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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We both were

We both were translate Portuguese

1,195 parallel translation
I guess we both were right.
Parece que estavamos ambos certos.
We both were, Ethne.
Nós ambos tinhamos, Ethne.
Caesarian. We were both born at the same time.
Nascemos por cesariana, os dois ao mesmo tempo.
We, uh, we met when we were both working the omega 7 mining colony.
Nós, uh, nós conhecemo-nos quando ambos trabalhava-mos... na colónia mineira de Omega 7.
Well, I guess he thought if you were here and I were here and we were both....
Ele pensou que se você estivesse aqui e eu também... - E se nós dois estivéssemos...
And if we had met when we were both the same species I mean, who knows, you know?
E, se nos tivéssemos conhecido quando éramos da mesma espécie, quem sabe, percebes?
And then we were both stabbing him.
Depois, dávamos as duas facadas.
We once saw him beat a man till both him and the man were crying.
Uma vez, vi-o bater num homem até terem ficado os dois a chorar.
I guess we were both being selfish.
Tu não o estavas a treinar para ajudar o Sedoso.
I think we were in both time frames simultaneously, so the Stargate was there one minute and gone the next.
Por um ou dois segundos, penso que estivemos em duas datas ao mesmo tempo por isso o Stargate estava lá num minuto e tinha desaparecido no minuto seguinte.
No, Jackie, we were both asleep.
Não, Jackie, estávamos os dois a dormir.
Remember when we got back from Korea, we were both gonna buy them?
Lembras-te que quando voltamos da Coreia, íamos ambos comprá-lo?
And every step we took was only bringing us closer until we fell into that bed and you were inside me and we both knew that we'd come to the end of the line.
"e cada passo que demos só estava a aproximar-nos mais," "até termos caído naquela cama e estares dentro de mim." "E ambos sabíamos"
Every step we took was only bringing us closer until we fell into that bed and you were inside me and we both knew.
Cada passo que demos só estava a aproximar-nos mais, até termos caído naquela cama e estares dentro de mim. E ambos soubemos.
No offence, but if we were both in a tough contest you'd win.
Sem ofensa, mas se estivéssemos numa competição você ganhava.
But we were both so new at the game.
Mas éramos ambos tão novos no Jogo.
Newly ordained, we were both assigned back to New York City, where we quickly confronted the practical aspects of our jobs.
"Ordenados de fresco..." "... voltámos a Nova Iorque e enfrentámos os aspectos práticos do nosso trabalho. "
We were both ready, and it was wonderful.
Estávamos ambos preparados e foi maravilhoso.
Back then, we were both looking at three days to a new start.
Faltava-nos três dias para recomeçara vida.
This one weekend, I was down there, we were kissing each other goodbye... and her room-mate came by with her boyfriend, both carrying laundry.
Houve um fim de semana em que estávamos a despedir-nos e a colega de quarto dela passou por nós com o namorado.
We were both fooled.
Fomos ambas enganadas.
Our car flipped on an icy road and we were both injured, and he couldn't play football any more.
O carro tombou em uma estrada de gelo e nos machucamos. Ele não pôde mais jogar futebol.
We were both drunk.
Estávamos os dois bêbados.
We both think that you were born to write.
Ambos achamos que tu nasceste para escrever.
We are told these lives were traded for the many more that would have been lost on both sides in an invasion of Japan.
Disseram-nos que estas vidas foram trocadas por muitas mais que se teriam perdido de ambos os lados numa invasão ao Japão.
When we finished the first version of the film... we had two midnight screenings at the Paris Theater in New York... and they were both absolutely disastrous.
Quando terminámos a primeira versão do filme, fizemos duas exibições no Paris Theater em Nova Iorque e foram ambas um desastre.
We know how he gets his vics into the tub and we know that both deaths were homicides.
Sabemos como é que ele leva as vítimas para dentro da banheira e sabemos que ambas as mortes foram homicídios.
We were both nervous.
Estávamos os dois nervosos.
Yes, that's where we realized we were both super cool people.
Sim. Foi aí que percebemos que somos os dois pessoas super fixes.
And we were both a top so that didn't really work out.
E gostávamos os dois de estar em cima. Não resultou.
We were possibly the only chance for survival, so they sent both sets, you know, for insurance.
Quando nos enviaram para aqui, a guerra ainda estava a acontecer. Nós éramos a única hipótese de sobrevivência, por isso eles enviaram os dois conjuntos, como garantia de sucesso.
We were both in the same remedial science class for 3 years.
Nós frequentámos a mesma aula de ciências durante 3 anos.
We were able to find a host both willing and eager.
Conseguimos arranjar um hospedeiro pronto e desejoso.
We both found what we were looking for...
" Ambos encontramos o que procurávamos...
We were both kissing.
Estávamos ambos a beijar-nos.
We understand they were both friends of you ladies.
Sabemos que eram amigas de vocês.
Of course, we were both doing what we were supposed to do but under different circumstances, we might've been friends.
Claro que eles estavam a fazer o dever deles e eu estava a fazer o meu. Mas em outras circunstâncias, podíamos ter sido bons amigos.
- We were both in Berlin.
- Nós dois estávamos em Berlim.
- We both dropped off. - You fell asleep? Where were they sitting?
Então tomámos um café com leite com dois biscoitos.
We were both drunk.
Nós estávamos os dois bêbados.
We had a handshake agreement leaving Panama that we were going to toss a coin once we both got to the heli park to determine who was going to be first and who was going to be second.
Cord Filho da mãe. Não faço a mínima do que estou a fazer.
If I were acting human, we'd both be dead by now.
Se estivesse a agir como humana, já estávamos mortos neste momento
If this poor devil had some complication and his lawyers discovered you were operating with the wrong hand we both might as well bend over.
Se este pobre diabo tiver alguma complicação e os advogados dele descobrirem que operou com a mão errada, bem nos podemos virar de costas.
We were both very sick. Weren't we, dear?
Estávamos os dois doentes, não estávamos, querida?
We were both 14 and it was winter and we had terrible head colds.
Tínhamos 14 anos, era Inverno, e estávamos os dois constipados.
I wanted us to stick together but he... we... both of us, were too damned stubborn.
Eu queria que ficássemos juntos. Mas ele... - Não é sua culpa.
- And we were both in the Peace Corps.
- E fomos os dois do Corpo de Paz.
We haven't been together since you both were children.
Não estamos juntos desde que vocês eram crianças.
John, what if we were both right?
E se estávamos ambos certos?
We were both in the Legislative Youth Program.
Estávamos ambos no Programa Juvenil Legislativo.
I wish we were both dead.
Quem me dera que estivéssemos os dois mortos.

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