The only translate Spanish
210,068 parallel translation
The only reason we aren't is because we wear these jellyfish that hide our brains from her powers.
A nosotros no nos controla porque protegemos nuestros cerebros con estas medusas.
No. We're not going to the headquarters until we figure out how Zarkon found us. We can't risk losing the only allies we have in this war.
Antes de ir al cuartel central debemos saber cómo nos rastreó o pondremos en riesgo a nuestros únicos aliados.
This is the only way.
Es el único modo.
Look, you're the only one who can operate the Castle.
Eres quien maneja la nave.
It's the only connection I have to my past.
Es la única conexión con mi pasado.
The only way this is possible is if Galra blood runs through your veins.
Solo lo logran los que tienen sangre Galra en sus venas.
I guess the only question is, when do we strike?
La pregunta es : ¿ cuándo atacamos?
Go into a belly of a beast with the only Galra alien team member.
Ahora, viajo con un extraterrestre.
The only problem is, I think that we have to trigger the weblum's defense mechanism.
Debemos desencadenar el mecanismo de defensa.
You're not the only one that needs my special attention.
No eres el único que necesita mi atención especial.
The only thing I know for sure is that if you had a baby, you would love it like crazy.
Lo único que tengo claro es que si hubieses tenido ese niño, lo hubieses querido más que a nada.
It was the only way.
Era la única forma
This is the only reason I help the germans.
Esa es la única razón por la que ayudo a los alemanes.
I'm the only one I know that loves being called "ma'am." I love it.
No conozco a nadie más que disfrute que la llamen "señora".
The only thing that sucked about my trip, and I hate to complain about such a privileged thing as to go to Italy by myself, is that I booked a walking tour'cause I love that stuff.
Lo único que no me gustó de mi viaje, y odio quejarme de algo tan privilegiado, como ir a Italia sola, es que reservé una visita guiada porque me encantan.
So you four are the only people who had access to the gun?
¿ Uds. cuatro son las únicas personas que tenían acceso al arma?
I wasn't the only one to check that car over.
No fui el único que revisó el auto.
The only flaw in your plan was that Archer, just like the rest of you, had a rock-solid alibi for the time of the murder, simply because there was no murder.
La única debilidad en su plan fue que Archer, como el resto de Uds., tenía una sólida coartada al momento del asesinato... simplemente porque no había asesinato.
The only thing Harry played was both of us.
Lo único que hizo Harry fue jugar con nosotros dos.
Then the only way these doors can go up is if Sly manually disengages the locks from the command console
Entonces la única manera de que se abran las puertas es que Sly desconecte las cerraduras manualmente, desde la consola de comando.
He's gonna wish the only thing he has to worry about is arthritis.
Va a desear que de lo único que tenga que preocuparse sea la artritis.
The only way to open the doors is if Sly uses the manual override from the command console,
La única manera de abrir las puertas es si Sly usa la anulación manual desde la consola de comando,
Jane's the only family I have left.
Jane es la única familia que me queda.
Now, listen, man, remember, the only thing you gotta do is get your CFO to make that wire transfer, and we all go home.
Ahora, escucha, tío, recuerda, la única cosa que vas a hacer es conseguir a tu director financiero para hacer esa transferencia todos nos iremos a casa.
That of course, creating a process that allows you to do unembarrassing stuff on command is the only way you can survive.
Luego, crear un proceso que te permita hacer algo a pedido que no sea bochornoso es el único modo de sobrevivir.
I sensed that the only way to grow required that I loosen up.
Sentía que el único modo de crecer era soltándome.
And it was in the mid-2000s, my wife and I agreed that the only place that we could imagine to move to would be Berlin.
Y a mitad de la década del 2000 mi esposa y yo dijimos que al único sitio donde nos mudaríamos sería Berlín.
- [cooing] We have to get out of this loop before the only thing left of you is your mustache.
¡ Hay que salir de esta espiral!
When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities.
Cuando los Galra nos atacaron, pocos pudimos escapar.
Oh, if only there were another who could pilot the Red Lion.
¿ Quién podría pilotear al león rojo?
Only a few Alteans could use the teludav 10,000 ago.
Pocos alteanos usaban el teludav hace 10.000 años.
Only the powerful can command it.
Solo los poderosos lo dominan.
Because of the solar flares, it's only open for another varga.
Estará disponible una varga.
Lance, you've only got four doboshes to scan the base and land your lion before they're back online.
Lance, cuatro doboshes para aterrizar antes que vuelvan.
