dizer ao pé dos bagels que estava no vosso site.
I realized she was talking about you! Your drink!
Eu percebi que ela estava a falar sobre ti!
Jody was nervous about what she might find at the cabin, but she was comforted by the fact that Caesar and the girls were in good hands.
A Jody estava nervosa com o que podia encontrar na cabana, mas ela estava confortada pelo facto por César e as meninas estarem em boas mãos.
Asked her if there was anything she knew about an occult or devil worshippers.
Perguntei se ela sabia algo sobre seitas satânicas.
Your mother, before she left that's all she would talk about, was me finding somebody else.
A tua mãe, antes de partir só falava disso, de eu encontrar outra pessoa.
I wish she would have talked to us about whatever it was.
Gostava que nos tivessem dito, não importa o que fosse.
It was about your daughter, And the way she died.
Era por causa da sua filha e da maneira como ela morreu.
You were worried about how she was going to take it.
Sim. Tu estavas preocupada com a reacção dela.
She said I was right about Vincent.
Ela disse-me que eu tinha razão acerca do Vincent.
- She was the one thing I cared about.
- Era a única pessoa que amava.
You know, it's like... nobody really cared about her when she was alive, and... now nobody really cares that she's dead, so...
Sim, é como que ninguém se importava com ela quando estava viva e, agora ninguém realmente se importa que está morta.
She... She was too young, and he just made sure the family didn't find out about her pregnancy.
Ela era muito nova, e ele assegurou-me que a familia não saberia da gravidez.
How about : "What was she like?", "Do you miss her?" or "What are you gonna do now?"
Que tal... De que gostava? Sente a falta dela?
she sang it in the school talent show because it was the'92 election, and she believed that it had political subtext about how much the country needed to have bill clinton elected as president.
Ela cantou no show de talentos da escola dela porque eram as eleições de 1992. Ela acreditava que havia um contexto político sobre como o país precisava de eleger Bill Clinton.
Emma was being annoying... she kept walking off with Echo like she owned him, and talking to him about I don't know what, I don't even know.
a Emma estava a ser irritante, continuava a andar com o Echo como se fosse dona dele, e falava com ele sobre, sei lá, nem sequer sei.
Do you know which key she was talking about?
Sabe qual é a chave que ela estava falando?
What was the clue last year she got so mad about?
Qual foi a pista que a pôs fula, o ano passado?
Erica was about to tell us something and then she went into that seizure.
Erica ia contar-nos alguma coisa e de repente teve uma convulsão.
She thought she saw your death, and she was wrong about everything.
Ela pensou ter visto a tua morte e enganou-se em tudo.
She and Albert, that was her partner, they... they talked about going to the Olympics.
Ela e o Albert, que era o colega dela, eles... eles falavam em ir aos Olímpicos.
Well, I'm sorry, but your mother didn't know what the hell she was talking about.
Bem, eu sinto muito, mas a sua mãe não sabia o que diabos estava a dizer.
[Woman] We didn't really start to worry about it until I think she was eight, um, when the doctor wanted us to seek a nutritionist to kind of address the issue.
Só começámos a preocupar-nos quando ela tinha oito anos. O médico recomendou-nos procurar um nutricionista para resolver a questão.
Why would she deny having it unless it was for someone she didn't want me to know about?
Porque é que ela negaria que o tinha? A menos que seja para alguém que ela não queira que eu saiba que existe.
- She was her about 10pm last night.
- Ela esteve aqui por volta das 22 horas de ontem.
And the girl was... I'm talking about... She was gone.
E a gaja estava... passada!
She was about to pop. Well, eventually, if you work at a whorehouse, you will eventually get pregnant!
Bem, se trabalhas numa casa de Marias.
I knew where she was and it was all I could think about.
Eu sabia onde ela estava e só conseguia pensar nisso.
She was bitching about him smoking too close to the door or something stupid like that.
A puta estava a reclamar por fumar muito perto da porta ou uma coisa estúpida assim.
She was... deeply immersed in an article about the Kardashians.
Ela foi...
And she was the one thing that made the shootings, and the diseases, and the wild animals, and the Indians, and the general depressing awfulness about the West bearable.
E ela era a única coisa que tornava os tiroteios, as doenças, os animais selvagens, os índios, e toda a deprimente atrocidade do Oeste em geral... suportável.
Ask about anybody she was seeing. Regular customers, meth dealers, rough johns, anything.
Perguntem se ela foi vista com alguém, clientes regulares, traficantes, chulos, qualquer coisa.
Okay, this one is the beautiful model girl who is always talking about how she was such a nerd in high school, and then oh, this one...
Esta aqui é a bonita menina modelo que está sempre falando como ela era tão "marrona" na escola, e depois, esta aqui...
She thought about restarting her moribund career with a Kickstarter campaign... but the potential for further humiliation was daunting.
Ele pensou em recomeçar a sua moribunda carreira com uma campanha no Kickstarter mas o potencial para mais humilhação era assustadora.
She was talking about how it was their fault.
Ela dizia que tinha sido culpa dela.
I'm pretty sure you murdered Carrie Bishop... because she was on the verge of telling the truth about what happened... with Susan Knight nine years ago.
Tenho quase a certeza que assassinaste a Carrie Bishop porque ela estava à beira de dizer a verdade sobre o que se passou com a Susan Knight à nove anos atrás.

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