Keep it on Çeviri İspanyolca
4,788 parallel translation
Maybe we should keep it on the wall.
Quizá debamos dejarlo en la pared.
Do you want to take the shirt off or you gonna keep it on?
¿ Quieres quitarte la camiseta o te la vas a dejar puesta?
Just keep it on the Q.T.
Mantenlo en secreto.
Only chance we got is to keep it on the mountain.
La única oportunidad que tenemos de mantener - Los montaña.
And happy almost birthday. I will keep it on the D.L.
Y casi feliz por el cumpleaños, Permaneceré en el Distrito Local.
- Keep it on point, Mr. Agos.
¿ Tomó notas durante esas entrevistas?
- Yeah. - We gotta keep just laying it on,
- Tenemos que seguir echando...
You've no idea how painful it is to keep on doing something and keep on doing something even though you know it's wrong, but... .. you just can't stop.
No tienes ni idea de lo doloroso que es seguir haciendo algo... y seguir haciendo algo a pesar de que sabes que está mal, pero... no puedes parar.
And I just keep on pushing it down.
Y solo seguía empujandolo hacia abajo.
Henry wanted me to see it as a chance to spy on him, but I saw it for what it really was- - a ploy to keep me close.
Henry quería que lo viera como una oportunidad para espiarle, pero yo lo vi como realmente fue... una estratagema para mantenerme cerca.
Why keep on with it, then?
¿ Entonces por qué seguir?
- Maybe it's easier for you to turn things on and off when we leave here, but I can't keep things separate.
- Tal vez sea más fácil para ti cambiar cosas dentro y fuera cuando dejemos esto, pero no puedo mantener las cosas separadas.
- Come on, keep it together.
- Vamos, todos juntos.
And then it'll be on your head to keep him in line.
Y entonces será cosa tuya mantenerlo a raya.
Keep pressure on it.
Mantén la presión.
The hair was up on the back of his neck, and he was trying to keep it together.
Él estaba asustado. Y trataba de permanecer de pie.
All right, keep on it.
Muy bien, sigue con ello.
That's funny because it looks to me like that little witch of yours got her hands on a spell that I keep locked away.
Es curioso porque a mi me parece qe esa pequeña bruja tuya tiene un hechizo entre las manos que yo mantengo bloqueado.
It's better to keep your eyes down the road, my man, on your very bright future.
Es mejor que mantengas tus ojos en el camino, amigo, en tu brillante futuro.
It is not being used to keep out illegal aliens, but rather to deport legal residents like Robert, who simply walked on to the wrong line!
No esta siendo utilizado para dejar afuera inmigrantes ilegales, sino mas como para deportar a residentes legales como Robert, quien simplemente se formo en la línea equivocada!
We'll keep working on it.
Seguiremos trabajando en ello.
It wasn't to keep watch on me?
¿ No están solamente para vigilarme?
I offered to fund his work on the condition that if he did solve it, we would keep the proof under wraps.
Me ofrecí a financiar su trabajo con la condición de que si lo resolvía, mantendríamos la prueba en secreto.
Keep it up, and I'm putting all the food on the top shelf.
Seguid así, y pondré toda la comida en el estante más alto.
Well, it's gonna keep on coming unless we do something. [Taser clicking] Okay, I thought I'd give that a shot.
Pues seguirá avanzando a menos que hagamos algo.
- It's a joint investigation, but there was a gang shooting on Dixie Road early this morning, multiple homicides, so this one's yours for now, but keep them in the loop when they catch up with you.
- Es una investigación conjunta, pero hubo un tiroteo entre bandas en Dixie Road est mañana temprano, múltiples homicidios, así que esta es tuya por ahora, pero mantenlos informados para ponerlos al tanto contigo.
It's just that you've been on this revenge kick for 2,000 years, and maybe hating him is an excuse to keep him in your life.
No, no. Es que has estado con esto de la venganza 2.000 años, y quizás odiarle es una excusa para mantenerlo en tu vida.
Well, it might keep everyone's pants on downstairs.
Bueno, tal vez mantendrá a todos los que estén abajo con los pantalones puestos.
I'm just going to keep suggesting it until you come to it on your own.
Solo lo estoy sugiriendo hasta que lo hagas por tu cuenta.
I walk past it regularly these days to keep an eye on the children.
Me pasa con regularidad en estos días para mantener un ojo en los niños.
We need to keep an eye on that. Anything you find, kick it up to Mr. Froines and to myself.
