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She was right here traducir portugués

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One time, she was right here and there was her shoes about 10 feet back, stuck in the mud.
De repente... já estava lá. E a pobre não tinha sapatos. Tinha perdido.
She was right here!
Ela estava aqui!
Well she was right here. See?
Ela estava aqui.
She was right here.
Estava mesmo aqui.
- She was right here.
- Estava aqui mesmo.
She was right here.
Estava aqui mesmo.
Nothing. Not even a dent in the bloody ice, yet she was right here.
Nem sequer um buraco no demónio do gelo, todavia ele estava aqui mesmo.
No one knows where she was right here.
Ninguém sabe onde ela esteve aqui.
I think she was right here sitting next to you, right?
Acho que ela estava aqui, sentada ao pé de ti, certo?
- I swear it, Clark, she was right here.
- Juro, Clark, ela estava aqui.
She was right here. Bones!
Sim, é como o Canal do Amor novamente.
She must have taken a bullet. She was right here by the vehicles.
Deve ter sido atingida, ela estava junto aos veículos.
She was right here in my backpack.
Estava aqui na minha mochila
No, she's all right, but the man was killed, and the police are here.
Ela está bem, mas o homem foi morto e a polícia está cá.
- Right here, she was discharged at 8 : 15.
Teve alta às 20 : 15. - Não quero saber.
This is the right house, and she was here. Whether you believe the rest of my story or not, there are two things that haven't disappeared... the ring and the map.
E mesmo que não acredites no resto da história, há duas coisas que não desapareceram, o anel e o mapa, os dois são reais.
She was sitting right here...
Ela estava aqui sentada.
- She was seeing someone right here.
- Está a ser observada por alguém daqui.
We were hoping she was coming here to explain her actions before we turned this matter over to the authorities, which we'll do right now. No, whoa, whoa, wait.
Esperavamos que viesse explicar as suas acções antes de levarmos isto às autoridades, que é o que vamos fazer agora.
I was reading the kid his rights, when she took out a gun and she shot me right here in the chest.
Estava a ler os direitos ao miúdo, quando ela pega numa arma e me dá um tiro aqui, no peito.
There was a girl sitting across from me. She was wearing this dress that was buttoned... clear up right to here.
Ela tinha um vestido abotoado até aqui.
She was, er... stabbed in an alleyway that was right near here.
Ela foi... esfaqueada num beco perto daqui.
I miss her and love her as much right now as I did when she was still here.
Sinto a falta dela e amo-a tanto agora... como quando ela aqui estava.
If you had to do it all over again I mean, if she was here right now would you tell her?
Se tivesses de repetir tudo, quer dizer, se ela estivesse aqui agora... dir-lhe-ias?
The pretty one upstairs. - Yeah, yeah, right. She was only here for a while.
Só cá esteve pouco tempo.
- She was walking ahead of me, right here,
- Ela ia à minha frente, aqui mesmo, e depois desapareceu.
She was right here.
Acha que invadir a privacidade de uma mulher seja inofensivo? - Não foi essa a intenção.
She was right about here when she slipped.
Estava mesmo aqui quando escorregou.
She was working as a physician, right here at the Centre... in the staff dispensary.
Ela trabalhava como médica aqui mesmo, no Center, na enfermaria do pessoal.
Hey, Charlie, you know what I think she'd say if she was here right now? - What?
Charlie, sabe o que acho que ela diria, se estivesse aqui?
- She was just right here.
- Estava aqui ainda agora.
If she was here right now, maybe we'd have a house with a little fence up in Silvertown, that place you talk about.
Se estivesse viva, talvez tivéssemos uma casinha com uma vedação em Silvertown, aquela cidade de que falas.
She was, like, totally naked right here.
Ela estava nua, bem ali.
Your dad was like a father to me. And I promised him that I would always... look after you and your mother... and as long as she was alive, you'd have a job right here.
O teu pai era como um pai para mim... e eu prometi-lhe que... iria cuidar sempre de ti e da tua mãe...
I think she was killed right here in this museum.
- Está doido. - Não é a bófia que o assusta.
"l was right here, so was she"
Eu estava mesmo aqui, assim como ela
If she was here, you'd be dead right now.
Se ela estivesse aqui, agora serias uma rapariga morta.
That's fine, nurse Clayton go right ahead okay, what the hell was she doing here?
Tudo bem, enfermeira Clayton pode trazer. Ok, o que estava ela a fazer aqui?
Yeah, my old girlfriend from Oklahoma... was gonna fly out here for the dance... but she couldn't'cause she's doing some modeling right now.
A minha antiga namorada do Oklahoma vinha para o baile, mas não pôde vir, porque agora é modelo.
We know she was shot right here.
Nós sabemos que ela foi atingida aqui.
Look, I'm not denying she was here, all right?
Não nego que ela esteve aqui, está bem?
She was murdered and I was right here when it happened. Lying next to her, stone drunk, just like she was.
Foi assassinada e eu estava aqui quando aconteceu, deitado mesmo ao lado e tão bêbedo como ela.
I was talking to the psychologist, in a room down here... then somebody opened the door... and right then she came towards me... you know, to hug me, and I got scared... I kept looking at her hands to check for anything... that could hurt me, cut me.
Que eu tava conversando com a psicóloga, numa sala aqui embaixo... aí, abriram a porta... aí, na hora que abriram a porta, ela veio pra cima de mim... sabe, pra me abraçar, e eu, apavorada... só olhava as mão dela pra ver se não tinha alguma coisa... que ia me machucar, me cortar.
Only the makeup on the right side of her face is streaked, which means, she was lying here dead when the rain began.
Apenas a maquilhagem do lado direito da cara está escorrida, o que quer dizer que estava aqui morta quando a chuva começou.
And every time I called, she wouldn't say why she was here... ... and kept going on about... ... how she couldn't handle dating anyone right now.
E sempre que telefonei, não me disse porque estava aqui e estava sempre a dizer que agora não pode andar com ninguém.
[Laughing] my mother would have a kitten if she knew i was here right now.
A minha mãe não ia achar graça nenhuma se soubesse que estou aqui.
She was last seen driving north on the 101 by a surveillance camera right here.
Foi vista pela última vez pelas câmaras de segurança, ia em direcção norte na 101.
All right, here. "Candace said the only person she could really talk to lately was her priest."
Muito bem, aqui. "Candace disse que a única pessoa com quem ela podia falar ultimamente era o seu padre."
So, Lois said that she was standing right here the whole time.
A Lois disse que estava aqui durante todo o tempo.
And, suddenly, he thinks she might be playing him, so he comes here, sees she's cleaned the place out, and realizes he was right.
E, de repente, acha que ela talvez estivesse a gozar com ele, então veio aqui, vê que ela limpou o lugar, e percebe que ele estava correcto.
This woman right here is the most loving, most generous, most wonderful person in the whole wide bloody word, and until very recently, I don't know why, but she was my girlfriend, and I screwed up, Rach.
Esta mulher é a pessoa mais amorosa, mais generosa, mais maravilhosa deste mundo maldito e, até muito recentemente, não sei porquê, mas ela era a minha namorada e eu lixei tudo, Rach.

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