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She was great traducir portugués

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She was convinced that she was great and that all I needed was guidance on her part.
Ela estava convencida de que era óptima, e de que eu só precisava que ela me orientasse.
- She was great tonight, huh?
- Foi óptima hoje, não foi?
- Didn't I tell you she was great?
- Não te tinha dito que ela era genial?
How about her. She was great.
- Ela foi maravilhosa.
- She was great.
Sim, olha...
She was great, and thought I was great.
Ela era o máximo, e pensava que eu era o máximo.
And then, someday, when he's an old man and his grandchildren ask him about Mata Hari he must tell a great lie, say that she was a wonderfully good woman.
E então, algum dia, quando ele se tornar um ancião e seus netos lhe perguntarem sobre Mata Hari ele deve dizer uma grande mentira, que era uma mulher maravilhosamente boa.
Perhaps Signor Guardi will make you into a great singer, as she was.
Talvez ele a transforme numa grande cantora, como a sua tia.
It was a great treat when she'd unlock them... and take them out and tell me all their stories.
Eu adorava quando ela o abria, tirava tudo, contava as suas histórias.
His devotion was so great that he refused to believe... she was lost to him forever.
Há 3.000 anos, a princesa Ananka morreu.
She was under great emotional strain the night your first wife killed herself.
Ela sofreu uma forte pressão emocional na noite em que a sua mulher se suicidou.
Her death was doubtful, and but that great command o'ersways the order she should in ground unsanctified have lodge till the last trumpet.
A sua morte foi duvidosa, e se não fosse uma ordem suprema, iria habitar em terra profana até ao juízo final.
It was like that old woman in Great Expectations... that Miss Havisham in her rotting wedding dress and her torn veil... taking it out on the world because she'd been given the go-by.
Era como aquela velha mulher no "Grandes Esperanças"... a Menina Havisham com o seu vestido de noiva podre e o véu rasgado... culpando o mundo, por ter sido abandonada.
I'm sorry to hear it. She was a lady of great wealth.
Por falar em faces agradáveis você não esteve ao serviço da Condessa Staviska?
She had a theory that behind every great man was a great woman.
Acreditava que por trás de um grande homem, está uma grande mulher.
Oh, Dick, she was just great!
Oh, Dick, ela esteve tão bem!
She had read that the Great Collodi was going on tour of the provinces.
Pois tinha lido que o Grande Collodi ia em turnê pela província.
Finally, he asked her to send him a photograph, and Julia, with great trepidation, sent him a blurred snapshot taken long ago when she was 23.
Finalmente, ele pediu-lhe que lhe enviasse uma fotografia, e Júlia, bastante nervosa, enviou-lhe uma baça fotografia tirada há muito tempo, quando tinha 23 anos.
She was Peter's great grandmother.
Foi a bisavó de Peter.
One of them looked down, and among the empty beer cans and dead barracuda, she saw the long backbone of the great fish that was now just garbage waiting to go out with the tide.
Uma delas olhou para baixo, e, | entre as latas vazias de cerveja... ela viu a longa espinha | do grande peixe... que agora não passava de lixo, | à espera de ser levado pela maré.
And, of course, she will be in our city as the guest of Mrs. Roland Kingston, whose great-grandfather, the Duke Val... Vladimir, was related to the Archduke Maximilian Rupert Lupin of the Duchy of Morovia.
Está na cidade a convite da Sra. Roland Kingston, cujo bisavô, o Duque Vladimir, era parente do Arquiduque Maximilian Rupert Lupin da Moróvia.
She that was great among nations has lost her glory.
A que foi a maior entre as nações perdeu a glória.
Even if I told you that she just stopped me from walking into a great big cobra and that she knew what she was doing?
Mesmo se eu te dissesse que ela me impediu de ir na direção de uma uma enorme cobra... e que ela sabia o que estava a fazer?
She's a great danger. And it was not necessary.
Ela é um grande perigo e não era necessário.
Not to dispute your computer, Mr. Spock, but from what little you've told me, I'd say she was a pearl of great price.
Não quero contestar o seu computador, mas, pelo pouco que me contaram, diria que ela era uma pérola valiosa.
She was of great value.
Ela era de grande valor.
I thought she was bitten by a Great Dane.
Pensei que tinha sido mordida por um dinamarquês.
- Yeah, she was great.
- Ela era maravilhosa.
Sally lived in Rome and she was a great...
A Sallie vivia em Roma e era uma óptima...
She was the wife of a great man.
Ela era a esposa de um grande homem.
Besides, she was a mother, and would have great comfort in the dressing, educating and dandling of their little Bryan.
Além do mais, como mãe toda a sua alegria... se resumia a vestir, educar e mimar o pequeno Bryan.
She was a great. Dear friend of mine. And I shall remember her forever.
Ela era uma grande amiga minha e a recordarei sempre conduzindo... livremente pelo o céu por cima das cabeças dos anjos.
She was once a great beauty.
Era uma mulher muito bonita.
Regan's guilt was so great, she repressed everything.
O sentimento de culpa da Regan foi tão grande que ela reprimiu tudo.
She was a great wοman, but she cοuldn't hοld οn to her husband ΄
Era uma grande mulher... mas não soube manter o marido.
She was a great ballerina. She was our idol.
Era uma óptima bailarina, o nosso ídolo.
Like Miss Irene is a lady that helped raise me, she brought over some dressing with almonds in it and stuff, it was great.
A Sra. Irene era uma senhora que me ajudou a criar. Ela trouxe uns molhos de amêndoa e assim.
By all accounts, she was a great beauty.
Segundo os testemunhos, era de uma grande beleza.
In great personal danger Hypatia continued to teach and to publish until, in the year 415 A.D., on her way to work she was set upon by a fanatical mob of Cyril's followers.
Apesar do grande perigo que corria, Hipátia continuou a ensinar e a publicar, até que no ano de 415 d. C. a caminho do seu trabalho, foi atacada por um grupo, de fanáticos partidários do Arcebispo Cirilo.
She was... she was such a great woman.
Ela era... Ela era uma mulher tão grande.
To people all over the world She was one of the great women of this century.
Para as pessoas em todos o mundo... Ela era uma das grandes mulheres deste Século.
To people all over the world she was one of the great women of this century.
Para as pessoas de todo o Mundo... ela era uma das grandes mulheres deste Século.
She was under great pressure. You could tell.
Estava sob muita pressão.
Besides the myth of a great singer, she was a sensitive girl, very lonely.
Além do mito de grande cantora, era uma rapariga muito sensível, muito solitária.
She liked to come around and brag about how great she was doing.
Ela gostava de aparecer por cá e de gabar-se de como estava bem na vida.
Her natural speech was a great obstacle to get over... yet through diligence and perseverance... plus a rather special intimate knowledge... of many Broadway personalities... it was only a question of time... before she emerged a full-blown star.
O seu jeito de falar era um grande obstáculo, mas Mas, com diligência e perseverança... e um factor muito especial, o conhecimento intimo... de muitas personalidades da Broadway... foi só uma questão de tempo... até que ela se tornasse numa grande estrela.
She was a great old lady.
Era uma grande senhora.
Yeah, she was your great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother or something.
- Foi a tua tetra-tetra-tetra-avó.
Mmm, that was delicious, Laurel. Isn't she a great cook?
Uma delícia, Laurel.
- She was going to leave today with great haste.
- Ela ia partir hoje com muita pressa.
She was really great.
Era maravilhosa.

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