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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She looks happy

She looks happy Çeviri İspanyolca

133 parallel translation
She for some time should be well placed because she looks happy and satisfied, And you dress well and with good jewels.
Ella desde hace algún tiempo debe estar bien situada porque se la ve contenta y satisfecha, y viste bien y con buenas alhajas.
She looks happy.
¿ Te has fijado? Parece muy contenta.
She looks happy.
Parece contenta.
She looks happy these days, maybe she's pregnant.
quizá esté embarazada.
Okay granted, she looks happy.
Bueno, está bien. Se ve feliz.
She looks happy.
Parece feliz.
She looks happy there.
Parece feliz allí.
She looks happy.
Bueno, se ve contenta.
She looks happy.
- Djeluje Muy feliz
She looks happy.
Ella parece feliz.
She looks happy...
Parece feliz...
- She looks happy.
- Se ve feliz.
She looks happy now, but if I was married to her for eight years,
Ahora se ve feliz, pero si estuviera casado durante 8 años con ella...
- She looks happy.
- Parece contenta.
- She looks happy.
Ella parece feliz.
She looks happy.
Se la ve feliz.
She looks happy!
¡ Se ve tan feliz!
How happy she looks.
Qué felices se ven.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
Parece ser que Alice se va a casar y creo que será muy feliz, porque acabamos de conocer al chico que le has enviado y tiene buen aspecto.
She looks almost happy.
Casi parece feliz.
And she, I'm happy to say, looks more like her mother just as sweet.
Y ella, me alegra decirlo, se parece a su mamá igual de dulce.
She looks the happy-hap-happiest lady there is
Parece la mujer más feliz del mundo
She sure looks happy
Ella seguramente está feliz
Look at how happy she looks.
= = =
She looks very happy.
Parece muy feliz.
She looks very happy, Jack.
Está muy contenta.
It looks like Keller " s coming out of the game, and she is not happy about it!
Parece que Keller está fuera de juego, ¡ y no parece muy contenta!
Heard she looks great, really happy.
Dicen que está muy bien, muy contenta.
I want to see how Maya looks when she's happy.
Quiero ver como es Maya cuando esta feliz.
But she looks so pretty and happy.
Pero parece tan hermosa y feliz.
She looks so happy.
Se ve tan feliz.
I'm so happy she looks good.
Qué bueno que se vea bien.
Could be true. She looks to happy to be on TV.
Podría ser verdad, pero se ve demasiado contenta de salir en la TV.
- She looks so happy there.
Ahí parece muy feliz.
She looks too happy.
Ella se ve muy feliz.
Well, I think she looks pretty happy, doesn't she?
Te doy dedos y mis pies.
Look how happy she looks.
Mira qué contenta se la ve.
Look how happy she looks.
Mírala qué cara de felicidad.
I think she looks happy in your office.
- Sí, quiere.
She looks so happy.
Se ve muy contenta.
She looks so happy she does
Parece tan feliz Lo es
She looks so happy.
- Se ve tan feliz.
She looks perfectly happy to me.
A mí me parece muy feliz.
That man looks like her fiance. She must be so happy that she's crying.
Mirando a esa persona... empecé a pensar lo afortunado que soy.
She looks like she's happy, right?
La expresión que tenía su cara... era exactamente la expresión que me imaginaba...
But, uh... a woman, who's not happy with the way she looks, there's no changing her mind so uh... if you need me to tell you what should be obvious...
Pero una mujer que no es feliz con su físico no va a cambiar de opinión, así que si quieres decirme lo que ya parece obvio...
She looks so happy.
Parece muy feliz.
I don't know. Have you seen how happy she looks with him?
No lo sé. ¿ Has visto lo feliz que se le ve con él?
But if she looks half as good as you in that dress, then I will be one happy leading man.
Pero si ella luce la mitad de bien que tú en ese vestido entonces yo seré un feliz personaje principal masculino.
- She looks so happy.
- Se ve tan feliz.
She looks pretty happy to me.
Oh, ella se ve bastante feliz para mí.

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