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She was murdered traducir portugués

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There's no proof that she was murdered, or dead.
Não há provas disso, nem de que ela esteja morta!
It was written two days before she was murdered.
Foi escrita dois dias antes do assassinato.
- That's why she was murdered.
- Por isso, ela foi assassinada.
There was only one other in existence... and that was in Laura's apartment... in the very room where she was murdered.
Havia apenas outro igual... e estava no apartamento de Laura... precisamente na mesma sala onde ela fora assassinada.
She was murdered in a den of thieves, and I died of a broken heart.
Assassinaram-na numa cova de ladrões, eu morri com o coração partido.
Now, I know she was murdered.
Agora sei que foi assassinada.
- Nobody said she was murdered.
- Ninguém disse que a mataram.
That's why she was murdered.
Por isso foi morta.
She was murdered between 1 : 00 and 2 : 00 this morning.
Foi assassinada entre a 1 h e as 2h da manha.
She was murdered last night.
Foi assassinada ontem á noite.
She was murdered - choked to death and then strung up.
Foi assassinada... Asfixiada até morrer e depois pendurada.
She was murdered.
Foi assassinada.
She was murdered.
Ela foi assassinada.
I hate to remind you, but this all started because you said she was murdered.
Detesto lembra-te, mas tudo isto começou por dizeres que ela foi assassinada.
One week to the day before she was murdered.
Uma semana depois da véspera ela foi assassinada.
She was warned and she was murdered.
Ela foi avisada e foi assassinada.
She was murdered.
And this fellow Summers, we know he took Mrs. McGinty out two times the week the company was in Milchester the week she was murdered.
E este tipo, o Summers, sabemos que levou a Sra. McGinty a sair quando a companhia foi a Milchester, na semana em que foi assassinada.
You think she was murdered. You're the cops.
- Acha que ela foi assassinada.
That she was murdered? Yes, the police spoke to me.
Sim, a polícia chamou-me.
Maybe your brah cops think that, but I know better. She was murdered.
Nós lhes oferecemos ajuda, mas eles recusaram.
Today, Miss Amy Murgatroyd was murdered, very brutally. And there's every reason to believe she was murdered by somebody in this room.
A Miss Murgatroyd foi hoje brutalmente assassinada e tudo indica que o assassino se encontra nesta sala.
You know, my wife didn't just die she was murdered.
Sabes, minha mulher não morreu foi assassinada.
- She was murdered.
- Foi assassinada.
- She was murdered last night.
- Foi assassinada a noite passada.
Either a dingo killed that child or she was murdered.
Ou um dingo matou a criança, ou ela foi assassinada.
She was murdered on her wedding night... by the hand of her newly wedded husband.
Na sua noite de núpcias foi morta... pela mão do próprio marido.
You were there the night she was murdered.
Você estava no Candy Store na noite em que ela foi morta.
- She was murdered?
- Ela foi assassinada?
According to the pathologist, she was murdered somewhat then of the train to have left Weston, or even even before.
Segundo o patologista, ela foi assassinada pouco depois do comboio ter deixado Weston, ou mesmo até antes.
- I mean, she murdered the lyrics - but, damn it, she was cheered by 10, 20 thousand people, she was an enormous success and not even a word in the paper.
- quero dizer, assassinou a letra - mas que diabo foi aplaudida por 10, 20 mil pessoas, faz um sucesso enorme e nem sequer uma palavrinha no jornal.
You knew all along it was she who was murdered.
Durante todo este tempo que era ela quem tinha sido assassinada.
She was brutally murdered.
- Brutalmente assassinado.
We will prove that she was in his apartment the night he was murdered.
Provaremos que esteve lá quando foi assassinado.
Tell them why Fran Page was murdered... how she came to visit you several times at the Valley Rest Home... and gradually pieced things together and threatened to talk.
Conta porque a Fran Page foi morta, como te foi visitar várias vezes à Casa de Repouso Valley... e foi juntando as peças gradualmente e ameaçou contar tudo.
She told us of an appointment with him that took place the night Monsieur Villette was murdered.
Ela falou-nos num encontro com ele que teve lugar na noite em que o Sr. Villette foi assassinado.
- She left at the same time and was found murdered in a park.
- Saía sempre à mesma hora e foi encontrada morta no parque. Parque.
Well, the night Miss Welles was murdered, Audrey here... and she's a friend of Miss Welles and a neighbor... and she saw a man in a tuxedo leaving her apartment.
Na noite em que a Menina Welles foi assassinada, a Audrey, que é amiga e vizinha da Menina Welles, viu um homem de smoking sair da casa dela.
She happens to think the last one was murdered.
Ela acha que seu último marido foi assassinado.
If he was murdered, she may be the last to see him alive.
Se ele foi assassinado, ela pode ter sido a última a vê-lo vivo.
She was murdered by the man I wanted you to find.
Oficialmente, ficamos de fora. Mas não queremos um outro caso Mountbatten no nosso quintal.
Arlena was not murdered with a blunt instrument, she was strangled.
Ela foi estrangulada.
She was murdered.
Foi assassinada...
Brοadribb and Schuster say here that she was murdered.
E como podem eles saber isso?
She's never been fοund. Then Verity was murdered.
Ela adorava-te.
- The truth. Whο was Helen? And was she really murdered?
Creio que não passam de fantasias, mas a Gwenda só ficará descansada quando souber.
He received twο letters frοm Helen after she was suppοsed tο have been murdered.
Não agora que passaram 20 anos desde este crime adormecido.
Why, if she wasn't murdered, was the body quickly destroyed?
Se não foi assassinada, por que foi o corpo logo destruído?
Where was she murdered?
- Onde foi ela assassinada?
I didn't know she was going to be murdered.
Eu não sabia que ela ia ser assassinada!
- Kramer, she was murdered.
Kramer, ela foi assassinada!

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