Not with us Çeviri İspanyolca
3,760 parallel translation
You're not with us.
No estás con nosotros.
As I see it, I'm hearing about a girl who's not with us.
A mí, me hablan de una niña que no está con nosotros.
And if you are mistaken and she is not with us?
¿ Y si está equivocado y ella no está con nosotros?
Gandalf, these decisions do not rest with us alone.
Gandalf, estas decisiones no dependen solo de nosotros.
Not at 4 : 00 a.m., with a bloody arm, and with that... plaster zebra coldly watching us.
No a las 4 dela mañana, con un brazo ensangrentado y COD esa... cebra de yeso observándonos fríamente.
With you and Dolly to defend us I do not think it will come to that.
Contigo y Dolly para defendernos, no creo que llegaremos a eso.
They shall curse themselves for not being here, for not being able to say they fought with us upon the field of Evermore!
¡ Ellos estarán malditos por no estar aquí, por no ser capaces de decir que pelearon en el campo de Evermore!
That will be all of us, if we do not become friends with the Indians.
Seremos todos nosotros si no hacemos amistad con los indios.
I could never leave the flock, especially not with the hunters after us.
Nunca dejaría la Parvada y menos con los cazadores persiguiéndonos.
Did it not occur to you... that he might be an imposter in league with the Wicked Witch... and sent here to kill us?
¿ No se te ocurrió que podría ser un impostor complotado con la Malvada Bruja que lo envió para matarnos?
I pray the heavens smile upon this act, and do not punish us with later sorrow.
Ruego para que el cielo sonría ante este acto y no nos castigue luego con pesares.
Let us not take a chance with lovers'vows when Jove does laugh at their fragility.
No nos arriesguemos con los votos de los amantes cuando Júpiter se ríe de su fragilidad.
These boys do not need to come back with us.
Estos chicos no necesitan volver con nosotros.
Damnit, Xenya, I told you that you're not coming with us!
- Te digo que no vendrás.
Well, are you ready at last to cross the mountain with us or not?
Bueno ¿ por fin estás listo para cruzar la montaña con nosotros o no?
Lexie, she's not coming with us.
Lexie, no irá con nosotros.
So what are you doing over here talking to us and not over there, sealing the deal with that cougar?
Entonces, ¿ qué estás haciendo aquí hablando con nosotros y no allí, sellando el trato con ese puma? ( NT : Cougar, mujeres mayores que buscan jovenes )
As you know, reporters are not allowed into the courthouse, but if you stay with us, we will be out here waiting for his return.
Como ya saben, no se les permite a los periodistas a estar en la corte, pero si se quedan con nosotros, estaremos aquí afuera esperando su regreso.
Since you decided to stay with us for a while, that selfish, self-pitying, most of the time, not even well written excuse for a goodbye note?
Ya que decidiste quedarte con nosotros... ¿ esa egoísta, autocompasiva...? Casi todo el tiempo... ni siquiera bien escrita excusa para una nota de despedida?
That's the problem with women... we give away our hearts without a thought, they do not even give us a thought.
Ese es el problema con las mujeres... regalamos nuestro corazón sin pensar, ni siquiera nos dan una idea.
Easterly or northeasterly four or five, occasionally Bible tells us, you know, in Gethsemane, talking to God and wanting to not go through with this thing and hesitating, you know.
Al este o al noreste cuatro o cinco, ocasionalmente la Biblia nos dice : sabes, en Getsemaní, hablar con Dios y querer no seguir con esto y vacilar, ya sabes.
They know that in a few days we will dehydrate and not have to worry with any of us.
Saben que en unos días estaremos deshidratados... y no tendrán que preocuparse
- I do not think we had with us!
No creo que haya estado bromeando.
We, you know, [stammers] establish Commercial Vendor X does not want to share anything with us.
Nosotros, ya sabes, [tartamudea] establecer Vendedor Comercial X no quiere compartir nada con nosotros.
Or he just wanted a different life, not with us.
O, sólo quería una vida diferente, no con nosotros.
Then you have not lost anything with us.
