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She was a traducir portugués

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And this is Julie Matlock - - the woman she was accused of killing.
E esta é Júlia Matlock... a mulher de quem foi acusada de matar.
Nadine worked under Julie at the paper, she was a photographer,
Nadine trabalhou às ordens de Júlia, no jornal.
- She was a travel rep, only on the island for a few weeks at a time, and Julie was away on work a lot and...
Era uma agente de viagens, Estava na ilha só umas semanas de cada vez, e... a Júlia estava sempre fora, em trabalho e...
- She was an orphan at St Anne's herself... - Oh! .. until she was taken in by a local family.
Ela era órfã, na própria Santa Ana... até ter sido adotada por uma família local.
Staff reckon from the description she was an out-patient.
Os funcionários reconheceram a descrição. Ela era cliente.
So she stole a couple of prescription pads from the hospital where she was interning...
Portanto, roubou uns blocos de receitas no hospital onde estava a estagiar.
- And? - She just called when Harvey was giving us the news about Mike. Left a 15-second voicemail.
- Acabou de ligar quando o Harvey estava a dar as notícias sobre o Mike, e deixou uma mensagem.
She asked me what a period was when she was seven.
Perguntou-me sobre a menstruação aos sete anos.
He took care of me, promised that I'd never have to go back to my home or my dad or his girlfriend, who made me have an abortion'cause she thought the only reason I was having a baby
Ele cuidava de mim, Prometeu-me que não teria de voltar para casa nem para o meu pai nem para a sua namorada, que me obrigou a abortar.
She was the only one.
Foi a única.
Nadine Hunter was because she was the only one who couldn't prove where she was on the night of the murder, whereas these four all had rock solid alibis.
Nadine Hunter, era porque era a única que não conseguia provar onde estava, na noite do assassinato, ao passo que os outros quatro tinham sólidos álibis.
And she was so angry because Julie had suspended her from her job, - is that correct?
E estava tão zangada porque Júlia a suspendera do seu trabalho, era isso?
She was... a damaged soul.
Ela era... uma alma torturada.
She was taller than me, a lot taller!
Ela era mais alta do que eu, muito mais alta!
So, whoever did this let themselves into the building and then shot Julie while she was on the phone leaving a message for her daughter.
Então, quem quer que fez isso, entrou no edifício, e depois atirou na Júlia, enquanto ela falava ao telefone deixando uma mensagem à filha.
A taxi driver gave a statement that he took Julie to Port Royal, she asked him to wait for her, he said it was about 15 minutes, then he drove her back to her office.
Um motorista de táxi disse que levou a Júlia para Port Royal. Ela pediu-lhe para esperar. Ele disse que esperou cerca de 15 minutos, e depois levou-a de volta ao escritório.
Of course I knew Julie was trying to get rid of me - - she begged Grace to dump me, she was desperate.
É claro que sabia que a Júlia procurava livrar-se de mim. Ela pediu à Grace para me pôr para fora, ela estava desesperada.
The night she died, Grace was supposed to have dinner with her mum, sort things out.
Na noite em que ela morreu, Grace jantaria com a mãe, para resolver as coisas.
But, then again, she was like a dog with a bone when she wanted something.
Mas, mais uma vez, Era como um cão agarrado a um osso, quando queria alguma coisa.
And they also knew that Julie was working late the evening she disappeared.
E sabiam que a Júlia trabalharia até tarde, na noite em que desapareceu.
She was head over heels in love with you.
Andava com a cabeça nas nuvens, apaixonada por si.
We were wondering whether she had a child, or was it her college sweetheart's?
Imaginámos se ela não teria um filho, ou se era do seu namorado da faculdade?
See, everybody thought she was talking to Julie, but it was you she was speaking to.
Toda a gente pensou que ela estava a falar com a Júlia, Mas era consigo que ela estava a falar.
She was the one in the booth next to my father.
Ela era a única ao lado da cabina do meu pai.
Her parents were very religious, very strict, so it was the first time she'd experienced anything like that.