He only told me the love story.
Sólo me contó la de amor.
The egg's not sitting there, it only comes once in a while.
El óvulo no se queda ahí. A veces sale.
Not only is he Princeton-bound, but it turns out, he's inherited his dad's charms with the ladies.
No solo está atado a Princeton, resulta que él heredó el encanto de su papá con las damas.
Only the club committee.
Sólo el comité del club.
So only those four people knew the combination to the safe that contained the gun that, potentially, was used to kill Jerome Martin.
Así que sólo esas cuatro personas sabían la combinación de la caja fuerte que contenía el arma que potencialmente fue usada para matar a Jerome Martin.
Because now not only do we not know how our murderer managed to kill Jerome Martin, but we also don't know how they then managed to make the gun disappear after they'd done it.
Porque ahora no sólo no sabemos cómo nuestro asesino logró matar a Jerome Martin, sino que tampoco sabemos cómo logró hacer que el arma desapareciera después de haberlo hecho.
I mean I would hate to spoil what little time we have left together by telling Martha that I've fallen in love with her only for her to tell me she doesn't feel the same.
Odiaría estropear el poco tiempo que nos queda juntos diciéndole a Martha que me enamoré de ella sólo para que ella me diga que no siente lo mismo.
You only ever hear about the winnings don't you?
Sólo se oye hablar de las ganancias, ¿ no?
So we can only imagine Jerome's guilt when you revealed to him that it was his own negligence that caused Torey's tragedy - - and being the loving family man that he was, he would've been desperate to keep this a secret from Torey and Sabrina.
Así que solo podemos imaginar la culpa de Jerome cuando le reveló... que fue su propia negligencia la que causó la tragedia de Torey... y siendo el hombre de familia cariñoso que era... estaría desesperado por mantener esto como un secreto... de Torey y Sabrina.
You keep your eyes focused only on the snowcat, or otherwise...
Enfoca tus ojos solo en el carro de nieve, o sino...
Speaking of stirring up, I can only imagine what kind of trouble is being stirred up in the garage.
Hablando de revolver, solo puedo imaginar el tipo de problema que se está armando en el taller.
I know the location of the most wanted terrorist in the world, and my intel's only good for another... 86 minutes.
Conozco la localización de la terrorista más buscada del mundo, y mi información solo es buena durante otros... 86 minutos.
Roman was only on the ground for four hours.
Roman solo estuvo en tierra durante cuatro horas.
Remember, only blast the guys...
Recuerda, dispara sólo a los tipos...
It was the first city I went to by myself... and I think there's only one city in your life that you go to by yourself... and you own that.
Fue la primera ciudad a la que fui solo y creo que solo hay una ciudad en tu vida a la que vas solo y es tuya.
It's like in... I think in Charlie Brown, you never see the grown-ups, - you only hear these muffled voices, - [muffled voice] and that's perfect, that's amazing!
Es como en Charlie Brown, nunca ves a los adultos solo escuchas voces ahogadas y es perfecto, ¡ increíble!
And it only works with loosening up, without an assignment, without deadline, with just kind of creating and not worrying so much about where the whole thing goes.
Y solo funciona soltándose, sin ninguna tarea asignada ni fechas solo creando sin preocuparse tanto por cómo y dónde va todo.
the only way 33
the only thing 56
the only one 46
the only trouble is 16
the only difference is 44
the only problem is 87
the only thing is 68
the only reason 28
the only question is 81
only 1631
the only thing 56
the only one 46
the only trouble is 16
the only difference is 44
the only problem is 87
the only thing is 68
the only reason 28
the only question is 81
only 1631
only you 239
only me 129
only a little 36
only the best 34
only you can 21
only time will tell 38
only for you 27
only thing 21
only then 35
only one way to find out 127
only me 129
only a little 36
only the best 34
only you can 21
only time will tell 38
only for you 27
only thing 21
only then 35
only one way to find out 127
only now 58
only if you want to 26
only i 19
only one problem 30
only better 42
only child 42
only one 202
only once 48
only in america 16
only two 46
only if you want to 26
only i 19
only one problem 30
only better 42
only child 42
only one 202
only once 48
only in america 16
only two 46
only us 19
only by reputation 21
only problem is 60
only that 31
only just 22
only about 26
only this time 157
only joking 24
only problem 18
only worse 25
only by reputation 21
only problem is 60
only that 31
only just 22
only about 26
only this time 157
only joking 24
only problem 18
only worse 25