No nos sirves para nada.
She's not really with us anymore.
La verdad ya no sigue aquí.
Do not you fucking on wholesaler and take with us?
¿ Por qué no olvidas el centro comercial y vienes con nosotros?
Tell me Mahmoud Kahlil is not longer with us.
Dígame que Mahmoud Kahlil no está más con nosotros.
If it becomes pertinent, I will tell them myself, but until then, I suggest that all of us get comfortable with the possibility that they may not be coming back alive.
Si fuera pertinente, yo mismo se lo diré, hasta entonces sugiero que todos nosotros... barajemos la posibilidad... de que no vuelvan con vida.
But I'm not so sure my being here is about us or anything, I mean, the relationship I had with you.
Pero no estoy seguro si que yo esté aquí se trate de nosotros o algo, me refiero a la relación que tuve contigo.
He's not safe with us.
No está a salvo con nosotros.
I'm still not sold on them yet. And after that, I asked Drew from Spotco to sit with us to talk radio ads.
Y después de eso, pediré a Drew de Spotco que se siente con nosotros para hablar de los anuncios radiofónicos.
He used ink and brushes and some watercolors but he created life with that, which I think is what every cartoonist aspires to, but not many of us ever get to achieve that.
à ‰ l utilizà ³ tinta y pinceles y algunas acuarelas pero eso... Es decir, à © l creà ³ la vida con eso lo cual, creo, es lo que todo dibujante aspira pero no muchos de nosotros lo logramos.
Whatever it was that killed Elise, whatever it was that was haunting my family is not done with us.
Sea lo que sea que mato a Elise... sea lo que sea que estaba espantando a mi familia no ha acabado con nosotros.
You're not going to trip us up with a technicality.
No nos hunda por un tecnicismo.
Well, you're not to bore us with all that oil talk.
No nos aburras con lo del petróleo.
Stand with us or... not at all.
O permanecéis a nuestro lado o... no permanecéis.
- But it will not come with us?
- ¿ Pero no va a venir con nosotros?
But he's not angry with us.
Pero él no está enfadado con nosotros.
And I pray that you will help us fend off hatred, so that we may all truly trust in you with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding.
Y te ruego que nos ayudes a dejar afuera el odio y así todos podamos realmente confiar en ti con todo nuestro corazón y no apoyarnos en nuestro propio conocimiento.
I am the one that agreed to let Dan investigated with us, not you.
Yo fui el que accedió a que Dan fuera a investigar con nosotros, no tú.
Although many are not coming with us today, we are going to another plane, another place.
Aunque muchos otros no vendrán hoy con nosotros, vamos hacia otro plano, otro lugar.
I know you're not helping us out of decency, so what deal did you do with the mayor?
Sé que no nos estás ayudando por decencia así que, ¿ qué trato hiciste con la alcaldesa?
But you could not say no to Rambo who had us I convinced that even had sex with Eve when he felt like it.
Pero no podías decirle que no a Rambo quien nos había convencido que aun tenia sexo con Eva cuando le daba la gana.
Don't worry, honey, I'm not going to stop until our little girl is back safe with us.
No te preocupes, cariño, no voy a parar hasta que nuestra pequeña esté sana y salva con nosotros.
You're not going anywhere with us.
No vas a ningún lado con nosotros.
That man, an eccentric at best, a loon at worst, had full clap of the man with Catherine Eddowes and still could not describe him to us!
¡ Ese hombre, excéntrico lo mínimo, lunático lo peor se topó con el hombre que estuvo con Catherine Eddowes y aun así no lo pudo describir!
We're not insisting that Kathy stay with us because we don't trust her.
No insistimos en que Kathy se quede con nosotros porque no confiemos en ella.
I pray you are with us... and not with our enemies.
Ruego que estes con nosotros... y no con nuestros enemigos.
If Bettie doesn't come with us, I'm not leaving!
Si Bettie no viene, ¡ yo tampoco voy! - Cállate.
not without you 77
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with 22
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with this 33
not without help 16
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with 22
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with this 33
not without help 16
useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136