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She was there traducir portugués

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No, no, no, she was there to see me.
Não, não, não, estava lá para me ver.
She was there.
Ela estava lá.
Yeah, she was there, though, today.
Sim, no entanto, hoje estava.
The guard said she was there, and that's when he sent in the two hundjager.
O segurança disse que ela estava lá. Então ele mandou os Hundjager irem.
She was there with the same person every time.
Ela esteve lá sempre com a mesma pessoa.
She was there when they played poker.
Ela estava lá quando jogaram póquer.
She was there the first time, so I told her she could sit this one out.
Ele ficou comigo na primeira vez, então, eu disse-lhe que não era preciso desta vez.
She was there two times a week.
Ela visitava-a duas vezes por semana.
She was there, though. We have a connection now.
No entanto, ela estava lá.
She was always complaining bout how she was a little small up there, so she had the doc add a couple bra sizes.
Ela sempre reclamava que eles tinham ficado menores, então ela fez o médico colocar mais um pouco.
Sometimes she would try to say that he was too tired, or she'd want to be there to help, but Howard really understands how important it is to be a mentor to a little boy like Matty.
Às vezes, ela tentava dizer que ele andava muito cansado, ou que gostaria de estar lá para ajudar... Mas o Howard entende o quanto é importante, ser mentor para um miúdo como o Matty.
- Well... there was a house in, uh... in Westchester, and she said she needed to get inside.
- Bem... havia uma casa em, uh... em Westchester, e ela disse que precisava entrar.
She used to say there was a monster in her room.
Ela dizia que tinha um monstro no quarto dela.
She was just standing there, and she'd been shot.
Ela estava ali parada e tinha levado um tiro.
There's rumors going around that she was...
Há rumores que ela estava...
You know he never admitted to meeting Lori Oliver, yet he was there when she died.
Ele nunca admitiu o encontro com a Lori Oliver, ainda que estivesse lá quando ela morreu.
She was working for you over there?
Ela trabalhava para si lá?
She thought I was there with Kirsten.
Ela pensou que eu estava lá com a Kirsten.
And for the record, if there was anybody who could flirt with a mountain range, she's probably standing in front of you right now!
E se há alguém capaz de namoriscar com uma montanha essa pessoa está à sua frente.
She said there was nothing more they could do for her.
Disse que não podem fazer mais nada por ela.
There's a PSA, Zoe Rivera, who was stuck, and she's threatening to sue the hospital.
Há uma auxiliar, Zoe Rivera, que foi picada por uma seringa, e está ameaçando processar o hospital.
That was kind of a sexy little dress she had on there.
Era um tipo de vestido sexy que ela lá tinha.
She was dumped there by a semi truck, hours after the shooting.
Ela foi abandonada lá por um camião, horas depois do tiroteio.
There was a trial. She was found
Ela foi considerada culpada de adultério.
She said there was a person on the island who might wish her ill.
Ela disse que havia alguém na ilha que lhe queria mal.
How was I supposed to know she'd be there?
Como podia eu saber que ela ia estar ali?
The good news is there is no evidence to suggest that she was killed there,
A boa notícia é que não há nenhuma prova que sugira que ela foi lá morta.
He had motive to kill his wife, there were no signs of forced entry, so she probably knew her attacker, his gun was the murder weapon.
Ele tinha motivo para matar a esposa dele, não havia sinais de entrada a força, então ela provavelmente conhecia o seu agressor, a sua arma era a arma do crime.
You know... she said there was nothing between the two of them.
Sabe... Ela disse que não havia nada entre os dois.
She was just there.
Ainda agora estava ali.
I mean, it was a little bit embarrassing. I didn't even know "she-ro" was a word, And there it was, in icing.
Foi um pouco embaraçoso, nem sabia que "heroína" se aplicava ali, mas lá estava ela escrita no bolo.
You know, it was one thing when she was living there with Pi, but now that she's alone, why not dump the dump and come home?
Uma coisa era ela a morar com aquele Pi, mas agora que está sozinha, porque não voltar para casa?
- Why was she there?
Quem é?
So you think it was working when she went up there.
Então acha que estava a funcionar quando ela foi até lá acima.
Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical beings from the land, and there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones that weakened the king on every full moon.
E também havia uma feiticeira má, com pedras encantadas que enfraqueciam o rei a cada lua cheia.
Is there any contact information? Or an address of where she was staying?
Existe uma informação de contacto ou o endereço de onde ela morava?
There's no way Jade would set foot in here. Not with the clothes that she was wearing.
Não há a mínima hipótese da Jade pôr aqui os pés, não com as roupas que ela estava a usar.
All she did was complain about her husband, saying now that she was married, there's no romance in her life.
Ela só reclamava do marido, dizendo que, agora que casou, não tem mais romance na vida.
No, I just came home, and I saw that... she was lying there, dead.
Não. Não, só cheguei a casa e vi que... ela estava lá deitada, morta.
Because I heard that she was on truck there and dated the Lieutenant, kind of under the radar.
Porque ouvi dizer que ela estava no Camião de lá e namorava com o tenente, sem ninguém saber.
She was born there.
Ela nasceu lá.
If she was murdered, there has to be another way out.
Se ela foi assassinada, tem que haver outra saída.
I thought she was bleeding again, but there's no output in the Thora-Seal.
Achei que fosse hemorragia, mas não há nada no dreno. - Almofada.
She wouldn't have missed this unless there was something wrong.
Ela não teria faltado a isto a não ser que algo errado se passasse.
I look up, and there she was, hanging from a cable, installing a camera.
Olhei para cima e lá estava ela, a segurar-se num cabo, a instalar uma câmara.
He had her on the floor before she knew there was anything to see.
Ele atirou-a ao chão antes de ela conseguir ver alguma coisa.
I was just not asking the right questions. She hadn't seen her husband in eight years, But she was positive there's no way that he killed dexter.
Ela não via o marido há oito anos, mas tinha a certeza que ele não tinha matado o Dexter.
We know that moments before she was murdered, Brenda was back there with Dennis doing a cam session.
Sabemos que momentos antes dela ser morta, a Brenda voltou para ali com o Dennis para gravar uma sessão com a câmara.
When I got home, there she was...
Quando cheguei a casa, lá estava ela...
And I was ready to make a scene, but she just sat there in her seat.
Eu queria fazer uma cena, mas ela ficou ali no seu lugar.
There's no comparison... unless there was some statistical calculation she blew, some gross error buried way down in the data.
Não há comparação. A menos que houvesse alguma estatística errada. Algum erro grosseiro no meio dos dados.

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