Cualquier cosa que encontréis, informad al Sr. Froines o a mí mismo.
- We are on the same side. You can't keep disagreeing with me and pretend it's an agreement.
No puedes seguir discrepando conmigo y pretender que es un acuerdo.
- Nonsense, Skip, it's to keep him on his toes.
- ¡ Tonterías, Skip, es para mantenerlo alerta!
I don't wanna go to Paris if it's gonna keep us on hold.
Yo no quiero ir a París si nos va a mantener en espera.
Right, it also helps to keep that batter on it.
Derecho, sino que también ayuda para mantener ese bateador en ella.
With the cheers of your audience, they're gonna keep you up, and you're gonna fly in on wings made of instruments because it's your talent.
Con los aplausos del publico, ellos te mantendran en el aire, y vas a volar con alas hechas de instrumentos porque ese es tu talento.
All right, sir, you're gonna have to keep pressure on it.
Está bien, señor, va a tener que seguir presionándolo.
That suicide call's what started all this, and I... I keep thinking that if I had just handled it differently, maybe she wouldn't have bailed on 51.
Esa llamada suicida fue la que empezó todo esto, y yo... sigo pensando que si lo hubiera manejado de otra manera, quizás ella no hubiera abandonado la 51.
We'll keep working on it.
Seguiremos trabajando en eso.
You may want to keep the lights on in your yard tonight in case someone tries to build a cabin on it as well.
Puede que quiera dejar encendidas las luces en su patio esta noche en caso que alguien intente construir una cabaña en él.
Let me work on that, because if that's the only way to keep Remington under wraps, believe me, it will happen.
Déjame hacerlo, porque si es la única manera de mantener a Remington en secreto, créeme, pasará.
I think it's high time the man tame his cobra and keep the lid on the basket so our country can focus on education, keeping jobs here at home.
Creo que es hora de que el hombre domestique a su cobra y que mantenga sus problemas personales en secreto para que nuestro país se puede centrar en la educación, en mantener trabajos aquí en casa.
Don't you think it'd be smarter to keep the momentum going, and start on chapters four through six?
¿ No crees que sería más sabio dejar que el momento continúe? y empezar los capítulos del cuatro al seis?
It's like Mr. Shue did it on purpose to keep us apart.
Es como si el Sr. Shue lo hiciera a propósito para separarnos.
Keep an eye on him. Take it.
Échale un ojo en él.
♪ and keep talking that mess ♪ that's fine ♪ but could you walk and talk ♪ at the same time ♪ ♪ and it's my name ♪ that's on that jag
* y mantenga decir tonterias * Está bien pero podías caminar y hablar * A la vez * * y es mi nombre * Este es el que jag * así que ven pasar su bolsa * Déjame llamarte un taxi
Keep thinking on it, will ya?
Sigue pensando en eso, ¿ lo harás?
I have it, of course... It's that, as illegals, we can't keep anything on us that could identify us.
Es que, en la clandestinidad no debemos tener nada que nos identifique.
Keep on joking, dad, but when your math book goes missing, ask a hippie to find it.
Sigue bromeando, papá, pero cuando tu libro de matemática se pierda... pídele a un hippie que lo encuentre.
Or maybe they'll keep on killing until it tells them to stop.
O puede ser que sigan matando hasta que se les diga que paren.
All right, uh, I'll keep workin'on it.
Vale, seguiré trabajando en ello.
keep it simple 78
keep it clean 38
keep it a secret 17
keep it up 404
keep it real 39
keep it cool 16
keep it in your pants 49
keep it light 16
keep it going 151
keep it that way 54
keep it clean 38
keep it a secret 17
keep it up 404
keep it real 39
keep it cool 16
keep it in your pants 49
keep it light 16
keep it going 151
keep it that way 54
keep it together 122
keep it safe 28
keep it coming 99
keep it moving 169
keep it steady 42
keep it straight 27
keep it down 315
keep it tight 44
keep it to yourself 61
keep it 585
keep it safe 28
keep it coming 99
keep it moving 169
keep it steady 42
keep it straight 27
keep it down 315
keep it tight 44
keep it to yourself 61
keep it 585
keep it quiet 41
keep it short 16
keep it there 25
keep it movin 16
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
keep it short 16
keep it there 25
keep it movin 16
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
onward 91
one day at a time 90
ondrej 26
one moment please 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one day at a time 90
ondrej 26
one moment please 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931