Os pais dela eram muito religiosos, muito rígidos, por isso foi a primeira vez que ela experimentou algo assim.
So she checked the booking system and room 303 was reserved by a woman called Verity Browning.
Então ela verificou o sistema de reservas e o quarto 303 foi reservado por uma mulher chamada, Verity Browning.
Now, she can't be sure, but the rumour is the person they quoted in the Catherine story was Peter Baxter.
Ela não tem a certeza, mas o rumor é de que a pessoa que citou a história de Catherine, Foi Peter Baxter.
Meanwhile, Judith, you pretended to continue telling Edwina where she could find the fan she was looking for, so that everyone would hear and assume that's what was happening. - The fan is on the top shelf.
Enquanto isso, Judith, você fingiu continuar a dizer à Edwina onde ela poderia encontrar o ventilador que ela procurava, para que todos ouvissem e assumissem que é o que estava a acontecer.
I thought you were trying to see if she was cheating, signaling him somehow.
Achei que estava a ver se fazia batota. - Não fez.
Be hurt, sure. Be angry at Shayleen. She was weak.
Fique magoado... zangado com a Shayleen, mas mais zangado com o Boyd.
- How was she killed? WPC Tennison, you're testing my patience today.
Agente Tennison, está a testar a minha paciência hoje.
She was someone's daughter.
Ela era a filha de alguém.
From the hypostasis and rigor examined on the body at the scene, I'd estimate she was killed between 6PM and midnight on Sunday the 13th of May.
Dada a hipostase e "rigor mortis" observados no corpo na cena do crime, estimaria que ela foi morta entre as 18 : 00 e as 00 : 00 de Domingo, 13 de Maio.
That was the last time she was seen alive.
- Essa foi a última vez que ela foi vista com vida.
Julie-Ann may have been trying to kick her drug habit because she was pregnant.
A Julie-Ann poderá ter tentado livrar-se do seu hábito de consumo de drogas... porque estava grávida.
If you speak to the press, will you remind them that she was more than that?
Se falarem com a imprensa, podem relembrar-lhes que ela era mais do que isso?
She was last seen climbing into a red Jaguar outside here.
Ela foi vista pela última vez a entrar num Jaguar vermelho aqui fora.
The day she was seen leaving the clinic.
O dia em que ela foi vista a deixar a clínica.
'She was last seen climbing into a red Jaguar.'
Ela foi vista pela última vez a entrar num Jaguar vermelho.
I picked her up, yes... but only to take her back to the estate in Hackney where she was staying.
Sim, fui buscá-la... mas, apenas para a levar para a propriedade em Hackney onde ela vivia.
She insists the day Julie-Ann was picked up from Homerton, she never saw her.
Insiste que no dia em que a Julie-Ann saiu de Homerton, ela nunca a viu.
She was on the bed... with a needle, about to...
Ela estava na cama, com uma agulha, prestes a...
She was opening the front door... Mary had left her golf clubs in the hallway.
Ela estava a abrir a porta da frente... a Mary tinha deixado os seus tacos de golfe no corredor.
It was a tatty old thing... but I kept it... in case she ever came back.
Era velho e gasto... mas, guardei-o... no caso de ela alguma vez voltar.
It was you she was ringing.
Foi a si que ela ligou.
She's er... passed out fully clothed, so I guess it was a good night.
Ela está desmaiada... completamente vestida. Então, imagino que tenha sido uma óptima noite.
It matches the bracelet Julie-Ann was wearing when she died.
Corresponde à pulseira que a Julie-Ann tinha no dia em que morreu.
Well, we know she was doing a deal with O'Duncie.
Bem, sabemos que ela estava a fazer um negócio com o O'Duncie.
After she left the squat, she needed a secure location to stash the money until the deal was in place.
Depois de ter deixado a casa ocupada, precisava de um local seguro para esconder o dinheiro até à conclusão do negócio.
He thought she was just a junkie with a big mouth.
Ele pensava que ela era, apenas, uma drogada que falava demais.
She was her favorite.
Era a sua preferida.

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